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A forum for sharing experiences regarding atrial fibrillation and other atrial tachy-arrhythmias. 
Subject Views Posts Last Post

Left Atrial Appendage

by Mousouris
737 30 02/22/2012 10:23PM
Last Post by Jackie

How long is 'how long' before attempting cardioversion?

by Michael Goldberg
683 4 02/16/2012 12:54AM
Last Post by Pam2

Afib Mode Change

by Larry Z
770 4 02/09/2012 09:13PM
Last Post by Heather

ablation or not

by Belinda
894 12 02/05/2012 01:51PM
Last Post by flingo

Taurine causes headaches?

by gregg
2,852 6 02/02/2012 03:16AM
Last Post by gregg

Magnesium bowel tolerance modified by course of antibiotics

by GeorgeN
903 8 02/01/2012 09:08AM
Last Post by Anonymous User

New to forum...afib for years, successful (?)ablation in 08...new flareups

by TobyJ
1,300 17 02/06/2012 08:43PM
Last Post by flingo

Low Sodium Diet - Risky?

902 1 01/30/2012 08:01PM
Last Post by DSENNET


by Gregory
967 6 01/31/2012 07:00PM
Last Post by Jackie

Omega3 Fish Oil reduces AF burden

by researcher
3,939 7 02/03/2012 02:23PM
Last Post by Jackie

Post disappear?

by BillC
928 10 02/01/2012 02:19PM
Last Post by Jackie

February 2012 issue of The AFIB Report

by Hans Larsen
900 1 01/28/2012 10:25PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Inflammation and Afib

by Norm
811 14 02/01/2012 01:35PM
Last Post by Jackie

U.K. buyers beware when buying from USA

by Sam
811 2 02/01/2012 10:44PM
Last Post by JoyceUK

Mother just Dx'ed with LAF

by Michael
922 10 02/16/2012 11:34PM
Last Post by Michael

The Final Frontier – Energy Healing....Reversing Atrial Fibrillation

by Jackie
6,339 26 03/29/2012 07:54PM
Last Post by RonB

EP Central Florida

by Larry
875 1 01/27/2012 01:06AM
Last Post by Larry

Potassium Levels and aFib Trigger?

by Murray L.
1,048 17 01/30/2012 04:34PM
Last Post by Murray L.

Natale ablation and BP meds

by Cindy O
1,071 9 01/30/2012 06:23AM
Last Post by Cindy O

get out of a fib within minutes with this spice

by charm
6,722 14 02/25/2012 07:48PM
Last Post by anneh

5 box thorascoscopic maze support group

by John
758 2 01/24/2012 08:32PM
Last Post by Bruce S

a fib at random

by charm
625 2 01/24/2012 08:11PM
Last Post by Jackie

6 month post ablation pain

by janet
672 2 01/25/2012 09:35PM
Last Post by lorne

Ablation -- Heart Surgery .. redux

by danwalter
839 1 01/23/2012 07:28PM
Last Post by danwalter

Where are the recipes hidden?

by gregg
804 4 01/24/2012 06:27PM
Last Post by PeggyM


by Murray L.
1,078 6 02/01/2012 01:48PM
Last Post by Jackie

My test results

by alex
733 4 01/26/2012 07:28PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Hello from a long lost friend

by Bob Grabau
706 4 01/24/2012 08:07PM
Last Post by Jackie

The important features of a center's CA process: experience/research-based and up-to-date

by DickI
801 3 01/23/2012 03:24PM
Last Post by researcher

Intervention or not?

by JohnS
687 6 01/24/2012 05:10PM
Last Post by Erling

T Wave inversions

by JohnS
881 10 02/06/2012 02:53PM
Last Post by Jackie

Holter Monitor Accuracy?

by Sue C.
2,326 6 02/10/2012 02:34PM
Last Post by tara l.

Forum Change-over

by Hans Larsen
874 24 01/26/2012 08:23PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

P waves present in my typical afib

by Tom B
977 10 01/23/2012 01:47PM
Last Post by Tom B

Back On The AFIB Tightrope - 10 Weeks No Episodes

by Tom Poppino
1,395 9 01/21/2012 10:24AM
Last Post by Heather

The NYTimes has discovered that doctors don't know much about nutrition

by PeggyM
625 2 01/19/2012 10:11AM
Last Post by Erling

Lowered max heart rate

by Bill Bee
593 8 02/18/2012 11:21PM
Last Post by Rick Rettberg

excellent web site for newer victims of a-fib

by Bo
538 8 01/24/2012 12:06PM
Last Post by DickI

For Krista

by Gill
557 3 01/18/2012 02:39PM
Last Post by Gill

afib at four month post ablation

by lynda
526 3 01/16/2012 10:01AM
Last Post by lynda

Atrial remodeling and reverse remodeling study

by Tom B
508 5 01/21/2012 03:22PM
Last Post by Erling

Ablations by Dr. Natale

by Gerry Parker
593 14 01/18/2012 09:31PM
Last Post by Lou Toews

Chronic Afib ablation

by Brian
632 7 01/25/2012 04:57PM
Last Post by researcher

Holter results. Aflutter. 3rd Ablation?

by Adrian
615 8 01/15/2012 06:58AM
Last Post by Adrian


by Erich
514 2 01/14/2012 06:19AM
Last Post by Jackie

Forum change-over

by Hans Larsen
561 4 01/18/2012 06:30PM
Last Post by Murray L.

stroke risk with missed Pradaxa dose

by christy
2,206 8 01/14/2012 03:01PM
Last Post by Nel Weaver

Checking in-afib free for 4.5 years!

by John
548 4 01/15/2012 02:05PM
Last Post by John

hemp milk vit k?

by phyllis
577 2 01/14/2012 04:39PM
Last Post by Adrian

Bordeaux contact

by Allan
441 5 01/13/2012 04:29PM
Last Post by Allan

AF burden reduction with Yoga

by researcher
449 7 01/21/2012 07:58PM
Last Post by Carol

Choosing EP for ablaion

by DavidS
470 5 01/14/2012 03:26PM
Last Post by Gerry Parker

Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation

by Mike Harris
445 4 01/12/2012 10:05AM
Last Post by Jackie

Another warning: Daily Asprin Dangers Outweigh Cardiac Benefits

by Jackie
478 4 01/12/2012 10:09AM
Last Post by Jackie

Sonny Jackman talks about ablating difficult cases

by researcher
473 8 01/18/2012 10:15AM
Last Post by researcher


by ART
441 15 01/13/2012 08:43PM
Last Post by Mike Harris

11 months a fib free!

by Curt
427 11 01/13/2012 10:19AM
Last Post by Murray L.

hypoglycemia-triggered arrhythmia

by Mike Harris
443 8 01/14/2012 10:18PM
Last Post by MQ

A question re: pulmonary vein ablation

by Tom B
366 4 01/10/2012 03:39PM
Last Post by Tom B

Five Box Thorascoscopic Maze

by E. B.
382 9 01/21/2012 06:38PM
Last Post by John

Pradaxa in the news again

by Jackie
405 1 01/10/2012 04:43AM
Last Post by Jackie

Appt with My EP Yesterday - "he said"....

by Tom Poppino
378 21 01/15/2012 04:49AM
Last Post by Tom C.

New Atrial Specific Drugs

by McHale
437 3 01/10/2012 11:31AM
Last Post by Heather

Risk of allowing LAF attack to continue?

by pete
503 20 01/14/2012 10:47AM
Last Post by Jackie

Returned to SR on my own...Yea!

by Laurel Harrell
409 1 01/07/2012 07:59AM
Last Post by Laurel Harrell

Ablation 9th anniversary

by Gill
446 13 01/14/2012 02:22AM
Last Post by Krista

colonoscopy pre meds

by lulu
441 8 01/11/2012 07:28PM
Last Post by lulu

Another failed ablation?

by Mike Law
504 12 01/09/2012 07:57PM
Last Post by Adrian

Cortisone and afib

by Carol Andrews
3,871 6 01/07/2012 12:08PM
Last Post by janet


by robert swidler
530 8 03/17/2012 03:55PM
Last Post by Nancy O

Blood Viscosity as CV Risk Marker

by Jackie
611 6 01/11/2012 07:17AM
Last Post by Jackie

permanent Afib

by Ted
322 10 02/06/2012 02:53AM
Last Post by Kevin Stent

Ablation Complications

by Bill Thomas
390 4 02/24/2012 09:05PM
Last Post by Bill Thomas

Left Atrium Size Following Successful Return to NSR?

by Murray L.
682 15 01/10/2012 10:02PM
Last Post by Murray L.

AV Node Ablation

by zz4wrp
1,466 8 01/11/2012 12:11PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Natto and Its Active Ingredient Nattokinase

by Erling
978 19 01/07/2012 07:17AM
Last Post by MarkS

nattokinase and fibrinogen activity Part 2

by Tom B
485 4 01/04/2012 06:51AM
Last Post by Mchale

iodine interaction with metformin

by ben saif
1,793 3 01/06/2012 08:44AM
Last Post by Murray L.

Coumadin and l-theanine

by Rahmulus
4,126 6 01/08/2012 04:21PM
Last Post by DickI

AFIB @ 35 years old

by terry bartholomew
476 15 01/08/2012 07:23PM
Last Post by maria


by Laurel Harrell
397 6 01/04/2012 05:44PM
Last Post by Tom C.

NYT sodium potassium ratio

by faith v.
535 4 01/03/2012 06:05AM
Last Post by Jackie

COQ10 and thyroid issues

by Tom B
4,807 10 01/03/2012 06:17AM
Last Post by Jackie

Hybrid Ablation?

by Michael
622 10 01/12/2012 07:02AM
Last Post by Michael

L carnitine

by bobrt1
457 3 01/02/2012 06:06AM
Last Post by Jackie

Full recovery from Ablation in 11 days.

by Sam
452 5 01/05/2012 10:19AM
Last Post by researcher

Dan Shen

by francesca
365 2 01/01/2012 07:46PM
Last Post by marg


by Laurel Harrell
346 3 01/01/2012 04:09PM
Last Post by GeorgeN

3 month touch up too early?

by Jim Mitchell
397 3 01/03/2012 01:52PM
Last Post by John Washburn

vagal nerve damage

by Mike Harris
878 13 01/04/2012 03:35AM
Last Post by William

Lovenox for stroke mitigation

by Larry Zajdel
431 5 12/31/2011 11:34AM
Last Post by Larry Zajdel

48 hour 'window' for cardioversion

by Gill
435 6 01/14/2012 02:31AM
Last Post by Krista

Ablation Experience 2 months out

by John Washburn
420 3 12/30/2011 02:48PM
Last Post by John Washburn

allergy II

by Ronny
351 3 12/31/2011 11:27PM
Last Post by Ronny


by Laurel Harrell
380 7 12/31/2011 02:21PM
Last Post by Murray L.


by Gary
464 4 12/30/2011 03:05PM
Last Post by Murray L.


by Ronny
338 3 12/30/2011 11:19AM
Last Post by William

hypertension post ablation

by sheila
437 7 01/02/2012 07:04PM
Last Post by sheila

Weigh in II, Anti Inflammatory?

by DA
627 7 12/31/2011 05:50AM
Last Post by DA

managing autonomic effects

by Tom B
583 4 12/30/2011 02:38PM
Last Post by DickI

Helpful Summary Article

by DA
986 13 12/29/2011 05:54AM
Last Post by Jackie

Resuming Exercise - Heart Erratic!

by John F
804 7 12/29/2011 06:12AM
Last Post by janet

Post Ablation

by Gordon Whelpton
572 8 12/30/2011 05:22AM
Last Post by Jackie

Effect of Chlamydia Pneumoniae on Atrial Fibrillation

by Pierre Traks
770 10 01/02/2012 11:37AM
Last Post by faith v.

Merry Christmas

by Hans Larsen
613 18 12/29/2011 06:16PM
Last Post by Nel Weaver

starting nattokinase

by lisa m
1,010 15 01/04/2012 06:20AM
Last Post by Jackie

Tikosyn Results

by Murray L.
1,373 29 01/21/2012 04:57PM
Last Post by Murray L.

Helpful Herbal Combination

by Alex
774 15 01/01/2012 11:14PM
Last Post by Alex

Ablation - Heart Surgery

by Bill Thomas
1,000 10 01/23/2012 07:19PM
Last Post by danwalter

Post ablation tachycardia

by Mike Law
738 9 12/27/2011 01:31PM
Last Post by Mike Law

Reducing stroke risk

by MarkS
643 17 01/05/2012 07:50AM
Last Post by MarkS


by DA
598 6 01/04/2012 09:39AM
Last Post by Murray L.

My Stress Test Results

by Howie
451 5 12/22/2011 06:10PM
Last Post by Nel


by Rosemarie
477 8 12/23/2011 06:00AM
Last Post by Rosemarie


452 3 01/04/2012 09:45AM
Last Post by Murray L.

here we go again!

by janet
591 9 12/21/2011 10:58PM
Last Post by Allan

Vagal nerve damage

by Lorenzo
458 1 12/19/2011 02:26PM
Last Post by Lorenzo

FDA Safety-Multaq doubled heart-complications in patients permanent affib;

by Jerry
473 1 12/19/2011 01:23PM
Last Post by Jerry

Southlake/Tikosyn Startup/EVC "here we come!"

by Murray L.
544 9 12/21/2011 03:11AM
Last Post by Mary

LEF mitochondria support: QUESTIONS PLEASE.

by Mike F
514 2 12/19/2011 03:37PM
Last Post by Jim in Oz

Anybody want to weigh in?

by DA
807 24 12/25/2011 06:06AM
Last Post by Jackie

Just checking In

by Rich
553 5 12/19/2011 06:37PM
Last Post by Louise E.

Sodium/Iodide Symporters - Thyroid Health

by Jackie
2,114 2 12/19/2011 01:52AM
Last Post by Sam

Cardymeter distilled water vs deionized water

by Leo
567 3 12/18/2011 05:41PM
Last Post by GeorgeN

Alternate day calorie restriction, PVC's & afib

by GeorgeN
972 21 12/19/2011 07:03PM
Last Post by Lou Toews

From New England Journal of Medicine

by Mike Harris
1,000 32 12/22/2011 12:36PM
Last Post by Jerry

Pradaxa Usage

by Bill Thomas
421 9 12/26/2011 08:03PM
Last Post by sheila

Drug interactions and vitamin D3?

by Isabelle Bedell
648 11 12/16/2011 07:39AM
Last Post by Jackie

Sleep Study

by maria
447 6 12/16/2011 11:28AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

7 months post ablation

by Lon
485 3 12/15/2011 10:11AM
Last Post by Jackie

Choosing EP for Ablation

by DavidS
380 3 12/22/2011 06:41PM
Last Post by Tom C.

fibrinogen test

by Larry
540 8 12/15/2011 07:03AM
Last Post by Mike Harris


by faith v.
571 11 03/01/2012 03:54AM
Last Post by Nel

Vitamins, diet and stroke risk article

by researcher
956 18 12/19/2011 10:08AM
Last Post by researcher

Afib as deficiency

by William
709 15 12/16/2011 05:58AM
Last Post by Jackie

Afib and poor sitting posture

by Ed
2,516 9 12/14/2011 03:12PM
Last Post by Darcy

List of physicians comptetent to cure afib

by William
443 5 12/13/2011 07:34PM
Last Post by McHale

Best NJ Hospital for afib ablation

by Brian
398 1 12/12/2011 05:31PM
Last Post by Brian

Cause of afib

by William
441 4 12/13/2011 06:03AM
Last Post by Jackie

Stress and AF

by Jackie
629 12 12/18/2011 07:47AM
Last Post by Laura

What are the chances of success from 2nd ablation?

by Mike Law
445 8 12/18/2011 10:01AM
Last Post by McHale

Tikosyn (Dofetilide) Forums?

by Murray L.
1,428 11 12/17/2011 10:46AM
Last Post by Jackie

EKG information - more than helpful

by Tom B
456 13 12/12/2011 11:50AM
Last Post by Jackie

taurine - what brand?

by steve
379 3 12/12/2011 11:54AM
Last Post by steve

Question for Hans re Two Forums

by Sam
417 5 12/12/2011 05:54PM
Last Post by Jackie

AFIB symptoms

by john McDee
522 9 12/13/2011 03:44PM
Last Post by Lesley


by faith v
1,406 14 12/14/2011 03:40PM
Last Post by Bo

afib early morning

by Jeanne
3,982 18 12/12/2011 05:30PM
Last Post by Ron Benefield

cyclic atrial fibrillation

by Mark S.
993 10 12/13/2011 05:30AM
Last Post by Jackie

EKG Monitor

by Samuel1941
469 7 12/12/2011 10:51AM
Last Post by DickI

Question for UK people about E112

by Lesley
464 4 12/13/2011 02:44PM
Last Post by Gill

Irritated heart, eventual afib...

by Tom B
867 17 12/16/2011 08:56AM
Last Post by Mark S.


by Hans Larsen
438 10 12/15/2011 11:01AM
Last Post by DickI


by Billy
376 3 12/12/2011 11:38AM
Last Post by DickI

New Blood viscosity test - looks promising!

by Shannon
507 3 12/10/2011 07:20AM
Last Post by Shannon

Low Carb high potassium

by Craig
511 5 12/08/2011 02:21AM
Last Post by William

Afib episode won't stop!

by christy
749 9 12/08/2011 05:49AM
Last Post by Carol

I Avoid Calcium, is BIOSIL ok to use for my injury?

by Tom Poppino
384 4 12/07/2011 09:32AM
Last Post by tom poppino

Consumer Reports Fish Oil

by faith v.
368 1 12/06/2011 04:59PM
Last Post by faith v.

Should my mother have been put on a blood thinner??

by Ivan
361 5 12/09/2011 08:25AM
Last Post by Murray L.

Meds or not?

by Charlotte
561 19 12/09/2011 05:31AM
Last Post by William

Long-term bout still self-conver?

by gregg
508 7 12/07/2011 05:26AM
Last Post by Tom B

Best test for IC Magnesium?

by faith v.
508 12 12/10/2011 07:38AM
Last Post by Shannon

A little off topic - I fractured my shoulder

by Tom Poppino
487 6 12/10/2011 07:45AM
Last Post by Shannon

Home made Bone Broth Is Mineral Rich

by Todd
357 8 12/08/2011 01:13AM
Last Post by William

Wishful Thinking...written in jest

by Tibbar
433 7 12/07/2011 05:36AM
Last Post by Tibbar

Magnesium trick

by William
485 7 12/06/2011 06:19PM
Last Post by Shannon

Low T Syndrome (Low Testosterone) Diagnosing & Treating

by Jackie
1,439 15 12/10/2011 08:15AM
Last Post by Shannon


by Nel
567 5 12/05/2011 06:33PM
Last Post by Nel

Cardiac Metabolism and Arrhythmias

by Erling
806 17 12/11/2011 06:01AM
Last Post by Jackie

New A-Fib Attack- You Guys I Hope Can Help?

by Rob
448 6 12/12/2011 05:36PM
Last Post by Ron Benefield

Pradaxa and trauma, any comment, Hans?

by Jenny
353 7 12/05/2011 11:49AM
Last Post by Jerry

Coconut Oil - Afib Impact?

by E. B.
1,758 15 12/29/2011 12:42PM
Last Post by Mike Law

Referal: Top EP in Newcastle UK or ANYWHERE in England

by Murray L.
473 9 12/12/2011 09:36AM
Last Post by researcher

Peace broken

by BrianM (59 Lone atrial)
447 5 12/03/2011 12:14PM
Last Post by William

warfarin and inflammation?

by phyllis
339 4 12/07/2011 06:30PM
Last Post by Isabelle

My operative report

by maria
348 1 12/02/2011 04:33PM
Last Post by maria

post ablation arrythmias

by lynda
383 9 12/04/2011 04:23PM
Last Post by lynda

December 2011 issue of The AFIB Report

by Hans Larsen
347 1 12/02/2011 12:05PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

cabbage, thyorid and afib

by earl
387 4 12/03/2011 06:06AM
Last Post by Jackie

Potassium Gluconate

by Billy
501 14 12/05/2011 04:28AM
Last Post by William

?MSM a trigger for AF

by Gay
446 1 12/02/2011 02:40AM
Last Post by Gay

Tikosyn = No More Supplements?

by Murray L.
673 19 12/11/2011 08:56AM
Last Post by Murray L.

2 Questions: salt/pot ratio and Taurine

by gregg
669 27 12/02/2011 11:44AM
Last Post by faith v.

going for it, maybe

by Don
495 27 12/19/2011 06:10AM
Last Post by Rich

Inflamed Insides

by Murray L.
1,143 2 12/03/2011 12:03PM
Last Post by Jackie

Lone Afib and medical exams, insurance, etc

by montos
506 7 12/05/2011 06:59AM
Last Post by Lyn

taurine dosing and effect

by steve
406 4 11/29/2011 11:35AM
Last Post by steve

Another Cautionary study on Pradaxa

by Shannon
309 5 11/30/2011 11:17PM
Last Post by Jenny

Very Bad News

by maria
1,309 31 12/06/2011 03:06AM
Last Post by lynda

EKG prolonged QT

by Chloe
323 2 12/06/2011 03:09AM
Last Post by lynda

"in afib" vs. afib "attack"

by curt r
345 8 11/28/2011 08:23AM
Last Post by Shannon

Low salt is good

by Erling
509 20 11/30/2011 08:20PM
Last Post by Maryann

My mother with massive stroke has survived

by Ivan
341 5 11/27/2011 11:17AM
Last Post by Jackie

Low salt is bad

by William
431 9 11/26/2011 06:52AM
Last Post by Sam

after ablation what causes this?

by janet B
341 5 11/26/2011 04:47PM
Last Post by janet B

Choose Your Doctor Well

by tom
340 17 11/28/2011 03:07PM
Last Post by Tom C.


by MacKey
294 4 11/24/2011 05:10PM
Last Post by Nel

VAGAL - What is your routine from 6 PM on.....

by Tom Poppino
555 11 11/28/2011 10:33AM
Last Post by Heather


by chuck
304 5 11/29/2011 09:33AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen