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A forum for sharing experiences regarding atrial fibrillation and other atrial tachy-arrhythmias. 
Subject Views Posts Last Post

Careless Weekend did me in?

by Tom Poppino
548 9 09/13/2010 01:08PM
Last Post by Tom Poppino

PACs and Electrolyte Balance

by Ken
761 5 09/13/2010 07:45AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

Health insurance and AFIB

by Ivan
628 6 10/06/2010 03:46PM
Last Post by Sis

Herbal a-fib cure??

by Lynn
941 7 09/12/2010 08:24PM
Last Post by Ritze

Source for pure Vitamin K2 powder???

by Buster
1,347 2 09/12/2010 02:25PM
Last Post by Jackie

New drug - Multaq

by Brian48
734 8 09/13/2010 12:58PM
Last Post by Joe


by Craig
858 5 09/13/2010 05:55AM
Last Post by Craig

Supplements helped, but had to add Tikosyn

by Cynthia Annis
636 11 09/13/2010 04:31AM
Last Post by Jackie

Afib log for 8 yrs, including when starting supplements

by James Wayman
1,016 27 10/07/2010 10:37AM
Last Post by Barb

Doxycycline ok?

by May
541 5 09/15/2010 05:39AM
Last Post by PeggyM

Previcid causing tachycardia?

by Carol
694 2 09/12/2010 11:09PM
Last Post by Claudia

Gaba and Glutamate

by Steve
689 2 09/13/2010 07:28PM
Last Post by Erling

Is fast rate during episodes cause for concern?

by Cathie
486 3 09/11/2010 05:42AM
Last Post by GeorgeN


by Eva
474 5 09/13/2010 05:29AM
Last Post by researcher

Right atrium severely dilated

by Andrea
526 1 09/11/2010 05:00AM
Last Post by Andrea

Is AF termination during ablation an indicator for success

by researcher
501 3 09/13/2010 05:31AM
Last Post by researcher

Risk factor for esophageal injury during AF ablation

by researcher
509 4 09/11/2010 07:07PM
Last Post by researcher

converting via exercise

by curt r
567 2 09/11/2010 04:44AM
Last Post by Jackie

AFIB / Lyme Disease

by Ken H.
1,578 6 10/03/2010 07:20AM
Last Post by drew

Atrial Flutter

by Steve
863 28 09/15/2010 03:35PM
Last Post by curt r

Selenium deficiency

by Jackie
801 5 09/30/2010 12:31AM
Last Post by Isabelle

Vitamin C question

by Carol
532 6 09/12/2010 06:14AM
Last Post by lisa s

ESC - comparison of PAF ablation with and without 3D mapping

by researcher
490 1 09/10/2010 05:10AM
Last Post by researcher

Laura Lois ablation

by Isabelle
444 5 09/11/2010 10:01PM
Last Post by Isabelle

Potassium problems

by janet
449 9 09/11/2010 05:07PM
Last Post by May

Flu Shot Locations

by jerrynmn1
753 1 09/09/2010 03:08PM
Last Post by jerrynmn1

Delay before Cardiovesion

by RichardG
538 14 09/13/2010 01:08PM
Last Post by Joe

Forum Member Conferences

by DavidS
594 5 09/10/2010 07:56PM
Last Post by Sujo

excellent vitamin D article, with interactions with vits A,D.E. and K

by PeggyM
565 4 09/10/2010 04:37AM
Last Post by Isabelle

Iodine supplementation

by Peter Ohlson
705 3 09/18/2010 01:02AM
Last Post by Peter Ohlson

How I terminated an AF episode

by Maria
1,210 8 09/12/2010 06:02AM
Last Post by lisa s

Please help. Got a cold, afraid to take anything.

by May
642 6 09/11/2010 05:13PM
Last Post by May

First Europe-Specific Guidance on AF

by Sujo
540 1 09/08/2010 02:04PM
Last Post by Sujo

Request for Jackie (or others)

by DickI
534 3 09/09/2010 05:37AM
Last Post by Jackie

Mark Hyman MD - online article

by Jackie
482 5 09/09/2010 08:59AM
Last Post by Elizabeth H.

Interesting reading

by Jackie
468 3 09/09/2010 05:52AM
Last Post by Jackie

off topic - Steve's progress

by Emmie
493 4 09/08/2010 02:10PM
Last Post by Emmie


by Jill
668 3 09/08/2010 06:52AM
Last Post by Jill


by Carol
510 12 11/03/2010 04:36PM
Last Post by Ralph Lanzetta

Why AFIB starts while sleeping

by Richard B
579 12 09/08/2010 06:13PM
Last Post by Richard B

Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Explained

by SL Clark
551 1 09/06/2010 07:32PM
Last Post by SL Clark

CT pulmonary agiogram

by MJayne
515 1 09/06/2010 10:25AM
Last Post by MJayne

Ablation update

by Tony
510 3 09/07/2010 04:39AM
Last Post by Jackie

statin madness

by DickI
560 5 09/07/2010 02:20PM
Last Post by Adrian

Women, caffeine, and AF

by Lynn Robinson
727 10 09/08/2010 11:41AM
Last Post by PeggyM

lecture on ESC AF drug guidelines

by researcher
583 5 09/09/2010 05:19AM
Last Post by researcher

Vitamin D/calcification of arteries?

by Debbie
613 11 09/12/2010 05:57AM
Last Post by Jackie

Digestive problems following ablations

by Carol
898 3 09/05/2010 09:04AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

uncomfortable feeling in chest bone area

566 7 09/06/2010 03:46AM
Last Post by Jackie

Bending Forward resolved AF attack

by Sujo
956 11 09/07/2010 02:19PM
Last Post by curt r

sotalol, cont.

by Jill
760 10 09/05/2010 11:53AM
Last Post by Gunnar

has anyone heard of this??

by claire
622 18 09/07/2010 09:30PM
Last Post by PeggyM

REALISE-AF Registry: Much Still to Do in Atrial Fibrillation

by Sujo
571 2 09/03/2010 06:23AM
Last Post by researcher

Critics comment on Today Show ablation

by Jackie
674 3 09/03/2010 04:41AM
Last Post by Jackie

Confused, as usual

by Tim
547 13 09/15/2010 03:26AM
Last Post by Tim

Probiotics Anyone?

by James Wayman
676 7 09/02/2010 07:45PM
Last Post by James Wayman

Where the sun don't shine!

by Dale
602 2 09/01/2010 03:41PM
Last Post by Raybok


by Kevin
741 15 09/06/2010 04:40AM
Last Post by Jackie

One year of NSR

by happynsr
700 2 09/01/2010 03:02PM
Last Post by Tish

September 2010 Issue of The AFIB Report

by Hans Larsen
514 2 09/02/2010 02:02AM
Last Post by PeggyM

September 2010 issue of International Health News

by Hans Larsen
2,042 1 09/01/2010 08:36AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Zantac & Prilosec side effects

by Carol
808 4 09/02/2010 05:13AM
Last Post by Jackie

Help! Anyone get Tachycardia from taking Nattokinase?

by Sam
1,355 4 09/01/2010 07:26PM
Last Post by Emmie


by Jill
1,166 16 09/02/2010 02:37PM
Last Post by DickI

Scheduled consolation with Dr. Andrea Natale

by James Igne
894 6 09/07/2010 09:41PM
Last Post by Chuck Blais

Computer question

by Gill
578 10 09/23/2010 03:26PM
Last Post by lisa s

To Jill

by Jackie
482 2 08/31/2010 01:16PM
Last Post by Jill

Retrospective analysis of tamponade risk, men vs women

by researcher
476 3 08/31/2010 05:04PM
Last Post by researcher

German Registry, Data on Age effect

by researcher
459 7 09/01/2010 10:05AM
Last Post by PeggyM

Surgical Ablation Lecture

by researcher
459 2 09/02/2010 02:10PM
Last Post by DickI

paroxysmal AF lecture

by researcher
451 6 09/01/2010 12:40PM
Last Post by DickI

Redo Ablations Lecture

by researcher
477 1 08/31/2010 06:09AM
Last Post by researcher

affordable heart monitor

by curt r
586 1 08/31/2010 12:50AM
Last Post by curt r

Dangers of long-term Pariet and other proton pump inhibitors

by Michael Goldberg
8,994 7 09/02/2010 03:51AM
Last Post by Michael Goldberg

My last post was "Running Out Of Stuff To Try"

by James Wayman
781 11 09/04/2010 01:08AM
Last Post by Sam

Dabigatran - New Blood Thinner

by Cynthia
602 1 08/30/2010 05:28PM
Last Post by Cynthia

acupunture and afib

by Jill
779 6 10/06/2010 10:46AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

CPMC video - Hoa

by researcher
531 2 08/30/2010 12:04PM
Last Post by curt r

Flecainide and Digoxin?

by Ute
521 4 08/30/2010 10:36AM
Last Post by Ute

Five Box Thoracoscopic Maze

by sally s.
552 3 08/30/2010 09:54AM
Last Post by Ken

Larry Dossey, MD: The future of medicine

by Erling
1,013 14 09/01/2010 07:35PM
Last Post by Emmie

Pneumonia Post Surgery

by Ken
548 7 08/30/2010 01:05PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Atrial Fibrillation help

by andy mckenna
740 7 08/31/2010 06:22AM
Last Post by steve n.


by Sue
494 5 08/30/2010 05:50AM
Last Post by Jackie

Duration of afib events - remodelling/ fibrosis

by Dirk
621 10 08/30/2010 03:25PM
Last Post by Emmie

Electrolyte Supplementation Post Ablation or Surgery

by Ken
572 5 08/30/2010 05:56AM
Last Post by Jackie

magnesium test result

by sheila
556 9 08/29/2010 09:59AM
Last Post by Mike


by Jim W.
563 8 08/29/2010 10:40AM
Last Post by Jackie

Healing is something far more profound than curing disease.

by Erling
778 2 08/28/2010 11:05AM
Last Post by Jackie

1st morning onset

by Jill
768 11 08/30/2010 03:27AM
Last Post by PeggyM

Vit. D

by Nel
591 5 08/29/2010 05:19AM
Last Post by Jackie


by Nel
607 11 08/29/2010 10:05AM
Last Post by Sam

Fish Oil and Vitamin E

by gregg
595 3 08/29/2010 09:09AM
Last Post by gregg

Mayo clinic ablation Dr recommendation

by Teri
613 14 09/18/2010 07:54AM
Last Post by james

post-ablation question

by Joe Osga
852 16 08/29/2010 10:42AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Pericardial fat is an independent predictor of AF

by researcher
583 10 08/29/2010 05:56AM
Last Post by Jackie


by Paul
779 5 08/28/2010 05:51AM
Last Post by PeggyM

Potassium powder/cooking

by Debbie
705 6 08/28/2010 11:13AM
Last Post by Cyndie

Amount of radiation in Robotic Ablation

by Debbie
529 2 08/27/2010 09:29AM
Last Post by DickI

Calcium increases afib rate, is silica a substitute?

by Isabelle
758 6 08/29/2010 08:21PM
Last Post by Isabelle

I Taurine the culprit?

by lisa s
637 11 08/27/2010 06:42AM
Last Post by lisa s

off topic - update on Steve's progress

by Emmie
712 11 08/31/2010 05:17PM
Last Post by MQ

post-ablation fatigue and discomfort

by Mary
857 19 08/29/2010 04:02PM
Last Post by Bill Kenny

Niacin, Loose Stools, and Electrolyte Wasting

by Ken
1,072 8 08/28/2010 03:02AM
Last Post by PeggyM

QTc interval

by Tim
758 15 08/28/2010 08:18AM
Last Post by PeggyM

Life's Lessons.

by Paul Basenberg
591 5 08/26/2010 07:17AM
Last Post by Jackie

off topic...suggestions to help find alternative treatments for epilepsy?

by Barb H.
587 5 08/25/2010 05:46PM
Last Post by Barb H.

Shingles shot necessary?

by Carol
762 7 08/26/2010 07:22AM
Last Post by Jackie

Waller Water - Need link on how to make it...

by Tom Poppino
608 2 08/25/2010 09:16AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

Success in increasing Testosterone by Natural Method!

by Sam
714 3 08/25/2010 04:31AM
Last Post by Gordon

Whether to use, or not to use, EXAtest, that is the question. Hans?

by Erling
668 3 08/28/2010 02:09PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

dental work causing afib?

by montos
1,130 10 08/28/2010 02:49PM
Last Post by Todd

Little known fun fact -- but oh, so important!

by Erling
666 4 08/26/2010 02:39AM
Last Post by Emmie

afib breakthrough-I am stumped as to why

by Cyndie
684 11 08/25/2010 10:51PM
Last Post by Gay

Rate Control for Permanent AFIB

by James Igne
817 6 08/24/2010 06:56AM
Last Post by researcher

Gall Bladder

by curt r
636 3 08/24/2010 05:25AM
Last Post by Jackie

Caffeine and afib

by Laura
691 9 08/24/2010 07:03AM
Last Post by Josiah

Ablation next week

by Tony
612 14 08/25/2010 02:07PM
Last Post by Jeff D

Adrenaline surge continued. Toni

by Gunnar
650 6 08/24/2010 10:51AM
Last Post by Mike

Reference ranges?

by alex
513 3 08/23/2010 05:40AM
Last Post by Jackie

Are Potassium Needs Greater for Athletic Afibbers

by Tom Poppino
459 6 08/24/2010 05:36AM
Last Post by Jackie

Awful episodes--need some suggestions please

by Kelly Wright
511 15 08/26/2010 02:37PM
Last Post by PeggyM

Paleo Diet - Entertaining

by Lois
456 2 08/22/2010 02:55PM
Last Post by PeggyM

Mercury Amalgam removal

by Steve D
499 3 08/23/2010 06:07AM
Last Post by Tish

"Top Ten" List of Triggers

by steve d
551 19 08/25/2010 06:28AM
Last Post by DickI

Flecainide and Urine PH

by Steve
828 4 08/23/2010 05:04PM
Last Post by GeorgeN

Vitamin K supplementation

by Josiah B
814 7 08/23/2010 12:15PM
Last Post by Josiah B

Too many herbs ?

by alex
612 4 08/22/2010 11:55AM
Last Post by curt r


by Tim
624 2 08/21/2010 10:28AM
Last Post by Jackie

The "big pee"

by Debbie
1,195 16 08/23/2010 05:33AM
Last Post by Jackie

The Outrageous Afib Racket - Julian Whitaker

by Tom Poppino
731 9 08/24/2010 05:22AM
Last Post by drew

Nutrition: the Big Picture

by Erling
566 2 08/22/2010 06:34PM
Last Post by lisa s

Another Flu Plan Scam is just around the corner

by Lois
456 6 08/21/2010 03:22PM
Last Post by Josiah B

Analyzibng the Problem

by Steve
708 10 08/21/2010 03:09PM
Last Post by Erling

Vagal vs Adrenergic AF

by Sujo
523 2 08/21/2010 06:19AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

Vagal afib and flecainide

by RichardG
553 7 08/22/2010 10:09AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen


by Sue
510 4 08/23/2010 05:04AM
Last Post by steve n.


by janet
764 6 08/21/2010 06:30PM
Last Post by janet

question on warfarin/INR prior to ablation

by Laura
590 4 08/20/2010 05:41PM
Last Post by Laura

Post ablation frustration

by Bill
719 22 10/05/2010 02:45PM
Last Post by Andy

Hello from downunder

by Sujo
629 8 08/28/2010 06:23PM
Last Post by Sujo

exatest The sample

by alex
528 7 08/25/2010 05:37AM
Last Post by Jackie

Adrenaline surge?

by Darcy
494 5 08/21/2010 10:36AM
Last Post by curt r

shaving off Toprol

by Jake
478 5 08/20/2010 06:52AM
Last Post by Jake

Medical alert systems and bracelets

by Andrea
562 4 08/20/2010 01:20PM
Last Post by Jane Burley

"Where ignorance is our master there is there is no possibility of real health."

by ?
433 4 08/20/2010 08:55AM
Last Post by curt r

Flutter vs Fibrillation vs PACs

by Ken
771 23 08/22/2010 03:28PM
Last Post by Erling

Tropol for PAC's-need advice

by Debbie
453 7 08/22/2010 09:47AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Lone Afib vs

by Ken
431 9 08/22/2010 10:01AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

by Dale
613 14 08/19/2010 01:41PM
Last Post by PeggyM

Gluten exposure & PIP

by Lois
499 5 08/19/2010 08:53AM
Last Post by Lois

Specific EXAtest Procedures

by Ken
610 4 08/22/2010 04:39PM
Last Post by Erling

Probiotics in UK

by JoyceUk
677 2 08/18/2010 12:43AM
Last Post by JoyceUk

Medicare and afib

by James Wayman
582 10 08/20/2010 06:17AM
Last Post by DavidS


by Sue
523 7 08/20/2010 02:13PM
Last Post by Sue

Upon converting, a noticeable event now

by gregg
678 20 08/19/2010 03:57PM
Last Post by gregg

Giving up drugs, staying in AFIB

by Jerry G
537 10 08/20/2010 02:43PM
Last Post by Sue

Vit D, TSH and other thyroid indicators

by Cyndie
609 8 08/19/2010 08:57AM
Last Post by Lois

paleolithic diet v. standard diet potassium/sodium ratios

by Erling
936 17 08/19/2010 12:39AM
Last Post by PeggyM


by Ken
572 3 08/17/2010 03:17PM
Last Post by PeggyM


by Ute
655 3 08/17/2010 08:06AM
Last Post by Gunnar

Is less oxygen going to the brain?

by Isabelle
666 15 08/26/2010 04:32AM
Last Post by Emmie


by alex
484 4 08/18/2010 09:17AM
Last Post by Elizabeth H.

A Question:

by tibbar
553 8 08/18/2010 07:39AM
Last Post by tibbar

cleveland clinic

by Don
621 5 08/18/2010 06:38PM
Last Post by Ben

OT feline asthma magnesium bicarbonate

by GeorgeN
1,241 4 08/17/2010 05:19AM
Last Post by Jackie

CA by Dr. Natale

by Linda Matteson
670 4 08/22/2010 07:11AM
Last Post by ln108

Off to take a Stress Test

by Ken
635 14 08/20/2010 07:09AM
Last Post by Ken

afib concern

by Lynda
478 3 08/16/2010 09:00AM
Last Post by Lynda

ideas to terminate an episode

by Lynda
509 10 08/21/2010 06:58PM
Last Post by Barb H.

What makes an episode stop? cont'd,

by Erling
584 4 09/04/2010 06:43AM
Last Post by Adrian

RIP, RBC magnesium testing! cont'd.

by Erling
624 1 08/15/2010 08:09PM
Last Post by Erling

Running out of things to try

by James Wayman
545 16 08/17/2010 09:15PM
Last Post by Glen Breaks

Message for Hans

by Gill
576 1 08/14/2010 01:18PM
Last Post by Gill

Off the Mag. Chloride

by Steve
746 17 08/16/2010 07:32PM
Last Post by GeorgeN

A-fib During Ablation Recovery

by John
585 4 08/15/2010 08:50AM
Last Post by Howie

Sotalol before Flecainide?

by Toronto
673 11 08/16/2010 07:54AM
Last Post by Toronto

Tikosyn fails - New AFib episode

by Tony
965 9 08/14/2010 01:32PM
Last Post by Erling

Potassium measurements

by Tony
561 4 08/15/2010 08:48AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Dumbing Down of Society

by Jackie
629 4 08/16/2010 08:16AM
Last Post by Erling

New episode but very mild

by Larry Z
439 4 08/14/2010 04:55AM
Last Post by Jackie


by charles
522 5 08/14/2010 10:13AM
Last Post by charles

The cause of atrial-fibrillation is:

by Erling
781 17 08/14/2010 12:05PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

warfrin and hematomas

by janet
645 11 08/15/2010 11:10AM
Last Post by Laura

by Jackie
673 5 08/13/2010 10:30AM
Last Post by Jackie

With regard to Potassium - Coconut Water

by Tom Poppino
525 5 08/14/2010 12:46AM
Last Post by Mike

Univ of Florida Wide Receiver - Racing Heart

by Tom Poppino
474 1 08/13/2010 04:00AM
Last Post by Tom Poppino

Afib Coaching

by curt r
478 7 08/13/2010 05:30PM
Last Post by anneh

Are Bananas the best source of Potassium?

by Sam
757 6 08/14/2010 05:17AM
Last Post by Jackie


by Tracy
438 5 09/02/2010 06:14PM
Last Post by Pam2

AF Episode Threshold for Surgery or Ablation

by Ken
417 5 08/14/2010 03:50AM
Last Post by Tom C

Afib & Inflammation

by Lois
421 5 08/13/2010 11:13AM
Last Post by Lois

For Barry G.

by Gill
454 2 08/12/2010 01:49PM
Last Post by Barry G.

PIP - Flecainide, not working

by John S
914 14 08/13/2010 02:43AM
Last Post by Lois

Just how long does an ablation take

by Pilot
604 9 08/23/2010 07:13AM
Last Post by paul brash

Konjac -- Shirataki Thin Noodles Pasta

by Rahmulus
657 5 08/16/2010 07:36AM
Last Post by DickI

Hot summer - electrolytes

by Jackie
557 3 08/13/2010 10:58AM
Last Post by Jackie

Let's talk Thyroid

by Lois
467 5 08/11/2010 03:45PM
Last Post by Lois

Flagyl: Afib trigger? Problems with supps?

by louise Emerson
1,012 7 08/12/2010 02:29PM
Last Post by louise Emerson


by Steve
650 3 08/11/2010 10:54AM
Last Post by Erling