Ken - I can appreciate your dilemma and your line of reasoning. I don't construe your comments as looking for an argument. We all are looking for responsible, scientifically-sound answers. Finding them can be a challenge. Id think you would find consulting with a Functional Medicine MD would be very helpful for some of the specialized testing to identify deficiencies that promote atherosclerotic plaque buildup.
Did you take statins prior to your stenting and the buildup occurred in spite of the statins?
With your situation now, the obvious is that you will have to decide what you are willing to live with as far as drugs and side effects go... and certainly, you should attempt to determine from study references that your doctor can provide as to what the stats show regarding restenosis in stents with and without statins. (I'd want to read those complete studies.) If they are about equal, then the decision would be.... is the downside to statin intake worth the risk or not? Based on my own statin damage outcome, I'd look for other options but I'm not walking in your shoes.
There are many contributing factors to assess. Its It's observed that:
(quote) The biggest source of abnormal cholesterol is not fat at all its sugar. The sugar you consume converts to fat in your body. And the worst culprit of all is high fructose corn syrup.
Consumption of high fructose corn syrup, which is present in sodas, many juices, and most processed foods, is the primary nutritional cause of most of the cholesterol issues we doctors see in our patients.
So the real concern isnt the amount of cholesterol you have, but the type of fats and sugar and refined carbohydrates in your diet that lead to abnormal cholesterol production.(end quote)
To manage cholesterol and heart disease, in another post some time ago, I wrote about Caldwell B Esselstyn, MD, very well-known physician here at the Cleveland Clinic who, years ago, took patients who had severe blockages and who were not candidates for bypass surgery...(stenting was not available back then). He put them on strict diets and followed them for years - as described in his famous book, Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease.
A groundbreaking program backed by the irrefutable results from Dr. Esselstyns 20-year study proving changes in diet and nutrition can actually cure heart disease.
The proof is in the results. The patients in Dr. Esselstyns initial study came to him with advanced coronary artery disease. Despite the aggressive treatment they received, among them bypasses and angioplasties, 5 of the original group were told by their cardiologists they had less than a year to live. Within months on Dr. Esselstyns program, their cholesterol levels, angina symptoms, and blood flow improved dramatically. Twelve years later 17 compliant patients had no further cardiac events. Adherent patients survived beyond twenty years free of symptoms.
I wish you well with your very important decisions.