2013 2013
Electroacupuncture and vagal AF Yoga may help adrenergic afibbers
New protocol for arrhythmia management
2012 2012
Antioxidant therapy for AF Fish oil supplementation and AF
Fish oils help prevent AF Fish oils help prevent atrial fibrillation
Vitamin E prevents AF recurrence Aldosterone blockage in atrial fibrillation
2011 2011
Fish oil and atrial fibrillation Fish oils help maintain sinus rhythm after cardioversion
Statin drugs do not prevent atrial fibrillation Vitamins C and E prevent post-operative AF
2010 2010
Potassium deficiency is widespread Spironolactone helps prevent AF recurrence
AF and angiotensin II receptor blockers Acupuncture - An effective antiarrhythmic?
Prescription fish oil does not prevent AF recurrence Hypertension and atrial fibrillation
2009 2009
Fish oil prevents AF recurrence following PVI Ramipril for newly diagnosed lone AF
Fish oil prevents atrial fibrillation A case of too much potassium
Ginger benefits cardiovascular system Fish oils and PVCs
2008 2008
Walking helps prevent atrial fibrillation New Chinese medicine-based antiarrhythmic
Afibbers are magnesium-deficient Simethicone to the rescue!