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A forum for sharing experiences regarding atrial fibrillation and other atrial tachy-arrhythmias. 
Subject Views Posts Last Post

Old Friend - New Afibber - Smoker

by Tom Poppino
406 10 05/16/2009 08:17AM
Last Post by William

Virtual Heart

by Dean
411 2 05/14/2009 04:39AM
Last Post by William

Anyone with long term ablation success

by Jeff
1,196 42 05/17/2009 05:04PM
Last Post by William

Atrium Enlargement

by Sarah
495 5 05/14/2009 04:08PM
Last Post by susan

Update on Natale ablation 4 29

by Smitty
724 4 05/17/2009 12:59AM
Last Post by Shannon

Magnesium Phosphate or Magnesium Citrate?

by Julia
811 6 05/13/2009 04:09PM
Last Post by Jackie

Vitamin D question......

by Julia
650 10 05/18/2009 03:53AM
Last Post by PeggyM

C-Reactive Protein test- Others?

by gregg
650 8 05/19/2009 05:23AM
Last Post by Jackie

Cyclic nature of AF

by Mark S.
654 5 05/23/2009 01:04PM
Last Post by E. B.

Calcium Supplementation

by ln108
915 9 05/12/2009 10:12PM
Last Post by susan

Banana - compare and contrast

by Paul
649 5 05/13/2009 12:46AM
Last Post by Mark Robinson

Ablation in Germany? Need Help to find reputable Dr/Clinic

by Christof
528 7 05/13/2009 09:40AM
Last Post by researcher


by tom ellis
410 4 05/15/2009 02:54PM
Last Post by Don Andert

Results of yearly check up

by Ritze
458 1 05/11/2009 11:21AM
Last Post by Ritze

Genetic Basis of AF

by researcher
508 3 05/11/2009 03:46PM
Last Post by Mike

Rant of the day

by William
472 11 05/12/2009 11:04AM
Last Post by Jackie

Was chronic AF, now sinus!!

by Dick Schneiders
414 6 05/16/2009 06:33AM
Last Post by Mike s,

Tachy and Lightheaded Post PVI Ablation

by JK
384 5 05/17/2009 03:00AM
Last Post by Shannon

Balance Center Question?

by Elizabeth - the other
447 1 05/10/2009 05:57PM
Last Post by Elizabeth - the other


by Mike s,
414 10 05/15/2009 05:55PM
Last Post by Barb H.

AF and Tikosyn

by Johnny
3,067 6 05/10/2009 04:08PM
Last Post by Johnny

AFIB may be aback after nearly five years

by BillB
518 4 05/10/2009 02:35AM
Last Post by robhaff

Stabilizing the INR/Hans, Jackie and other Listmembers

by Isabelle
549 10 05/12/2009 05:34AM
Last Post by Jackie

Vitamin Water

by John F
432 8 05/10/2009 05:34AM
Last Post by susan

digoxcin and prostate cancer

by Bill Bee
417 1 05/08/2009 12:14PM
Last Post by Bill Bee

Expert feel compared to actual forces during CA

by researcher
438 1 05/08/2009 10:42AM
Last Post by researcher

Implanted vs holter monitor

by researcher
479 4 05/08/2009 07:30PM
Last Post by GeorgeN

mitral isthmus compared with other foci

by researcher
484 1 05/08/2009 06:30AM
Last Post by researcher

Question re Paleo Diet.....

by Julia
499 17 05/11/2009 02:23AM
Last Post by JoyceUK

CA Efficacy and complication by age group

by researcher
523 8 05/12/2009 06:26AM
Last Post by Doug

5-year followup data on CA

by researcher
585 12 05/13/2009 03:51PM
Last Post by John F

Ablation, good recovery, exercise then eptopics

by mike
635 23 05/12/2009 02:01PM
Last Post by mike

Cleveland Clinic Weston Insurance Issues

by Jim
552 1 05/06/2009 10:31AM
Last Post by Jim

Only Two Options for Treatment

by Mike S
561 5 05/07/2009 11:53AM
Last Post by Kevin

recovery from ablation question

by valda bailey
495 8 05/07/2009 11:28AM
Last Post by Cyndie


by PeggyM
502 17 05/09/2009 04:57PM
Last Post by susan

Detraining and magnesium on skin

by alex encel
850 15 05/10/2009 04:11PM
Last Post by alex encel

INR and clots

by Art
547 7 05/08/2009 09:29AM
Last Post by Art

Raw Food/Vagal Afib cure

by Ulla
1,153 26 05/13/2009 06:51PM
Last Post by Ulla

Catheter Ablation Mortality Rate: 1:1000

by janis Stahlhut
958 15 06/01/2009 05:21AM
Last Post by Jim W.

AF question/comment

by Jeff
529 4 05/06/2009 05:10AM
Last Post by Jeff

elevated heart rate post ablation

by Hawk
514 2 05/05/2009 10:26AM
Last Post by Cyndie

Need my Nattokinase!

by christy
817 7 05/05/2009 05:07PM
Last Post by christy

The plight of salmon

by Jackie
530 7 05/05/2009 04:22PM
Last Post by gregg

Exercise and AF

by John Picken
773 12 05/08/2009 05:01AM
Last Post by Jackie

Jackie- Cleveland questions

by Bill
444 2 05/05/2009 04:16AM
Last Post by Jackie

Protocols 12 Steps

by Tibbar
540 5 05/05/2009 03:52PM
Last Post by Tibbar

Stress causing afib/flutter

by Robin Temple
551 7 05/07/2009 08:57AM
Last Post by David Price

false optimism?

by Sis
478 6 05/04/2009 09:53AM
Last Post by Sis

Two Ablations Later - Pinski Follow-up Appointment Results

by benj
450 13 05/05/2009 01:33AM
Last Post by benj

GFR test and AF

by Mark
485 9 05/04/2009 11:43AM
Last Post by Jackie

Cause of LAF

by William
518 8 05/05/2009 04:21AM
Last Post by Jackie

Off meds hopefully ablation a success

by steve Daley
517 7 05/10/2009 06:57PM
Last Post by RayH

Is A-Fib Hereditary?

by John F
663 17 05/06/2009 01:00AM
Last Post by JoyceUK


by Hans Larsen
728 6 05/06/2009 06:01PM
Last Post by Adrian

change in habit of LAF

by Nik
536 8 05/02/2009 04:40PM
Last Post by Hawk

recommendation for heart monitor

by louise Emerson
513 5 05/03/2009 04:11AM
Last Post by louise Emerson

Ginko Biloba

by robhaff
669 3 05/02/2009 09:51PM
Last Post by susan


by Carol P
469 9 05/04/2009 08:07AM
Last Post by researcher


by Nik
413 5 05/02/2009 05:50AM
Last Post by William


by William
465 7 05/17/2009 05:17AM
Last Post by suzette Griffin

Where can I find the Paleo Diet?

by Julia
418 3 05/01/2009 07:02PM
Last Post by William

Paleo results

by Bill C.
330 6 05/04/2009 04:24AM
Last Post by Jackie

Survey of EP's

by Bruce L
474 11 05/02/2009 12:51PM
Last Post by Mellanie True Hills


by Elizabeth H
462 15 05/04/2009 06:22AM
Last Post by Jackie

End of my rope.

by Ted
501 14 05/02/2009 09:25AM
Last Post by David Price

Problems with taurine

by Sheila
2,150 8 05/01/2009 01:49PM
Last Post by sue

What Blood And Other Tests For AF?

by John
554 5 05/08/2009 02:53PM
Last Post by PeggyM

ablation changed rythymn

by martin
539 4 05/02/2009 09:29AM
Last Post by martin

Diflucan 1 and AF

by Justine
531 1 04/30/2009 10:06PM
Last Post by Justine

Just end it

by Carol P
477 18 05/01/2009 06:20PM
Last Post by Barb H.

Deadine for GMP compliance coming up fast

by Jackie
448 1 04/30/2009 10:37AM
Last Post by Jackie

5 days of a-fib

by Johnny
515 6 05/02/2009 04:55AM
Last Post by RayH

Kal - Fizz C (300 mg potassium)

by Tom Poppino
467 5 05/02/2009 03:58AM
Last Post by Jackie

taurine dosage

by charle
583 9 04/30/2009 12:27PM
Last Post by Sharon Glass

? re post ablation elevated heart rate

by louise Emerson
554 11 05/01/2009 02:39PM
Last Post by louise Emerson

Flec vs. Ablation?

by Randy L.
589 11 05/08/2009 02:55PM
Last Post by PeggyM

Prevention help for The New Flu

by Jackie
673 17 05/01/2009 06:56AM
Last Post by Jackie

Difficult decision: Ablation or Flec

by Christine Kruchen
619 13 04/30/2009 09:00AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

left atrium size

by Mike s,
791 9 04/29/2009 04:39AM
Last Post by Tibbar

sleep apnea

by RobM
578 5 04/30/2009 10:33AM
Last Post by phil

conversion with Flec

by Bill Bee
510 5 04/28/2009 10:43AM
Last Post by Bill Bee

2nd failed ablation

by Dedie
484 7 05/02/2009 05:12AM
Last Post by RayH


by William
455 5 04/29/2009 04:45AM
Last Post by William

Flec Long Term vs Ablation.

by Mike F.
541 14 05/04/2009 05:16AM
Last Post by Tibbar

has anyone here ever heard of Flecainide causing Lung Problems??

by Mike F.
416 5 04/30/2009 07:44PM
Last Post by PeggyM


by larry
369 4 11/22/2009 09:40AM
Last Post by Win

Dronedarone - new drug for AF?

by CatalinRo
362 4 04/28/2009 12:30AM
Last Post by PeggyM

Seasonal Allergy Meds?

by John F
360 9 04/29/2009 04:15AM
Last Post by John F

Nattokinase questions

by louise Emerson
309 8 04/29/2009 06:40AM
Last Post by PeggyM

"Positional arrhythmias"

by David
368 5 04/28/2009 03:52AM
Last Post by Jackie

can anyone solve this mystery?

by susan
466 30 04/30/2009 03:11PM
Last Post by William

Leg swelling

by Lisa
410 2 04/27/2009 03:07PM
Last Post by ed

"mini maze" completed by Dr Wolf

by John Potter
369 4 04/27/2009 02:54PM
Last Post by dick

persistent afibber and Dr. appt

by larry
358 7 05/03/2009 09:33AM
Last Post by larry

Drugs for a-fib?

by Ron
355 3 04/27/2009 04:46PM
Last Post by charle

Radiation from Fluoroscopy

by Jay
342 2 04/27/2009 10:17AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Propafenone vs Flecainide

by CatalinRo
361 2 04/27/2009 09:07AM
Last Post by Mary

Flec eventually doesn't work?

by Mike S
393 8 04/28/2009 06:46AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

Potassium Gluconate Question

by Ken
400 3 04/27/2009 04:43PM
Last Post by Mike

A-Fib and Sick Sinus Syndrome

by Doug
424 6 04/27/2009 11:01AM
Last Post by Elizabeth H

Fluid retention

by Sally
889 3 04/27/2009 11:33AM
Last Post by Lisa

BP Lowering, Vasoprotective, & Antiplatelet prop of nitrite

by GeorgeN
615 6 04/30/2009 04:03AM
Last Post by Jackie

Unknown trigger

by Georgie
549 8 04/27/2009 02:53AM
Last Post by Sharon Glass

New to Forum with Questions

by Julia
509 4 05/02/2009 09:38AM
Last Post by robhaff

Mag bicarbonate

by sue
465 6 04/28/2009 04:09AM
Last Post by Jackie


by mike c
597 9 04/26/2009 06:09PM
Last Post by William

Alli - does it trigger A-FIB?

by Katy
471 2 04/26/2009 10:30AM
Last Post by Sam

Researching afib topics

by Jackie
445 2 04/27/2009 04:35AM
Last Post by Mike S

ectopic beats

by andrew mckenna
490 5 04/27/2009 09:30AM
Last Post by a mckenna

PIP and fatigue

by Laura
383 2 04/25/2009 05:09PM
Last Post by Elizabeth H

Follow-up studies regarding risk of stroke in lone AFIB

by CatalinRo
435 5 04/27/2009 11:03AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

John. supplements in GB

by Gay McWhinnie
379 3 04/26/2009 01:52AM
Last Post by John

Ectopics - ablation or research?

by Wade
422 3 04/25/2009 12:57PM
Last Post by Wade

Anti-inflammatory - Voltaren

by Wade
593 8 04/25/2009 08:24AM
Last Post by CatalinRo


by Mary
490 2 04/24/2009 09:40PM
Last Post by aldona

What is the difference between A Fib and Arrhythmia?

by John
459 13 04/27/2009 03:39AM
Last Post by Steve

persistent afib-what to do

by larry
406 4 04/24/2009 10:37AM
Last Post by larry

Sharp chest pain and a-fib?

by Doug
588 11 04/24/2009 02:00PM
Last Post by Doug

Insomnia and depression with Flec?

by Karen
535 9 04/25/2009 05:21PM
Last Post by Karen

aspirin and nattokinase

by Laura
1,551 5 04/25/2009 09:35AM
Last Post by Laura

thank you Hans

by susan
511 5 04/24/2009 02:29PM
Last Post by Rob Law

MSG info

by Jackie
427 1 04/23/2009 10:31AM
Last Post by Jackie

Some advices after cardiologist consult

by CatalinRo
547 5 04/27/2009 09:35AM
Last Post by JoyceUK

Help me remember a word

by Josiah
412 3 04/23/2009 03:52AM
Last Post by Josiah

red wine and resveratrol

by susan
612 5 04/23/2009 12:06PM
Last Post by susan

Paleo diet

by Bill C.
368 6 04/24/2009 07:18AM
Last Post by William

Heart valve/coumadin

by Elizabeth H
400 2 04/23/2009 04:25AM
Last Post by Jackie

Good for arteries

by gregg
382 3 04/23/2009 04:40AM
Last Post by William

Continual Afib.......actions

by Bill C.
526 13 04/25/2009 05:43AM
Last Post by PeggyM


by sbvcrn
436 4 04/23/2009 03:52PM
Last Post by sbvcrn


by janet
427 24 04/26/2009 06:40AM
Last Post by William

more Flec

by Bill Bee
457 15 04/26/2009 04:50PM
Last Post by Bill Bee

EP is the way to go

by Howie
438 1 04/21/2009 11:54AM
Last Post by Howie


by GeorgeN
508 4 04/22/2009 12:04PM
Last Post by Sharon Glass


by Mike S
474 6 05/06/2009 06:51AM
Last Post by Nick in SC


by Joan
593 7 04/27/2009 06:03AM
Last Post by researcher

Which Supplement Have You Found To Be The Most Effective?

by John
753 10 04/25/2009 01:55AM
Last Post by kate

Dr Natale - PVI scheduled for 29th

by Smitty
699 9 04/27/2009 09:14PM
Last Post by Smitty

weight gain

by Ron
513 1 04/20/2009 01:32PM
Last Post by Ron

Organic foods

by Elizabeth H
532 6 04/21/2009 05:36AM
Last Post by Jackie

Live Blood Analysis

by William
478 2 04/21/2009 01:59PM
Last Post by Jackie

9 months of paleo diet

by Pam
526 11 04/21/2009 02:49AM
Last Post by Sharon Glass

Mg glycinate AND Mg citrate

by Josiah
591 8 04/21/2009 05:40AM
Last Post by Jackie

vitamins and coumadine

by chris
481 2 04/20/2009 03:48AM
Last Post by PeggyM


by sue
602 3 04/20/2009 05:56AM
Last Post by sue

The Importance of Stomach Acid

by Jackie
1,571 5 04/24/2009 01:11PM
Last Post by Jackie

flecainide and skipped beats

by louise
1,797 5 04/23/2009 04:14PM
Last Post by sbvcrn

An anti statin website

by alex encel
641 9 04/21/2009 05:42AM
Last Post by Jackie


by Glen Breaks
843 5 04/23/2009 06:02PM
Last Post by Glen Breaks

Which Anti Thrombotic/Embolitic?

by John
627 12 04/18/2009 03:18PM
Last Post by William


by StarvinMarv
605 15 04/21/2009 03:53PM
Last Post by Mike s,

Heart.Org & Dr Natale

by David Price
621 4 04/24/2009 06:20AM
Last Post by David Price

help with supplements

by andrew mckenna
628 13 04/17/2009 11:52AM
Last Post by a mckenna

Another article about H.Pylori and ulcers

by Sharon Glass
472 1 04/16/2009 10:44AM
Last Post by Sharon Glass

How to Find Survey 11

by Mike s,
427 9 04/17/2009 07:26AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

Two years today!

by Marian from Miami
549 16 04/21/2009 03:21PM
Last Post by Pat M

a paleo questioned leading to decision

by alex encel
457 8 04/17/2009 06:50AM
Last Post by Jackie

Blood tests for Mg, ca, K and Iron levels

by CatalinRo
506 3 04/16/2009 01:41PM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

Interesting video on heart function

by Hans Larsen
481 2 04/16/2009 10:34AM
Last Post by Isabelle

Of interest to California afibbers

by Hans Larsen
398 4 04/16/2009 05:24AM
Last Post by Jackie

VMAF - repost

by Jackie
433 4 04/16/2009 11:00AM
Last Post by GeorgeN


by Mary
389 2 04/16/2009 12:29PM
Last Post by David Price

flutter ablation

by disup
410 6 04/18/2009 09:35AM
Last Post by researcher

Anyone know empathetic/good cardiologists in Sydney Australi

by Karen
348 7 04/21/2009 06:07AM
Last Post by researcher


by louise Emerson
400 8 04/16/2009 10:56AM
Last Post by Isabelle

Lethargy and A-Fib while sleeping?

by Doug
367 7 04/17/2009 12:31PM
Last Post by Susan

anyone Help?

by Andy Mckenna
411 9 04/14/2009 08:31AM
Last Post by a mckenna

Order IHerb supplements from outside

by CatalinRo
485 3 04/14/2009 08:41PM
Last Post by CatalinRo

An Ablation update

by steve Daley
451 2 04/14/2009 06:23PM
Last Post by aldona

Sherry Roger's MD - new book on cardiology

by pat
458 3 04/13/2009 03:24PM
Last Post by PeggyM

Link to KC Star Article on Afib & Yoga

by Tom Poppino
479 2 04/13/2009 09:18AM
Last Post by GeorgeN

what is going on????

by John
507 5 04/15/2009 05:13PM
Last Post by jim,fl

Vacation to Italy - what if ???

by Tom Poppino
491 12 04/19/2009 05:18AM
Last Post by susan

Univ of Kansas Yoga Study on Afib

by Tom Poppino
464 4 04/16/2009 08:58AM
Last Post by Mike s,

OT - Computer woes

by Jackie
453 19 04/15/2009 02:34PM
Last Post by Jackie

Ablation for PVC's

by charle
379 6 04/15/2009 04:35PM
Last Post by charle

atrial flutter-triggers? supplements?

by Cyndie
379 1 04/13/2009 05:57AM
Last Post by Cyndie

PVI plus Linear Ablation

by Maureen
467 12 04/17/2009 04:04PM
Last Post by John F

Neutralizing MSG Possible?

by gregg
357 4 04/13/2009 05:47AM
Last Post by Dale

prednizone vs. chest pain

by Joe W
476 11 04/14/2009 05:58AM
Last Post by Jackie

What should I ask the specialist?

by John
417 9 04/17/2009 05:37AM
Last Post by John


by richard
552 4 04/16/2009 12:33PM
Last Post by David Price

Magnesium chelate, magnesium stearate, magnesium aspartate

by CatalinRo
691 14 04/13/2009 10:59AM
Last Post by William

Science, Doctors and Homeopathic Medicine

by PeterL
413 2 04/12/2009 08:12AM
Last Post by Sharon Glass

Accidental OD

by Afibber UK
386 3 04/12/2009 03:30AM
Last Post by StarvinMarv

breakthrough for us all

by janet
542 7 04/14/2009 09:09AM
Last Post by dick

For Valda - ECG interpretation

by GeorgeN
418 3 04/12/2009 03:41AM
Last Post by StarvinMarv

skip beats after ablation, now what

by Frank
1,799 7 04/12/2009 06:03AM
Last Post by Hans Larsen

What are my chances?

by Phill
454 5 04/12/2009 02:44AM
Last Post by Phill


by Ian
499 4 04/11/2009 05:27PM
Last Post by GeorgeN

If not Digoxin (Lanoxin), then what?!

by Andrea
732 14 04/12/2009 09:21AM
Last Post by Andrea

Questions about Ablation

by Doug
624 14 04/22/2009 02:59PM
Last Post by Pat M

Total cholesterol level vs ratio

by CatalinRo
533 3 04/12/2009 05:41AM
Last Post by CatalinRo

Stopping Flecainide

by Sarah
504 3 04/16/2009 09:04AM
Last Post by Mike s,

Paleo diets, type A personalities etc

by alex encel
544 10 04/13/2009 01:39AM
Last Post by alex encel


by Claudia
412 2 04/11/2009 05:45AM
Last Post by Jackie

Post ablation report

by Brad Reardon
430 8 05/03/2010 12:29PM
Last Post by Brad Reardon

Are You on Metoprolol?

by gregg
415 8 04/12/2009 10:29AM
Last Post by gregg

Diagnosed with H.Pylori

by Sharon Glass
661 15 04/16/2009 10:50AM
Last Post by Sharon Glass