Colchicine prevents early AF recurrence
Dental scaling and atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation and metabolic syndrome
Persistent atrial fibrillation and inflammation
C-reactive protein level predicts ablation outcome
Post-ablation corticosteroid therapy
Prevention of post-ablation inflammation
Permanent AF associated with inflammation
Association between C-reactive protein and mortality
Elevated CRP associated with cardioversion failure
Poorer ablation outcome associated with elevated CRP
Vitamin B6 deficiency associated with inflammation
Vitamin C is a powerful anti-inflammatory
CHADS2 score and C-reactive protein
Inflammation and AF recurrence after ablation
Inflammation and atrial fibrillation
Ablation-associated inflammation
N-acetylcysteine helps prevent post-operative AF
Inflammation in AF: Cause or effect?
Gluten intolerance linked to atrial fibrillation
Inflammation implicated in AF development