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Strange happenings in texts?

Posted by Erling 
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 19, 2011 06:49PM
And I notice the clever use of bold in your post, Lisa.

bold Just trying the underline method with a b in place of u to see if it works. This is certainly an educational forum in more ways than one!

Oh, I see where Erling went through all this up thread, as you said, Lisa.


Post Edited (02-19-11 20:01)
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 19, 2011 08:34PM
Just to amplify this from Lisa's post:

"If you want to make a hyper-link enclose it in < > (omitting the spaces)"

Make sure that you include the http:// or it won't work. Also, if the link has a space in it (some do), it won't work. In that case, I use tinyURL to shorten the link and get rid of the space.

Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 19, 2011 08:37PM

Do you "LogIn" when you post? If you do, perhaps the ability to edit posts comes from that feature (which I'm not using & I don't get the "edit" option).

The LogIn option is in this menu near the top of the page:

New Topic | Go to Top | Go to Topic | Search | Log In

Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 20, 2011 05:09AM
Hello George,

Yes, I see that is the answer! I just logged out and then my ability to edit disappeared.

Good detective work! (Now I hope the gremlins don't come down on me!)

Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 20, 2011 05:56AM

The login feature is exactly the issue. Mystery solved, thanks! However, it seems that I needed to be logged in when I created the original post in order to edit it. Logging in after the fact doesn't give me the option on old posts. I guess I'm logged in from now on :-) 



So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Anonymous User
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 20, 2011 11:25AM

Thank you for figuring this out!


Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 20, 2011 11:33AM

Now maybe you can figure out the job problem?


Post Edited (02-20-11 12:35)
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 21, 2011 07:12PM

This is one that Hans will have to look into.
From [www.phorum.org]

Choosing: Simple Text Replacement

You get: Simple Text Replacement What is Simple Text Replacement?

This module allows admins to define text replacement in messages. So for example, if you set the module to replace the word "foobar" with "cake", if a user submits a post with "foobar" in it, it will be replaced with "cake". It is disabled by default. How do I use Simple Text Replacement?

Once you have enabled the module, click on Settings. Here, you can view the list of existing strings, or add your own. Simply enter a string to match, and what to replace it with. You can also use PCRE's (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions).

The administrator of the Phorum Software running this board has control here.


Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 21, 2011 07:42PM

I like how you went to the extreme place with "foobar", but we all know it is spelled "fubar" ;-D Oh, wait! Maybe you meant "foodbar" instead of cake?

But seriously, why is it capricious? Why do some never get to use the word? Why do some get to use it all the time, while others seem to be stuck in the mud of sometimes land?



So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 21, 2011 08:26PM

It was a quote from the Phorum Software Administrator's Manual. This is the software that is used to run this message board.

Any attempt at humor was not mine, I fear. I can be sarcastic at times, however this was a straight post.

Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 27, 2011 04:03PM
Well the gremlins have acted. I can no longer edit my posts. Even when I am logged in.
Hans Larsen
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 27, 2011 04:26PM

Thank you for figuring this out. I'll certainly look into it further. I am not sure though what string to replace. Do I replace **** with j o b s? And then whatabout just j o b?

Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 27, 2011 05:10PM

You shouldn't have to replace strings. From what I read, it is something in the Phorum setup that is causing this. Who knows how it got there? Since I've never played with it on the admin (your) side, it is hard to give advice. Don't know how much control you have.

lisa s
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 27, 2011 05:16PM

Just to muddy the waters further, "job" showed up in the preview, but when I posted, and it became stars, but when I edited my post, "job" stuck.



lisa s
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 27, 2011 05:28PM

You're right! The log in/log out option is gone. With it is, apparently, the ability/choice to edit one's own posts, as well. :-(


Hans Larsen
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 28, 2011 01:17PM
I went to the module and it is empty so it does not look like somebody replaced j o b s with ****. I also checked all other administrator-controlled files and could not find the words j o b or j o b s anywhere. Mystery remains!!

Hans Larsen
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 28, 2011 01:22PM
Lisa and Marg,

I had some complaints from posters who did not want to use the log-in function so I reverted the Forum back to what is has been for at least the first nine years of its life - namely unrestricted public access. I need to look into this further to see what can be done to satisfy everyone. In the meantime I suggest you use the "Preview" function to check your postings before you hit the "Post" button.


lisa s
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
February 28, 2011 07:03PM

I always use the "preview" button (except once, by accident :-).

As for having to log in, I never did that before I brought up the subject of post-editing. I never even saw that it was an option (some visually motivated type I am, despite my dubious artistic claims).

The old saying about how "You can please some of the people..." may or not apply here. It's obviously not necessary, to log in to participate, but those who do, get the ability to control their own posts.

However you decide to handle your forum, I certainly appreciate that you are keeping us in the information loop.


lisa s
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
April 16, 2011 04:04PM

But only because this has come up a couple times this week, and it is easier to reference this than to explain how to get here (on the second page).
Now on the first page. :-)

lisa s
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
May 26, 2011 06:19PM

Is it possible to reinstate the log-in feature in order to be able to edit our own posts? I think that was the only thing that changed when it went away. It would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry I ever brought it up. :-(



Hans Larsen
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
May 27, 2011 03:25PM
Hello Lisa,

I would prefer not to reinstate the log-in feature since I received quite a bit of negative feedback regarding the sudden need to log-in. I have had no feedback, other than yours, advocating reinstating the log-in, so I will just leave things the way they are. Besides which, I also had some problems myself logging in to moderate the board.


lisa s
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
May 28, 2011 05:53AM

Well, you can't fault a girl for trying ;-)


Re: Strange happenings in texts?
June 19, 2011 06:57AM
Another question about this on the other forum, so I thought I would move it to the top again.
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
October 09, 2011 07:02AM
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
October 10, 2011 05:40AM
In UNIX there is a **** command and I am thinking maybe this has something to do with the interpreter parsing the line and trying to execute a background process. The interpreter might take out the space between letters like j o b s and certain quote marks in unix may have special meaning like within double quotes allowing the interpreter to substitute variables while not allowing substitution within single quote marks for example.
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
October 10, 2011 05:43AM
**** was written as j o b s without the spaces.
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
October 10, 2011 05:55AM

As far as colors, I think people like myself with poor eyesight have problems with these light type colors when what is required is very dark characters on white or very light backgrounds to reallt stand out.
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
October 10, 2011 06:04AM
test j o b s **** '****' "****"
lisa s
Re: Strange happenings in texts?
October 10, 2011 02:49PM
I hate to tell you Howie, but some can, some can't, and some of us sometimes can post the word job.

However, if you can figure it out, many people here will consider you awesome :-)


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