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GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 17, 2012 09:32PM
"What a Ma-roon"

-Bugs Bunny winking smiley
Anonymous User
Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 17, 2012 10:25PM
Jackie, hank you for an important contribution to this GMO / human health topic. Quoting for emphasis:

Awareness and open mindedness is important to every health-conscious individual. For those wishing to enhance their health so that they live healthier and longer, tips about flu shots, BPA, GM foods, food sensitivities and the resultant effects for those who are susceptible and who are fortunate enough to have a related “tip off” symptom, being mindful of environmental influences is critical. There are many people who have symptoms but they are not traced back to the origins so they often are given drugs to mask the symptoms rather than seek out the source or cause which then continues to smolder silently and manifest significantly when it's much too late for reversal.

There are countless numbers of grateful afibbers who have significantly benefited from the tips offered here. Many have avoided ablation procedures as a result of making significant changes in lifestyle which very often revolve around nutrition.

My experience is that frequently, people want to know how to avoid environmental factors that may influence afib and are open-minded enough to examine many potential risk factors and so very much appreciate the tips offered here over the years. Since we are all unique in susceptibility or vulnerability as well as exposure response, there are a myriad of methods to sleuth out typical offenders. Ultimately, it’s a personal choice about modifying the dogma and exploring the new potentials.

Anonymous User
Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 17, 2012 10:57PM
Erling/ Jackie,

Just FYI, on Stopafib.org, Melanie recommends flu shots. And there is nothing about wheat on that website.

Based on your posts, those people have a lot of unnecessary ablations and are shills for Big Pharma.

Please continue the infomercial.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2012 11:10PM by FiveBox.
Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 18, 2012 12:20AM

I fail to see the relevance of there being "nothing about wheat" on the Stopafib.org website. As I have told you on several occasions the General Health Forum is meant for discussion of general health subjects not directly related to lone atrial fibrillation. Thus it is entirely appropriate to discuss GMO, wheat, heavy metals, electropollution or whatever on this forum. Participation is not mandatory so please feel free to to post on other websites if the discussions on the General Health Forum offend your sensibilities. If you do continue to participate, please tone down the sarcasm - it is not productive.

Anonymous User
Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 18, 2012 01:42AM

In the past, if you disagreed with something I posted, you removed it. I would have no disagreement with even-handed removals, because you removed plenty of Erling's drivel. In this case you left the whole thread up, so I would like to respond.

Several things-

First, you said political posts were not allowed but you let Erling's comment about Prop 37 stand. California votes on all sorts of things but I guess I thought that was off limits.

Second, if you are going to scold me about sarcasm, you do understand that Erling has spent this entire post trying to provoke me? And he uses sarcasm quite well too.

Third, my comment about Stopafib.org was in direct response to Erling's quote of Jackie "tips about flu shots, BPA, GM foods, food sensitivities" It was not to imply any competition between the two websites.

Fourth, I understand precisely the purpose of the General Health forum. If Erling decides to post something about what it feels like to have a venereal disease, we can either read it or ignore it. I am not offended by GMO wheat, I just think it is ridiculous to be concerned about it. I guess I feel about wheat the same way you feel about flu shots. And I thought your rules allowed posts of that sort.

Fifth, concerning Melanie's website: why is it that she has a link to your site, but you don't have a link to hers?

As I have said before, this is your website. Afibbers come here for education, advice, and comfort. Not many come here for infomercials on wheat (just my opinion).

Also my opinion, regarding afib, unless your focus is going to be just a diet/ supplement site, you need some variety in your posters and I am your only regular poster who has had the fivebox/mini-maze. If you don't see the value of the various viewpoints, you tell me-

Elizabeth H.
Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 18, 2012 02:39AM

Wheat was the first domesticated crop and is the youngest polyploid species among the agricultural crops (see Figures 1–3 for background information). Together with rice and maize, wheat provides >60% of the calories and proteins for our daily life. Wheat is best adapted to temperate regions, unlike rice and maize, which prefer tropical environments. Wheat occupies 17% of all crop area (in 2002, 210 million hectares vs. 147 million for rice and 139 million for maize). The trade value of wheat exceeds that of any other cereal species, including rice and maize: $31 billion of world trade in 2001 vs. $13 and $19 billion for rice and maize (FAOstat database: [apps.fao.org]). To meet human needs by 2050, grain production must increase at an annual rate of 2% on an area of land that will not increase much beyond the present level. Significant advances in the understanding of the wheat plant and grain biology must be achieved to increase absolute yields and protect the crop from an estimated average annual loss of 25% caused by biotic (pests) and abiotic stresses (heat, frost, drought, and salinity). Genome sequencing is a widely accepted mechanism for accelerating achievement of these objectives, because it leverages similar work from other crops and plants and enables more rapid genetic improvement. In addition to food security, wheat genome sequencing will lead to improved human health and nutrition.

I pulled the above from a google search:

My belief is that GMO wheat may be crucial to stop future fammie---more people in the world, less land. I guess some posters would rather people strave than eat GMO food. It is quite difficult to farm organiclly on a very large scale, I have apple trees and I have to spray somewhat, I don't spray like they do in orchards that sell apples, their apples are perfect, mine are not, people don't buy imperfect fruit, thats just the way it is.

Many years ago, DDT was on the front burner, Rachel Carson wrote a book Silent Spring, saying that the spray would kill all of the birds, all of the tree huggers got behind her and DDT was outlawed. DDT was used to spray moquistoes that carried malaria which killed many, many in Africa, when DDT was used, Malaria was eradicated. After the ban children are once again dying of maleria in Africa, I guess the tree huggers are happy. These people condemn but have no solutions, there are conquences to every action.

Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 18, 2012 02:44AM
Fivebox, are you sure it wasn't Fred's post, which went off the rails toward the end, you have issue with and not Erling's.

Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 18, 2012 04:18AM

I have had a link to Mellanie's website ever since it was established and also to many other afib-oriented sites. You can find them here [www.afibbers.org]. If you were to explore the resources section [www.afibbers.org] and the conference room sessions [www.afibbers.org] you'll find that afibbers.org is about far more than diet and supplements.

Anonymous User
Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 18, 2012 01:58PM

My apology regarding the link, believe me I looked for it.


Erling started this thread and Fred's rant just adds to the irrationality as far as I am concerned. I appreciate Liz's comments and view point.

I am finished posting on this subject for the present.

Re: GMO: Ticking Time Bomb (video)
October 18, 2012 02:29PM
EB, I,m a five box fan and glad you regularly post about your experiences. It is also interesting when you challenge posts that you disagree with. I Appreciate the counter balance and the succinct way you express yourself. Negative comments, by anyone, about the person posting are off putting especially if they are continuous. We are all in this together and any info that may be helpful, especially if it is personal, is appreciated. Hans has done a good job of policing the site so that there may be posts that we don,t agree with but We don,t have to endue endless posts from psycho,s.. I enjoy you and Erling going round and round like in the recent debates. Everyone should be reminded to keep the punches above the belt. Dennis
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