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Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 08:53PM

The CDC was caught with their pants down, they didn't have any Covid19 testing kits, other countries did, so yes we don't know how many really had that virus.

Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 09:46PM
I’m in Oz too. My Supermarket is out of sanitisers, nappies,tio.et rolls,pasta,etc etc. Crazy.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 09:49PM
Lol 😂
Re: Corona Covid19
March 12, 2020 10:15PM
I barely watch CNN but The Guardian site has concerns. Pretty visual statement below
Shock factor hysteria at its best.

I just think one should err to the side of caution and not to underestimate the potential of infection. Enough said.

Regarding what supplements to take. If for health reasons your immune system is compromised (I.e chemo as an example or other underlying conditions or age), then the following product (Beta Glucan) does work for me. In Japan the oncologists use it along side chemo. I was scheduled for surgery in 2014 and had a 104F fever with congested lungs. Two 500mg each capsules that night, two capsules the next morning and I was well enough for surgery a few days later. Many times it lessen the severity of my pneumonia, bronchitis and the common cold.

My family may have been exposed to victims of the virus in New Rochelle. They are stuck home. I bought the 25mg chewable for my grandkids. They love the candy taste chewable. The manufacturer had three days ago 15% off promos on the kids strength as well as adult. Amazon sells it too. They come in various strengths. I prefer the 500 for my needs. You may like the 125 or 250mg. The 500mg has a punch to jumpstart your immune system. My white count was lower until I started.


Peer research
Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 01:26AM
If my memory serves me correctly in 2002 there were 800 deaths attributed to pneumonia in Hong Kong. In 2003 SARs came to town and 800 people died of SARs but no one died of pneumonia. Those figures are not 100% accurate but I'm sure you get my drift. My last word on the subject.......Jon Rappoport an investigative journalist into these viruses for the last 30 years claims that the Corona virus will fizzle out just like all the other 'duds' before it i.e. Swine flu, Ebola, SARs, MERS etc. I could say much more on this subject but this is an AFIB Forum. I am currently looking into the Grounding/Earthing theory mentioned on this BB many years ago as a matter of interest. The following short video 'proves beyond doubt' that we are not at one with nature and that we are full of positive electrical charges that are being blocked from balancing out with the negative charge of mother earth. Could there be something in this practice for us electrically defective afibbers. Anyone interested Google.....Measuring Body Voltage the benefit of Grounding Earthing You Tube as a starter for 10.

Barry G.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 02:25AM
Sure, the Corona Virus will fade out eventually, but I wouldn't call all of the other viruses "duds". The Canadian Prime ministers wife has tested positive for the Corona Virus. Would you call the 1918 Spanish flu a dud? This is an AF site but a few posts on the subjects could be overlooked.

Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 03:28AM
I never said it's all hype. What I've said is there's no reason for hysteria, and hysteria abounds. There are shortages of paper products, masks, and hand sanitizers, for chrissakes. People need to follow the recommendations of the CDC, use common sense, and go about their business.

By the way, I predict that once they finally get enough tests to do broad testing, we're going to find that COVID-19 is already widespread in the general population. Probably has been for a month or more.

I'm with you Carey. The hype is creating more issues than the bug so far. Personally I keep a pretty good stock of canned goods and such. I work in the power industry and that there is the Pandora's box waiting to come wide open
Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 04:05AM

I never said it's all hype. What I've said is there's no reason for hysteria, and hysteria abounds. There are shortages of paper products, masks, and hand sanitizers, for chrissakes. People need to follow the recommendations of the CDC, use common sense, and go about their business.

By the way, I predict that once they finally get enough tests to do broad testing, we're going to find that COVID-19 is already widespread in the general population. Probably has been for a month or more.

I'm with you Carey. The hype is creating more issues than the bug so far. Personally I keep a pretty good stock of canned goods and such. I work in the power industry and that there is the Pandora's box waiting to come wide open

There goes my perishables in my 3 freezers if that happens (I inherited two new fridge/freezers)
Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 01:26PM
Barry G.
its just the flu with another name .

I’m certainly not one for hysterics, but I have to take issue with that statement. It is not the flu. Please, folks, don’t say that. We have our top medical professionals in public service telling us the lethality is an order of magnitude greater. We’re all smart enough to know what that means.

Fear is not useful, but neither is complacency.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 02:29PM
Take issue as much as you want.


This from one of the top docs in the US!!! The part about the boat Diamond Princess tells you all you need to know.

Barry G.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 02:48PM
I was listening to a WHO epidemiologist last night. It appears that of the detected cases the 80% mild illness and 20% requiring treatment isn't well understood. Apparently of the 80% mild illness, about 40% truly experience mild symptoms, while 40% have pneumonia, lung scarring, and other issues. Furthermore, the 20% requiring hospital treatment actually require ventilator assistance. Without the ventilator assistance the mortality rate can be very high in this subgroup. These numbers are not in line with the flu.

The real risk is that if the infection rate is high, even if the above numbers come down there could huge numbers of cases requiring ventilator support, which will overrun the supply. That is why it is important that the growth curve be flattened and the infection spread out temporally, and hence why all these preventive measures are going on. It isn't about some retrospective analysis of other pandemics. They are planning for what may well be an unlikely case and not some average case scenario, because although it may have small probability (5-10% perhaps), the cost would be very high. I think the models and analysis are well "grounded".
Re: Corona Covid19
March 13, 2020 02:53PM
Be safe everyone!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2020 02:56PM by cirenepurzalot.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 14, 2020 01:39PM
The real risk is that if the infection rate is high, even if the above numbers come down there could huge numbers of cases requiring ventilator support, which will overrun the supply.

100% agree that's the big issue here. Here in the UK there are hardly any available beds for anyone requiring a procedure as it is before this hits.... My surgeon other half and I are seriously wondering about laying some oxygen in. Trouble is, the $220 1.2kg 110L canisters available on EBay only last 1/2 to 1hr depending on flow rate, and if one does end up needing oxygen with Covid19 I'm figuring it would be dozens of such canisters rather than a couple.....
Re: Corona Covid19
March 14, 2020 05:00PM
My surgeon other half and I are seriously wondering about laying some oxygen in. Trouble is, the $220 1.2kg 110L canisters available on EBay only last 1/2 to 1hr depending on flow rate, and if one does end up needing oxygen with Covid19 I'm figuring it would be dozens of such canisters rather than a couple....
You could always rent an oxygen concentrator—probably requires a script, but with a non rebreather mask you can generate a high level of oxygen.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 14, 2020 11:03PM
Some very good info in this Peter Attia interview:[peterattiamd.com]

And some practial measures from an engineering view:[www.youtube.com]

Ultimate protection is a very sound immune system.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 15, 2020 10:47AM
This thing appears to be already widespread, as many are asymptomatic, or with few symptoms. When they randomly test people they are finding it.

"On Tuesday, Dr. Sandra Ciesek, director of the Institute of Medical Virology in Frankfurt, Germany, tested 24 passengers who had just flown in from Israel. Seven of the 24 passengers tested positive for coronavirus. Four of those had no symptoms, and Ciesek was surprised to find that the viral load of the specimens from the asymptomatic patients was higher than the viral load of the specimens from the three patients who did have symptoms."

Re: Corona Covid19
March 16, 2020 05:21PM
The CDC's list of who is most at risk...


Additionally, there are now reports indicating that those under 65 are also contracting the virus. One of the neighboring counties to where I live in Ohio.. Lake County... just reported its first case of the virus... in a person between 20 and 30 y.o.
So, and I've seen other reports that it's not limited to aging seniors but typically when children do get it, they aren't as sick and it's not as severe as in adults and most likely, those with other health issues as well.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2020 06:08PM by Jackie.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 16, 2020 11:14PM
I’m not hoarding but we are very low on food. I am at risk for the virus (if I don’t already have it) so I decided not to go out. That said, I tried in vain ordering protein from Costco one day delivery on Sunday. I tracked the truck all day. They canceled the order at 7pm. I tried Instacart today. The first availability is this weekend. I put in an order of 3 frozen fish bags, 2 frozen veggies and one container of eggs and one aluminum foil. I’m gluten and dairy free. I’ll be surprised if it will be available. Amazon Whole Foods stopped delivering Friday.

We are rationing our food. We shared a can of fish and I made some old noodles I found in my pantry for myself (gluten free and regular for my husband. I paid a friend $40 today to go out and buy me chicken and basic staples. She was in line in the rain for 3.5 hours only to hear they are out of poultry and the shelves were bare.

This isn’t Toilet paper. It’s basic staples. I have a sore throat and chills so I don’t Think it’s responsible for others that I leave. How do self quarantine eat if the major markets don’t have the basic?
Re: Corona Covid19
March 16, 2020 11:51PM

Sorry to hear about all the problems you are having. It isn't just hype and media frenzy---i did go grocery shopping last Fri. and was able to find most everything I needed, but the stores are getting bare now. Do you have any Vit. C? Perhaps you can locate a Doctor that could give you intravenous solution of Vit. C, that is what would help you now. Holistic Doctors do that, check it out.

I was scheduled to stay in the hospital while they would give me Tikosyn plus than cardiovert me, if I didn't convert. I got a call today saying they are re-scheduling me until July, how about that? They are all taking it seriously now Barry.

Re: Corona Covid19
March 17, 2020 12:40AM
Liz that is terrible! Perhaps safe because you don’t want to be exposed in the hospital now.

My friend went to a private market that has chicken. She has been in line 2 hours. This time inside. It is really raining. She is 8 away from buying me chicken. She got me 8 pounds of fish so I should be ok for a while if she can snag some chicken.

I have amazon delivering in 3 weeks vitamin water. It has C. I have 6 bottles until then. Thanks for the C tip.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 17, 2020 01:09AM

I wouldn't want to go and stay 4 days in the hospital at this point in time with all of this stuff going on. I was thinking that I will call my doctor and have him send me a script for Flecimide, that doesn't require a hospital stay and maybe the med. might convert me, better than nothing.

You have a good friend.

Re: Corona Covid19
March 20, 2020 07:48AM
I have paroxysmal AF. Usually 1 or 2 episodes per year, but less lately due to avoiding triggers.
Would this be classed as an underlying health condition?
And therefore in a risk category for Coronavirus?
Re: Corona Covid19
March 20, 2020 01:00PM
PAF is probably not a serious comorbidity for COVID-19. Hypertension is a much bigger deal. The way I could see AF becoming an issue is if a patient developed severe bilateral pneumonia and then went into arrhythmia then the reduced cardiac output would confound O2 saturation even more. That being said, for certain amongst the patient cohort that exists today there are AF patients, likely hundreds if not thousands, and we haven't heard any dire warnings about it. Of course I doubt any serious study has been done.

In short, I wouldn't worry about AF in the context of COVID-19. I'd worry more about COVID-19 itself and doing what it takes to avoid catching it and avoid spreading it.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 20, 2020 09:59PM
20% of US COVID-19 Deaths Were Aged 20-64


Medscape March 19, 2020
Re: Corona Covid19
March 20, 2020 10:33PM
So then 80% of deaths were over age 64, pretty high.


Re: Corona Covid19
March 21, 2020 04:51AM
The mortality rates we have available from China, Italy, etc. show that they go up beginning at age 50, and then more sharply at 60 and every decade after that. In general, the older you are past 60, the more you need to be isolating yourself from other people.

And sadly for grandparents, that means particularly the young. They suck at social distancing and it's a mild disease for them so they can easily be carriers before they even develop a mild cold. If I were 80+ I wouldn't get near anyone under the age of 50, and the ones over 50 only if I had to.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 21, 2020 10:22AM
In short, I wouldn't worry about AF in the context of COVID-19. I'd worry more about COVID-19 itself and doing what it takes to avoid catching it and avoid spreading it.

It's worth saying that infectious state is often mentioned as a PAF trigger. It's likely that catching the covid-19 would bring me afib, which would add another disabling symptom, IMO.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 21, 2020 01:52PM
Clip (quote) from a report on CV19 –

What really turned my head around was a study[3] looking at 101 cases of COVID-19 patients who all had pneumonia. All had imaging of their lungs, from multiple centers in China, called lung CT scans. What was startling, as scientists and government have been saying that mostly the elderly are at risk, was that 70% of these 101 COVID-19 pneumonia patients were aged 21 to 50 years old! Over two-thirds were younger than we have been led to believe are at high risk.

3] Relation Between Chest CT Findings and Clinical Conditions of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pneumonia: A Multicenter Study [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 3]. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2020;1–6. doi:10.2214/AJR.20.22976

Re: Corona Covid19
March 22, 2020 12:54AM
Great info Jackie - as usualthumbs up
Noticed by it's absents in the above link - hot sauna exposure?
Don't know about this virus but having three consecutive sessions (about 15 min ea) of very hot,dry sauna stopped my flu virus a few years ago.
Of course, i have no proof other than that i felt perfectly well the same day after a few hours sleep to recover from the exhausting sauna.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 22, 2020 04:52AM
Online news now states Purell has made false claims that their sanitizer fights off the coronavirus from surface contact.
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