The AFIB Report

Your premier information resource for atrial fibrillation


Number 123
December 2012/January 2013
12th Year

In this month’s issue we highlight the exciting prospect of using stem cell therapy to eliminate atrial fibrillation. There is obviously still a long way to go, but results in the treatment of diabetes and heart disease are promising. Also in this issue, we discuss a recent study comparing efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical drugs in rhythm control versus radio frequency catheter ablation as initial (first-line) treatment for atrial fibrillation. Ablation comes out a clear winner, despite the authors’ obfuscation of the data in an attempt to make the two approaches seem of equal value. And finally, we review the results of a Norwegian study aimed at determining the most effective rate control drug for treating permanent AF, we discuss the intriguing association between height and AF risk, and we report on the connection between inflammation and persistent AF. All this, and more, in this banner issue!!

And finally, if you need to restock your supplements, please remember that by ordering through my on-line vitamin store you will be helping to defray the cost of maintaining the web site and bulletin board. You can find the store at - your continuing support is very much appreciated.

Wishing you good health and lots of NSR,


My favourite Supplements

The AFIB Report