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Corona Covid19

Posted by tsco 
Corona Covid19
March 11, 2020 03:42AM
So reading at risk groups (serious effects like death) for this virus it states heart disease

I know our skipping hearts have disease..., but is it the type of disease that would put us at higher risk of death or serious illness due to covid19!?!
Re: Corona Covid19
March 11, 2020 04:17AM

The people susceptible to COROVID-19 are those over 80, especially those with serious comorbidities such as heart failure, diabetes, asthma, COPD, etc. For most others, it's a mild cold-like illness.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 11, 2020 03:49PM
Yes, it may, no one knows for certain at this point, but it is probably wise to be concerned and take precautions.

The median mortality age is 80+. However the current estimates of mortality rate 60-69 is 3.6% and 70-79 is 8%. These are not corrected for comorbidities, but overall represent the rate amongst infected cases. Many people in these age groups have comorbidities, and furthermore comorbidities and afib are strongly associated. So having afib and being older, say 60+ is a complex picture. I wouldn't assume it's a mild cold-like illness if for example you are in these age groups and have aftb, and especially if you also have say hypertension or obesity. With respect to afib, it seems that bouts of flu are a trigger for afib, and the same could be true for COVID-19. Also one of the main causes of death from COVID-19 is acute respiratory distress syndrome where your organs are deprived of oxygen. It is a reasonable question whether being in some extended afib bout could worsen that.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 11, 2020 06:48PM
I'm headed to a medical conference starting tomorrow. To rev up my immune system, I plan to water fast the entire conference. Realize this is controversial in some circles (and there may be afib risk for those who are not adapted to doing this).
Re: Corona Covid19
March 11, 2020 08:42PM
As I posted just now in another thread, Dr Natale and his Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute have, regrettably, cancelled the EP-Live 2020 conference that my wife and I had been very much hoping to attend the first few days of April.

With the rapid expansion of this now official pandemic, we had been preparing not to go after-all, assuming EP-Live was all but certain to be cancelled.

This is a quite contagious viral illness, and all the evidence I have seen shows an average spread of the contagion to 2 or 3 additional people for every patient initially infected. That is a pretty significant rate of spread and can quickly become exponential as it seems to be doing now in parts of the US. And thus, COVID-19 deserves our respect and real caution in my view.

It is not only about the risk of a fatal illness which is more an issue for older folks with co-mobidities, as SAFIB noted above ... but rather ... the very real potential for those of us who are more healthy to become unwitting transmitters to other older less healthy folks with potentially dire consequences for a good number of these many folks.

In Italy there are reports of up to 300 people dying in a day in a regional area along with a fair number of younger folks in their mid-30s to early-40s having required intubation for two to three weeks!

Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 12:51AM
I think this article brings a badly needed bit of sanity to the picture.

The author is an emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, faculty in its division of health policy and public health, and an instructor at Harvard Medical School.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 01:21AM
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 01:24AM
The whole updated article
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 01:31AM
My SIL works alongside with a Chinese woman who is originally from the epicenter of the virus in China. She was tested negative but the office is now working from home. She said her entire family is dead (her words) either from the virus or “they were killed”. I don’t know what to believe but their census on those infected has decreased in China.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 01:40AM

I can't get your google article, I see just a little of It and it goes blank. Anyway, nothing to do with sanity we have to be vigilant do what we have to do to keep from contracting the virus. The president has closed travel to Europe as well, the Chinese should have allowed us and others to help when they first contracted the virus, it would not have gone as far as it did. Tom Hanks and his wife are in Austrailia and have tested positive for the virus. This is world wide and we do have to take care, Vit. C is especially good to take as is Vit. D, Vit A and zinc.

Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 01:51AM

I can't get your google article, I see just a little of It and it goes blank.
Here is a link <[www.cnbc.com]

This is a reasonable summary with many links, from a pediatrician. It includes a link to this site with continually updated counts.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 01:53AM

I hope this is not true and my son in law’s coworker was not telling the truth.

Stock up in Kleenex. Trader joe by me was out of water (boiling is good enough) and Kleenex and many bare shelves. Local big chain too plus Amazon/Whole Foods has a 5 bottle maximum but yesterday they were out of stock. California is hit harder. We still have a cruise ship in limbo with passengers wanting to get off and Californians who are concerned if they spread it further.,Yesterday they only had tested 45 out of 3500(?).

In the topic of ablation and this forum, I’m scheduled for my second ablation next month. That maybe the only thing that may change if the hospital cancels elective procedures due to the virus. Time will tell.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 04:07AM
Good lord. Stop with the hysterics.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 08:18AM
Talking about hysterics - here in Australia the supermarket shelves are cleared of toilet paper, tissues, pasta and probably a few other items, i haven't looked.
A few women were filmed fighting for toilet paper!confused smiley don't understand why some people are sooo stupideye rolling smiley
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 09:01AM
I'm supposed to have my Natale ablation next week. Hopefully I wont be more susceptible to it after my procedure. Do you know if my immune system will be lower due to the procedure and how long (avg person) it will be lower (if it is)?
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 11:24AM
We all must do our part to flatten the curve. It will be an inconvenience for all, but totally necessary to lessen the duration.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 02:48PM
I'm with you on this one Carey, the hysteria is totally crazy its just the flu with another name. I live in Hong Kong arguably the flu capital of the world and the place has gone crazy. I would guess 99% of the population wear face masks even though the 'top' medical boards in the world (Western) strongly state that the masks are a total waste of time. I only wear one so I don't frighten anyone on the bus if I should have a slight cough or get refused entry into shops, also my wife (Vietnamese) is full into the the mass hysteria. I am 70 years old and will not be getting any Corona at all,

the Vitamin C will see to that. The big worry is why is the media purposely pushing this agenda but thats another story, lets get back the the arrhythmia's. P.S. Cardio version last July is still holding solid NSR.

Barry G.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 03:17PM
I'm supposed to have my Natale ablation next week. Hopefully I wont be more susceptible to it after my procedure. Do you know if my immune system will be lower due to the procedure and how long (avg person) it will be lower (if it is)?

No. If an ablation has any effect at all on your immune system (which I doubt), it would be to amp it up.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 03:20PM
Is your thought because your heart is working regularly, more efficiently? Is that what you mean by "it would be to amp it up"?

I'm supposed to have my Natale ablation next week. Hopefully I wont be more susceptible to it after my procedure. Do you know if my immune system will be lower due to the procedure and how long (avg person) it will be lower (if it is)?

No. If an ablation has any effect at all on your immune system (which I doubt), it would be to amp it up.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 03:31PM
Is your thought because your heart is working regularly, more efficiently? Is that what you mean by "it would be to amp it up"?

No, your heart's function has almost nothing to do with your immune system. I very much doubt that whether you're in afib or not makes a whit of difference to how susceptible you are to this or any other virus. What might amp up your immune system from an ablation is the simple act of inserting foreign objects into your veins. Your immune system doesn't like foreign objects and no matter how hard they try to maintain sterility, once those needles and catheters come out of their packaging, they are no longer 100% sterile.

Really, forget about COVID-19. It has no bearing on your ablation.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 03:34PM
Thanks Carey! Very informative.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 04:38PM

I hope this is not true and my son in law’s coworker was not telling the truth.

Stock up in Kleenex. Trader joe by me was out of water (boiling is good enough) and Kleenex and many bare shelves. Local big chain too plus Amazon/Whole Foods has a 5 bottle maximum but yesterday they were out of stock. California is hit harder. We still have a cruise ship in limbo with passengers wanting to get off and Californians who are concerned if they spread it further.,Yesterday they only had tested 45 out of 3500(?).

In the topic of ablation and this forum, I’m scheduled for my second ablation next month. That maybe the only thing that may change if the hospital cancels elective procedures due to the virus. Time will tell.

Is the Tap water not safe during this Pandemic?
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 05:37PM
Good lord. Stop with the hysterics.

100% agree. So much BS being hyped by the media etc. THIS WILL PASS.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 05:50PM
The Anti-Fib
Is the Tap water not safe during this Pandemic?

As long as your waitress doesn’t sneeze into your glass. Common sense.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 06:56PM
I don't think this is all hype----Italy has had many deaths, of course China has as well, we are getting more people dying in this country. It is just common sense to avoid large crowds, get tested if you have symptoms, stay home if you are sick. It doesn't help anyone to just say "oh this is just hype" and "hysterics" it is always wise to be prepared and to listen to wise consul.

Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 07:54PM
Thank you Liz. Common sense. I ordered my supplements from my GP office today and I was going to drive over but for the last week I have had the beginning of a sore throat and constant chills. No fever-96.3F. Tom Hanks didn’t have a cough just chills and being tired. (Beta glucan is helping. ) Anyway I told the guy who took my phone order that he should probably ship it to me instead of me coming into his waiting room just in the very remote chance I caught it. Its just common sense and decency for others to care. He plans on meeting me in the parking lot. The front desk gal who does the shipping is out sick. So even in his office he has sick staff. It’s everywhere and one should just take steps to avoid sick people and becoming sick, wash their hands and if one is sick don’t go out and expose others.

There is a thin gray line in labeling hysterics for those who are being careful and using common sense.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 08:28PM

I bought this Vit. C on the recommendation by Jackie (posts here), I have been taking it the last few days, read about it on their site, sounds pretty good.


One packet delivers 1,000 mg of the liposomal C.

The substitution equivalencies (Lipo C equivalent to C as ascorbic acid
1,000 mg = 3,000 – 4,000 mg powder
2,000 mg = 8,000 – 10,000 mg powder
3,000 mg = 12,000 – 18,000 mg powder…. (page 133 of Primal Panacea)

Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 08:30PM
I don't think this is all hype----Italy has had many deaths, of course China has as well, we are getting more people dying in this country. It is just common sense to avoid large crowds, get tested if you have symptoms, stay home if you are sick. It doesn't help anyone to just say "oh this is just hype" and "hysterics" it is always wise to be prepared and to listen to wise consul.

It’s not all hype BUT getting consumed with media hysteria causes unnecessary Panic which does no one any good. We live in the greatest, smartest Country in the World by far.
CNN has made such a Political issue of this 24/7.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2020 03:58PM by smackman.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 08:39PM
I never said it's all hype. What I've said is there's no reason for hysteria, and hysteria abounds. There are shortages of paper products, masks, and hand sanitizers, for chrissakes. People need to follow the recommendations of the CDC, use common sense, and go about their business.

By the way, I predict that once they finally get enough tests to do broad testing, we're going to find that COVID-19 is already widespread in the general population. Probably has been for a month or more.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 08:48PM
I am not consumed with media hysteria, I don't listen to CNN. But, you cannot say that we should not do what most Public Health officials say to do, as I said avoid large crowds, wash your hands, take Vit. C, D, A and zinc, if you are sick stay home. Even Shannon has said the following:

"This is a quite contagious viral illness, and all the evidence I have seen shows an average spread of the contagion to 2 or 3 additional people for every patient initially infected. That is a pretty significant rate of spread and can quickly become exponential as it seems to be doing now in parts of the US. And thus, COVID-19 deserves our respect and real caution in my view."

All I am saying you don't need to get paralyzed with fear but you do need to act smartly.

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