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Part 2 Brain Health (Flecainide Alert)

Posted by Jackie 
Part 2 Brain Health (Flecainide Alert)
November 30, 2013 07:23PM
Part 2 - Brain Health (Flecainide Alert)

Topic: Neurotoxicity, Neurodegeneration and Brain Function


As if bioaccumulation and neurotoxicity from fluoride exposure contributing to arrhythmia weren’t concern enough, the impact on the Central Nervous System and brain function is devastating; and, thus deserves a separate, primary focus alert for every human being.

It’s not just fluoride that’s a concern for neurotoxicity. A plethora of substantial evidence indicts toxic chemicals, lipid peroxidation and inflammation as root causes of neurodegenerative ailments, brain dysfunction and related consequences which have been increasing in prevalence continually and dramatically not only in the aging population but in younger people as well.

Manifestations include anxiety, depression, insomnia, memory impairment, Alzheimer’s, other dementias, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, MS, ALS, suicides, mass violence and lowered IQ and are becoming more evident with time as neurotoxic exposures increase bioburdens.

In America, a new case of Alzheimer’s develops every 68 seconds; by 2050, the incidence will increase to every 33 seconds.

A 2013 study in the journal Neurology found that the number of people with Alzheimer’s disease will jump from 4.7 million to 13.8 million by 2050

Afibbers who also suffer from anxiety, insomnia, depression, mood disorders, SAD and memory lapses should be aware of toxic chemical exposure and bioburden.

A meta-analysis found that Atrial fibrillation carries a significant risk for cognitive decline, even when stroke is not involved. The risk was similar when researchers excluded cognitive impairment and analyzed the studies only for dementia, “which is more reliably diagnosed than cognitive impairment,” [Ruskin, Mass General, Annals of Internal Medicine, March 4, 2013]

The extensive topics of free radical damage and lipid peroxidation effects on brain health are not discussed in detail in this report, but a comment on ROS and aerobic exercise is noteworthy:

Neurosurgeon, Russell Blaylock cautions to “exercise, but don’t overdo it.” Too much aerobic exercise is actually harmful to your brain because it dramatically increases free radical generation which leads to brain cell deterioration and the neurodegenerative disorders. Numerous studies show that moderate exercise, such as a brisk 30-to-40-minute walk every other day is protective against Alzheimer’s/dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. What is also protective is to exercise your brain by reading, memorizing lists of facts, engaging in intellectual conversations and other intellectual pursuits… called ‘use it or lose it.’[Blaylock 2004] ROS damage in heart cells is contributory to arrhythmia.

Also, while not included in this report, consideration must be given to EMF exposure from cell phones held at the head delivering disruptive waves to the brain. Insomnia and anxiety are observable consequences and may be just the tip of the iceberg. Interrupted sleep is damaging to your brain.

Blue light emitted from electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets, computer screens and TV are disruptive to normal sleep cycles, increase stress hormones, cause depression and learning difficulty. Uninterrupted quality sleep is the time when body restores and heals and is essential to a healthy brain. Most important – during sleep, the body clears toxic metabolic waste from the brain (detoxification) and uses cerebrospinal fluid and the brain’s immune system to filter out waste and harmful metabolites that play a role in Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Toxic waste buildup in the brain manifest in symptoms such as migraines, seizures, manic highs and lows, depression, anxiety, dementia and autism. [Science 2013]

Chronic, unrelenting, uninvited stress is also toxic to your brain and causes physiological brain changes that can profoundly affect mental performance and accelerate brain degeneration. [Perlmutter 2004]

While fluoride exposure is commonly an unsuspected risk factor or perhaps more aptly, an ignored concern (denial) for much of the population’s masses, there are ubiquitous sources of many neurologically-damaging chemicals to which we are commonly exposed on a regular basis in addition to fluoride; i.e. aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, mercury, iron… a few of many. Water fluoridation or collective fluoride bioaccumulation from all sources assists the potential for disruption of brain development, brain function and does damage. As stated in the National Research Council’s extensive review, fluoride is a significant toxin, especially to the brain and thyroid. [Blaylock 2011]

Plus…..it’s not just chemicals. Studies show people with the highest intake of sugar have a 50% increase in developing dementia. When combined with high fat intake, the risk increases to 230%. High-sugar diets are associated with violent criminal behavior, poor learning and memory, anxiety attacks, depression, suicidal tendencies, homicides and other anti-social acts. Disruptive behavior in children is common with high sugar diets. [Blaylock, 2007]

“In the 21st century, we live in a poisoned world…a sea of toxins that damages our bodies and brains.” Umbilical cord blood found 287 toxic chemicals, 217 of which are toxic to the brain and nervous system in newborn infants who had yet to be exposed to toxins from food and environment outside the womb. Fifteen percent of children born in the US each year, or 600,000 children, are exposed to toxic levels of mercury in utero. [Mark Hyman, MD 2009]

Reports indicate in increase in various dysfunctions from chemical toxicity that mainstream health reporting is not addressing. Researchers who have followed neurotoxicity and the resultant neurodegeneration have come forth over the last decade to illuminate study findings and link those to what is an obvious manifestation of brain health decline…not only in the elderly, but younger pre-seniors, young people and children. The evidence is strong and smart people will not ignore the warnings even though it’s still being downplayed by medicine and media.

This very limited “awareness” review illuminates just a few of many concerns in a very extensive topic and serves to highlight important facts that should be in your awareness file as it pertains to toxic chemical exposure and brain health. Readers can follow the URLs and references which lead to hundreds of reports and publications.

These few talking points are not listed in order of importance, as they all are of critical concern.

Healthy regards,

Jackie Burgess

Supported evidence of Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration
Who better to bring awareness on this topic than a brain surgeon? Well known and highly respected, Board Certified neurosurgeon, Russell L. Blaylock, MD, CCN has been connecting the dots to neurotoxicity, neurodegeneration and brain health for a very long time. His published journal reports and book chapters describe how fluoride and other toxic chemical exposures and bioaccumulation are contributory to this escalating health issue.

Dr. Blaylock’s motivation is personal because both his parents died from Parkinson’s disease. Fluoride toxicity is suspect in Alzheimer’s and other dementias, ALS, MS, learning disabilities, autism, Down syndrome and more. Lowered IQs result from fluoride intake. Developing brains of infants and children are especially vulnerable considering that not all fluoride is totally excreted and some remains stored in the body for life. Adding continually to the bioburden contributes to the problems we are seeing after 60+ years of water fluoridation and other exposure sources. It’s not just water fluoridation, but foods and beverages prepared with fluoridated water plus exposure from fluorinated medications and vaccines and other neurotoxic chemicals.

As you read this Brain Alert…keep in mind that aluminum intake exposure is high not only from the toxic slurry added to public drinking water, but also from products made with fluoridated water and packaged in aluminum cans such as beverages and juice--especially those which are acidic. Soy foods are also high in aluminum and should be avoided. Fluoride potentiates aluminum’s neurotoxicity which contributes to neurodegeneration.

The escalating trend toward mass violence is examined by Dr. Blaylock and others who connect the bioaccumulation of fluoride and neurotoxicity from all sources in critical brain structures that alter behavior. He and others warn that combining fluorinated drugs with fluoridated water is outrageous and a disaster.

Excitoxicity: A Possible Central Mechanism in Fluoride Neurotoxicity
Russell L. Blaylock, MD
SUMMARY: Recent evidence indicates that fluoride produces neuronal destruction
and synaptic injury by a mechanism that involves free radical production and lipid
peroxidation. For a number of pathological disorders of the central nervous system
(CNS), excitotoxicity plays a critical role. Various studies have shown that many of
the neurotoxic metals, such as mercury, lead, aluminum, and iron also injure neural
elements in the CNS by an excitotoxic mechanism. Free radical generation and lipid
peroxidation, especially in the face of hypomagnesemia and low neuronal energy
production, also magnify excitotoxic sensitivity of neurons and their elements. This
paper reviews briefly some of the studies that point to a common mechanism for the
CNS neurotoxic effects of fluoride and calls for research directed toward further elucidation
of this mechanism. Fluoride 2004;37(4):301–314 Research Review 301

The Highlights:
• Fluoride produces injury to the CNS by inducing free radical generation and lipid peroxidation in the brain – especially the hippocampus
• Fluoride enhances aluminum absorption from the GI mucosa and across the blood brain barrier.
• Even without the direct involvement of a fluoroaluminum complex, the fact that fluoride is known to cause a seven-fold increase in the absorption of aluminum past gut barriers is of significant concern.
• Aluminum glutamate (formed in the GI tract) alters the blood brain barrier making it more permeable to normally-excluded toxins.
• Aluminum accumulations contribute to Parkinson’s disease by increasing free radical damage
• Excitotoxicity contributes to neurological disorders including strokes, brain trauma, brain tumors, and neurodegenerative disorders –Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson, ALS … autism and Gulf War Syndrome
• Fluoride impairs synaptic function and inhibits glutamate removal
• Fluoride damages mitochondrial energy production by inhibiting glutamate re-uptake and stimulating lipid peroxidation.
• Fluoride in drinking water increases blood levels of lead – indicating an indirect connection between fluoride, free radical generation and excitotoxicity.
• Chronic exposure to fluoride, lead and aluminum would likely bring about an eventual increase in neurodegeneration-associated disorders…Alzheimer’s, dementia, ALS and Parkinson’s… (9 years after this report – his observation is right on target)
• Because the aluminum-fluoride complex accumulates in the brain, it would also be expected to cause prolonged neurotoxicity, leading eventually to neurodegenerative and synaptic loss.
• Fluoride inhibits antioxidant enzymes and molecules which increase free injury and triggers excitotoxic activity.
• Antioxidant enzyme inhibition enhances toxicity from neurotoxic elements, pesticides, herbicides and environmental pollutants.
• Fluoride significantly inhibits release of melatonin from pineal gland in very large concentrations in those drinking fluoridated water. (see Pineal gland notes)
• Fluoride inhibits cellular energy producing enzymes including mitochondrial electron transport enzymes. [The heart has the highest count of mitochondria in the body]
• Fluoride – A special danger to the developing brain. Anything that alters transport function can affect brain development.
• In addition, fluoride is found to inhibit thyroid function and thereby alter early neuron migration to the developing fetus…which can result in irreversible changes in the fetal brain. (connect the dots)

Dr. Blaylock notes: “What is unusual about the effect of fluorinated drugs is that they trigger planned violence rather than just violent outburst. This is what we also witnessed in the mass shooting at Virginia Tech. Make sure that the medication your doctor prescribes is not a fluorinated one.”

As stated in Part 1 of the Flecainide Alert post, it makes no sense to knowingly use a fluorinated drug that is shown to metabolize to measurable amounts of fluoride in the blood stream.

The Pineal Gland – small in size; hugely-important function

This small, pea-sized endocrine gland is located deep in the center of the brain and is sometimes called the “third eye.”

The pineal gland produces the neurohormones, melatonin, which is a major brain protectant. Melatonin is one of the principal neurotransmitters and neurohormones involved in regulating mood and sleep. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that facilitate communication between neurons (nerve cells) and affect every cell, tissue and system in the body.

Melatonin maintains the body’s circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle) and the natural biorhythm of hormone production. Melatonin regulates the onset of puberty in females and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals as it is also one of the brain’s most important antioxidants and actually increases the protective antioxidant enzyme content of the brain. Circadian rhythm governs most aspects of physiology and behavior. Disruptions in rhythm lead to disrupted sleep and dysfunctions of memory, cardiovascular systems, metabolism and immune response. Studies show that those with Alzheimer’s are low in (endogenous) antioxidant enzymes.

Melatonin production declines naturally with age. Interferences with melatonin production cause problems not typically recognized as ‘industry-induced’ but the fact remains that there is evidence of increasing incidence of early-onset aging, cancer, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia, earlier menstruation, neurologically disabled children and a myriad of related psychiatric disorders resulting from low melatonin. [Braverman – The Healing Nutrients Within – 2003]

Melatonin production is inhibited by fluoride buildup in the pineal gland.

Low melatonin coupled with inappropriate secretion of night time cortisol (the stress hormone) is yet another factor contributing to insomnia.

The pineal gland contains a hydroxy appetite (HA) crystalline tissue formation like that in bone and as previously mentioned, fluoride has an affinity to accumulate in or bind to HA in both bone tissue and the pineal gland. The sequestering of fluoride in the pineal’s HA crystals inhibits the release of melatonin and ultimately affects sleep and causes other related problems.

The pineal gland is not protected by the blood brain barrier so is exposed to fluoride in the blood stream. The research of British scientist, Jennifer Luke, PhD, notes that “by old age, the human pineal gland has readily accumulated fluoride and its fluoride/calcium ratio is higher than bone.” Significant amounts of calcifications are also found in pineals from young children. The National Research Council noted concern over this in 2006 but as yet has not published a report although 700 studies involving “fluorosis” have. [Overdosed: Fluoride, Copper & Alzheimer’s Disease – 2013 Townsend Letter]

Infants with the lowest melatonin levels have the most neurobehavioral problems. Infant formula made with fluoridated drinking water exposes infants to more opportunity for bioaccumulation from birth on. Alzheimer patients have lower melatonin levels in cerebral-spinal fluid compared with normal individuals.

A report by John D. MacArthur discusses fluoride exposure’s detrimental effects and suggests that while contrary to common belief that there is no way to prevent or slow the progression of AD, the information provided may prove to be a simple and effective way to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. [Overdosed: Fluoride, Copper and Alzheimer’s Disease - October 2013 Townsend Letter]

MacArthur reports: “CT scans of pineal glands of patients with Alzheimer’s, other dementia, mild cognitive impairment or depression showed that Alzheimer patients had significantly higher degrees of pineal calcifications than other dementias or controls.”

[Aside: Reduction of melatonin levels by artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs) not only causes insomnia but can be a significant risk factor for cancer.]

Another important brain protector of the brain is the antioxidant glutathione which helps protect against excitotoxicity and mercury poisoning. Low levels of glutathione are seen in all cases of neurodegenerative disease including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

See also Pineal Gland [fluoridealert.org]

The Aluminum Toxicity and Brain Health Connection

As stated in Part 1, municipal water treatment chemicals contain a slurry of other neurotoxic chemicals including aluminum which is added to water to produce clear, ‘sparkling’ drinking water.

Fluoride reacts with and potentiates the toxicity of aluminum making it a highly- dangerous, brain-toxic compound called a fluoroaluminum complex. Within the brain, aluminum activates microglia and triggers immunoexcitotoxicity. Because aluminum is stored in the brain, it acts as a continuous stimulus for immunoexcitotoxicity. [Blaylock 2011]

The fluoroaluminum complex increases risk for Alzheimer’s and also risk for ADD, dyslexia and brain development disorders in children. [Blaylock 2004]

Aluminum is found in many medications, antacids, cooking ware, cans, some salt, sea salt, and it is especially high in tea. Citric acid greatly enhances the absorption of aluminum (7 to 11 fold) and for this reason you should never squeeze lemon in your tea.

It has been shown that people with Alzheimer’s disease and Down syndrome also absorb aluminum in much higher concentrations than healthy people (about 7 times higher). [Blaylock 2007]

Aluminum specifically targets and damages the brain by dramatically increasing oxidative stress.– ie, the accumulation of free radicals and lipid production products in the brain. Aluminum displaces iron from its normal carrier proteins – transferrin and ferritin-- which results in free iron accumulations in blood and brain leading to high levels of oxidative stress which causes brain inflammation. Aluminum worsens the oxidative stress caused by copper in the brain and interferes with ATP-dependent enzymes that carry out the critical function of energy transfer between brain cells. This triggers brain inflammation in combination with excitotoxicity. [Blaylock 2010]

Dr. Anna Strunecka, a world-renowned physiologist, has shown that fluoroaluminum is extremely toxic to all cells even in low concentrations.

Strunecka A, Patocka J: Pharmacological and toxicological effects of aluminofluoride complexes. Fluoride 32:230-242, 1999. [www.fluoridation.com]

Strunecka A, Patocka J: Aluminofluoride complexes in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease. Struct Bond 104:139-81, 2003.

Soy: A Secret Source of Aggression (and aluminum). Soy foods and soy milk and soy formulas contain high levels of aluminum and glutamate. Aluminum combined with glutamate forms a highly-toxic compound. Soy-based diets are known to cause aggressive behavior in rat and mice studies and those rodents were less tolerant of stress than soy-free counterparts. They also produced significantly more cortisol with stress. Excess cortisol damages the hippocampus and affects memory, learning and behavior. The genistein compound in soy thought to be beneficial is found to fragment DNA which can lead to cancer and worsening of Alzheimer’s. [Blaylock 2011]

Plant foods accumulate aluminum when watered with municipal water so aluminum bioaccumulations in plants add continually to our own toxic bioburdens. There is powerful evidence that aluminum worsens the effects of other toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, mercury, cadmium, fluoride lead and glutamate…so accumulating aluminum increases brain aging…faster. {Blaylock 2010]

At least two reliable studies have shown that fluoride combined with aluminum can cause severe damage to the memory portions of the brain in extremely low concentrations, even below the amount added to public water supplies (1 ppm).

Fluoride Interactions: From Molecules to Disease
Anna Strunecka,* , Jiri Patocka 2 , Russell L. Blaylock 3 and Niloufer J. Chinoy
Current Signal Transduction Therapy, 2007, 2, 190-213 1574-3624/07 ©2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

Aluminum Induced Immunoexcitotoxicity in Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Current Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 2, 000-000 1877-9441/12 $58.00+.00 © 2012 Bentham Science
Russell L. Blaylock
A great deal has been learned about the neurotoxicity of aluminum over the past two decades in terms of its ability to disrupt cellular function. Newer evidence suggests that a more central pathophysiological mechanism may be responsible for much of the toxicity of aluminum and aluminofluoride compounds on the brain. This mechanism involves activation of the brain’s innate immune system, primarily the microglia, with a release of neurotoxic concentrations of excitotoxins and pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and immune mediators.

A large number of studies suggest that excitotoxicity plays a significant role in the neurotoxic action of a number of metals, including aluminum. Recently, researchers have found that while most of the chronic neurodegenerative effects of these metals are secondary to prolonged inflammation, it is the enhancement of excitotoxicity by the immune mediators that is responsible for most of the metal’s toxicity. This enhancement occurs via a crosstalk between cytokine receptors and glutamate receptors. The author coined the name immunoexcitotoxicity to describe this process. This paper reviews the evidence linking immunoexcitotoxicity to aluminum’s neurotoxic effects.

Aluminum is the third most abundant metal on earth and
compelling evidence suggest that it is a major neurotoxin
and disrupter of neurological function. It has also been established
that aluminum is not essential to human metabolism at
any concentration [1]. Humans are exposed to aluminum by
a number of routes, including foods, industrial exposures,
drinking water, pharmaceuticals and vaccines. While absorption
from the gut is quite poor, that introduced via parenteral
fluids and vaccines is completely absorbed and distributed
throughout the body [2].

Interestingly, there appears to be a common mechanism by
which aluminum and other known neurotoxic metals
(i.e., manganese, mercury and lead) trigger and propagate
their toxic actions within the central nervous
system (CNS). This mechanism is immunoexcitotoxicity.

This term was coined by the author to link previously described
Interactions between the immune system and the
excitotoxic mechanism [3]. The purpose of this review is to
discuss the evidence linking immunoexcitotoxicity to aluminum’s neurotoxic effects.

[Aside] Various authors on this topic remind readers that aluminum cans are common beverage packaging. The acidity of sodas produced with fluoridated water and packaged in aluminum cans which may be stored in hot warehouses before consumption as been examined in discussions on causes of Gulf War Syndrome but relates to any fluoridated beverage stored in any hot warehouse before consumption.

Surg Neurol Int 2013, 4:15
Immunoexcitatory mechanisms in glioma proliferation, invasion and occasional metastasis
Russell L Blaylock
There is increasing evidence of an interaction between inflammatory cytokines and glutamate receptors among a number of neurological diseases including traumatic brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system (CNS) infections. A number of recent studies have now suggested a strong relation between inflammatory mechanisms and excitatory cascades and these may play a role in glioma invasiveness and proliferation.

Chronic inflammation appears to be a major initiating mechanism in most human cancers, involving cell-signaling pathways, which are responsible for cell cycling, cancer cell migration, invasion, tumor aggressiveness, and angiogenesis. It is less well appreciated that glutamate receptors also play a significant role in both proliferation and especially glioma invasion. There is some evidence that sustained elevations in glutamate may play a role in initiating certain cancers and new studies demonstrate an interaction between inflammation and glutamate receptors that may enhance tumor invasion and metastasis by affecting a number of cell-signaling mechanisms. These mechanisms are discussed in this paper as well as novel treatment options for reducing immune-glutamate promotion of cancer growth and invasion. [www.surgicalneurologyint.com]

Yet another very extensive topic is brain function and glutamate which is not reviewed in this report. However, Dr. Blaylock reports that elevated brain glutamates, especially in the prefrontal lobes, are associated with addiction. Prolonged dietary exposure to food glutamates coupled with fluoridated water intake raise glutamate levels in the brain because fluoride avidly binds to glutamate dramatically increasing absorption as he reports in Food Additives: What You Eat Can Kill You.


Touching very briefly on another very extensive topic - Inflammatory cytokines in the brain.

Studies show that Alzheimer’s dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases are associated with chronic inflammation and that most people with these diseases have elevated C-reactive protein levels. Reducing that inflammation can lower the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease by six to twelve times. [Blaylock ]

The cytokine, Interleukin 6 (IL-6), is both pro and anti-inflammatory. In the ‘pro’ influence mode, it triggers enormous concentrations of destructive free radicals and lipid-peroxidation products and depletes antioxidant defenses. IL-6 is damaging in the brain and heart. Brain cytokine levels are found to be significantly higher in those attempting suicide than in blood levels ….indicating that it is the brain, not the body that produces the inflammation. [Blaylock 2011]

[Aside: We caution afibbers to measure the inflammatory marker CRP which is a strong independent risk factor for heart function and it’s known that IL-6 drives the production of CRP in the liver…so CRP is not only a marker for inflammation, it is a powerful inflammatory cytokine, itself.] [Blaylock 2011]

Vaccines, depression, and neurodegeneration after age 50 years: another reason to avoid the recommended vaccines
Russell L. Blaylock, MD, CCN
Medical Veritas 5 (2008) 1742–1747 doi: 10.1588/medver.2008.05.00183 1742

When inflammatory cytokines are elevated in the brain, brain cells are more vulnerable to a number of toxins, many of which are found in the environment. One study demonstrated that if brain cells were exposed to low levels of a pesticide, there was little toxicity seen. Moreover, if these same brain cells were exposed to an immune stimulant alone, little damage occurred [25]. But if the brain cells were exposed first to the immune stimulant, the same low dose of pesticide destroyed a great number of brain cells.

The Aluminum and Vaccines topic is another extensive area that deserves close attention and concern especially because of the affect on the brain and early childhood neurodevelopment as well as associated neurodegenerative diseases – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and MS. {Blaylock 2010]

Lowering of I.Q.
There are many studies showing a relationship between elevated blood levels of lead and lowered IQ. The MacArthur report (Townsend 2013) indicates that copper and lead leaching from plumbing pipes and fixtures is facilitated by water fluoridation chemicals-- the fluosilicic acid and disinfection chemicals promote leaching from pipes, brass elbows and fittings and brass water meters (which liberates copper).

One study reports a doubling of lead concentrations with chlorine-treated water (100 ppb to 200) but when fluosilicic acid was added, the concentrations spiked to 900 ppb. Not only is this an IQ concern for developing brains, but the toxicity of copper and brain health is yet another problem area for everyone.

Various observations connect lowered IQ, lead exposure and water fluoridation and the prevalence in inner-city nutritionally impoverished children and young adults along with inner-city crime. Lead exposure deteriorates IQ, causes anemia, intellectual impairment, poor academic performance and hearing impairment.

Mass Violence
Dr. Blaylock has been writing about the effects of fluorinated drugs and fluoridated water and mental stability for many years. In a 2007 report, he observes:
… "Almost everyone has at least heard the recent news stories citing links between certain antidepressant drugs and suicides and even school shootings. Several surveys have shown a majority of school shooters were taking SSRI-type antidepressants before they committed their heinous acts. What most people have not heard is that in most cases these were fluorinated drugs (Paxil and Prozac, etc.), the chemical structure of the drug included the toxic element fluorine. "

[Aside: The Columbine, Colorado, shooter was taking the fluorinated drug, Luvox (fluvoxamine)]

A growing number of studies are showing that fluorine added to drugs and to drinking water can have a profound and prolonged harmful effect on the brain. At present, I am reviewing all the studies done on fluorinated pharmaceutical drugs and their effects on the brain. What I have found is shocking. There is a strong link between the use of many of these drugs and violent behavior, including homicides and suicides.
In 2002, a number of murder/suicides occurred on the military base at Fort Bragg, N.C., which were linked to the fluorinated anti-malarial drug Lariam. The Canadian military experienced a similar rash of murder/suicides and uncontrollable aggression among its soldiers taking the drug as well.”
Source: Fluoride Is In Your Drugs and Water - Enormous Effects Russell Blaylock, MD 1-3-07 [www.rense.com]

Time line of escalating mass violence:
NBC nightly news broadcast on 11/5/13 a timeline of the last mass shootings from July 20, 2012 to 11/1/13 at LAX airport and asked the question, “is this a gun problem or a mental health problem.” [www.nbcsandiego.com]

7/20/12 – Colorado Movie Massacre – 12 killed
8/5/12 – Wisconsin Temple – 6 killed
8/27/12 – Minneapolis Office – 6 killed
12/14/12 – Newtown Connecticut - 27 killed
12/24/12 – NYC – sniper ambush – 4 firefighters shot – 2 fatally
3/13/13 - Barber shop and car wash in NY – 4 killed
4/21/13 - Washington State – 4 killed
6/7/13 – Santa Monica CA – 5 killed
7/26/13 – Hialeah FL – 6 killed
9/16/13 Washington Naval Yard – 12 killed.
11/1/13 – LAX airport 1 killed.

Longer time frame:
Friday’s horrific shooting in Newtown, Conn., was the second deadliest in the country’s history, behind the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech. Here is a timeline of past mass shootings.

December 14, 2012: A gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., killing 26 people including 17 or 18 children.
August 5, 2012: A gunman opens fire at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, killing six people and wounding three.
July 20, 2012: Suspect James Holmes is accused of killing 12 people and injuring 70 others during a shooting at a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, Colo.
April 2, 2012: Seven people were killed and three were wounded at an Oakland religious school.
Feb. 27, 2012: A 17-year-old boy shoots five of his fellow students at a school in Chardon, Ohio. Three of them die.
January 8, 2011: Rep. Gabriel Giffords and 17 others were shot by gunman Jared Lee Loughner at an Arizona supermarket. Six people were killed.
Feb. 12, 2010: A female teacher shoots and kills three people after being denied a permanent job at a university in Birmingham, Ala,
November 5, 2009: A gunman shot and killed 13 people and wounded 29 others at the military base, Ford Hood, just outside Killeen, Texas.
April 3, 2009: A gunman invaded an immigration services center in Binghamton, N.Y.,, killing 13 people and himself.
Feb.14, 2008: A young man returns to his former campus in Dekalb, Mich., and shoots dead five people before killing himself.
April 16, 2007: Thirty-two people were killed and 17 people were wounded at Virginia Tech by gunman Seung-Hui Cho, who also shot himself. The massacre is the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman.
Oct. 2, 2006: In Nickel Mines, Pa., a man shoots 11 girls at a school run by the Amish religious community, killing five.
March 21, 2005: On an Indian reservation in Red Lake, Minn., a young man killed two people at his grandfather's home then went to his high school and shot dead seven others.
Oct. 28, 2002: In Tuscon, Ariz., a student angered over his failure to pass exams kills three people, two of them professors, before committing suicide.
Jan. 16, 2002: An expelled law student in Grundy, Va., shoots dead the dean of the school, a professor and a student, and injures three other people.
March 5 2001: Two people were killed and 13 others wounded by Charles Andrew Williams, 15, who fired from a bathroom at Santana High School in Santee, Calif.
April 20, 1999: In Littleton, Colo., Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, shoot dead 13 people and injure 24 at Columbine High School, before committing suicide.

This link dates back to 1966 [www.nbc11news.com]

Much longer time frame [uscrossfire.wordpress.com]

Microglia … The Brain’s First-Line Defense Mechanism

Elevated microglial activity is stimulated by fluoride, aluminum and mercury. These metals accumulate in the brain and activate brain microglia and excitotoxicity – the very mechanism seen with depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and suicide risk. [Blaylock 2011]

A common reaction to aluminum in the brain is activation of the brain’s immune cell, microglia and is found in all cases of dialysis dementia and other reported cases of aluminum toxicity. Aluminum from tap water stimulates the brain to secrete higher levels of inflammatory chemicals which increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. [Blaylock 2010]

Aluminum in tap water It also puts children at risk of abnormal development, learning and behavioral problems. Aluminum combined with glutamate is a lengthy examination of brain toxicity as it related to that found in vaccines. [Blaylock 2010]

Studies show that fluoride causes activation of the brain microglia which is a potent stimulus for releasing inflammatory chemicals into the blood. [Blaylock 2008]

A relatively new concern of neurotoxicity is the activation of microglia… a neuronal support cell (neuroglia) occurring in the central nervous system.

Microglia mediate immune responses in the central nervous system by acting as macrophages, (pacman activity) clearing cellular debris and dead neurons from nervous tissue through the process of phagocytosis (cell eating). Microglia are activated by inflammation in the central nervous system, which may be triggered by neurological degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease or by infectious diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob

Microglia are a type of glial cell that are the resident macrophages of the brain and spinal cord, and thus act as the first and main form of active immune defense in the central nervous system (CNS). (Macrophages are the pac-man cells that gobble up cellular debris and pathogens). Microglia constitute 10-15% of the total glial cell population within the brain.

• Microglia are constantly scavenging the CNS for plaques, damaged neurons and infectious agents.[4]
• The brain and spinal cord are considered "immune privileged" organs in that they are separated from the rest of the body by a series of endothelial cells known as the blood–brain barrier, which prevents most infections from reaching the vulnerable nervous tissue.
• In the case where infectious agents are directly introduced to the brain or cross the blood–brain barrier, microglial cells must react quickly to decrease inflammation and destroy the infectious agents before they damage the sensitive neural tissue.
• Due to the unavailability of antibodies from the rest of the body (few antibodies are small enough to cross the blood brain barrier), microglia must be able to recognize foreign bodies, swallow them, and act as antigen-presenting cells activating T-cells.
• Since this process must be done quickly to prevent potentially fatal damage, microglia are extremely sensitive to even small pathological changes in the CNS.[5] They achieve this sensitivity in part by having unique potassium channels that respond to even small changes in extracellular potassium.[4]
Source: Wikipedia - [en.wikipedia.org]

Vital Considerations for brain health (a few in a long list)
• Fluoride is a poison and bioaccumulates in the body. For every 2 milligrams ingested, one milligram remains in the body at death.
• Fluoride is neurotoxic and contributes to neurodegeneration of the CNS which includes the brain.
• Immunoexcitotoxicity appears to be the main mechanism underlying psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and other personality disorders due to the brain inflammation toxic exposures. [Blaylock 2011]
• Fluoride causes lead and copper to be released from plumbing faucet fixtures.
• Even mild elevations in lead increase Aggressiveness, Impulsiveness, Anger, Criminal behavior, Suicide risk… and lower IQ. [Blaylock 2011]
• Excess Copper – Copper as a powerful catalyst for free radical generation and lipid peroxidation is particularly damaging to the aging brain. Trans fats and copper cause Alzheimer changes in the brain. [Blaylock 2007]
• Copper from plumbing fittings is liberated by fluoridated water reactivity [Townsend letter 2013]
• Flu shots in the elderly once a year for 5 years increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease 10-fold or 1000% due to the mercury and aluminum component. [Blaylock 2011]
• Vaccinations inflame the brain and continue to do so for years adding insult to the inflammatory factors promoted by MSG, fluoride, aluminum, mercury, pesticides [Blaylock 2007]
• Pesticide exposure can lead to depression and suicide risk because of brain accumulations
• Fluoride enhances glutamate receptor sensitivity by increasing number of receptors per synapse and explains the higher incidence of Down syndrome in fluoridated communities as reported in research journals. [Blaylock 2008]
• Fluoride increases inflammatory reactivity and excitotoxicity in the brain. Stimulating both brain immunity and glutamate receptors at the same time (immunoexcitotoxicity) is harmful to the brain and may increase seizures and also trigger Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. [Blaylock 2008]
• Artificial sweeteners increase brain inflammation. Aspartame alters brain neurotransmitters and reduces serotonin, a link to depression. [Ralph G. Walton, MD, Aspartame and Psychiatric 1993]

• Avoid sources of fluoride, aluminum, mercury fillings, MSG, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, vaccinations, extensive aerobic exercise, industrial chemicals including artificial, chemical sweeteners, sugar and inorganic food. Remember that imported fresh foods (even if organic) are fumigated with sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) at the border by law and is used as an insecticide and fumigant on nuts and dried fruit. Eat what’s in season and organically grown locally.

So that readers don’t think fluoride exposure and therefore brain neurotoxicity is mainly from fluoridated water, there yet is another large consideration from fumigated and pesticided common foods including wine, grape juice, raisins and more. [fluoridealert.org]

Soil Science indicates concern over fluoride accumulation in soils and the subsequent fluoride accumulation (fluorosis) in grazing animals. [www.sciencedirect.com]

When fluorinated water is used for irrigation, it poisons the soil for a long time. Fluoride in phosphate fertilizers can cause fluoride to build up to high values, especially since it does not easily move in neutral or alkaline soil. Fluoride is thought to be able to damage vegetation when the concentration is high enough, especially when boron is also high in the soil. Fluoride is more readily taken up by plants from acid soil. It has been found that calcium inhibited fluoride uptake by plants (Soil Science, 1961 92(3):172). Fluoride in soil has been found to be zero to 1500 ppm in eastern USA soil. Biotite and muscovite micas probably furnish the most from the parent material sources, as much as 4 and 2 per cent in each respectively. There is 290 ppm average in 10 mile deep crustal rock (Soil Science, 1946 61(5): 341)

Plants with foliage particularly susceptible to fluoride damage include: apricots, grapes, plums, corn, sorghum, Jerusalem cherry, gladiolus, iris, St. John's wort, tulips, Douglas fir, western larch, and many species of pine.(20) Many other plants, including citrus trees, have suffered significant leaf damage from fluoride pollution but are not quite as sensitive as the above species. Tomato picks up more than twice as much fluoride as bean plants.

One third the average person’s fluoride is said to come from non organic food according to Jeff Green. National Director of Citizens for Safe Drinking Water. [Source: Courtesy of Charles Weber, MA in soil science] [charles_w.tripod.com]]

Summary: Repeating the observation and wisdom of Dr. Mark Hyman…. We live in a poisoned world… a sea of toxins that damages our bodies and brains.”




Afib linked to cognitive decline
Atrial fibrillation carries a significant risk for cognitive decline, even when stroke is not involved, a meta-analysis found. In 14 observational and prospective studies of patients with or without stroke, the relative risk of cognitive impairment was 1.40 (95% CI 1.19 to 1.64), according to Jeremy N. Ruskin, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital, and colleagues.

The risk was similar when researchers excluded cognitive impairment and analyzed the studies only for dementia, “which is more reliably diagnosed than cognitive impairment,” (RR 1.38, 95% CI 1.22 to 1.56), they reported March 4 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. [www.medpagetoday.com]

Alzheimer's Disease Now Fastest-Growing Threat To U.S. Health

Health and Nutrition Secrets (2002) Russell L. Blaylock, MD, CCN

Reader reviews]: [www.amazon.com]

The Blaylock Wellness Report - $48/year [www.blaylockreport.com]

Excitotoxins – The Taste That Kills (1997) Russell L Blaylock MD

Give Yourself a Biologic Tune Up - UltraWellness Program – Mark Hyman, MD,
[drhyman.com] Free reports.

The Better Brain Book - The Best Tool for Improving Memory and Sharpness and Preventing Aging of the Brain (2005) – David Perlmutter, MD, FACN and Carol Coleman

Eric R. Braverman, MD – The Healing Nutrients Within, (2003, 2009) The Edge Effect, (2007) Younger Brain, Sharper Mind (2012)

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients $59/year [www.townsendletter.com]

Sleep drives metabolite clearance from the adult brain. Science. 2013 Oct 18;342(6156):373-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1241224. [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]

Aberrant light directly impairs mood and learning through melanopsin-expressing neurons LeGates, T. A., Altimus, C. M., Wang, H., Lee, H. K., Yang, S., Zhao, H., Hattar, S. (2012).. Nature, 491(7425), 594-598.

High sensitivity of the human circadian melatonin rhythm to resetting by short wavelength light. Lockley, S. W., Brainard, G. C., & Czeisler, C. A. (2003). J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 88(9), 4502-4505.
Re: Part 2 Brain Health (Flecainide Alert)
January 13, 2014 07:03PM
Speaking of Alzheimers, this sounds a lot like something Erling Waller would have written. How's he doing?

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