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Re: Corona Covid19
March 22, 2020 03:30PM
Online news now states Purell has made false claims that their sanitizer fights off the coronavirus from surface contact.

How is that a false claim? Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are proven to kill almost all bacteria and viruses. WHO, CDC, etc. recommend their use.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 23, 2020 05:17AM
Some Purell has only 60% and not 70% alcohol.

On that note a DC small distillery is helping out and is making sanitizers which they are giving out. They are using their highest proof booze. I’m sure it’s more than 6o%.

I was able to get 70% alcohol based McKesson brand sanitizer from a medical supply house. They sell to hospitals. I didn’t get that much-saving half my order to hospitals that need it. I only got it because I’m at high risk.

If you can find the ingredients you can make your own:

Re: Corona Covid19
March 23, 2020 02:38PM
60% alcohol is adequate to kill coronavirus. Purell uses a mix of isopropyl and ethanol alcohols because isopropyl is better at killing bacteria while ethanol is better at killing viruses, but regardless it is effective at killing coronavirus.

If you want to make your own hand sanitizer, just drop by your local liquor store and buy some 190 proof Everclear (grain alcohol). It's 95% ethanol. You have to use 99% isopropyl to match it. But you'll probably find it difficult to find Everclear because it's been bought out for this reason. I had to stop by daily at my local liquor store for a week before they finally got another shipment in. Glycerin is also hard to find, but it can be ordered online from chemworld.com. I've acquired both and now have 4 liters of hand sanitizer with an 80% alcohol content.

Plain old soap and water works best of all against all pathogens, but you can't carry a bucket of soap and water around, so I just use hand sanitizer when I'm out and about. If I'm somewhere there's soap and water available, that's the best choice.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 23, 2020 05:15PM
Thanks Carey! I wonder if they deliver the booze? I’m at home 6 days already-doctors orders. The only contact I have with the outside world is Costco, Amazon and 3 friends who delivered food last week.

My concern is surface contact. I used to wipe down every can and food bottles with Clorox wipes but I am very low on them. The only reason I started was because I went to a mom and pop small market and the owner was coughing while he was stocking the counters.

They say coronavirus on non porous surfaces (plastic, metal, etc) can last up to 3 days and non porous (cardboard, money) can last less time. I’m sure that’s why they suggest washing your hands more frequently.


I bought my grandkids used books on Amazon to entertain them during their mandatory quarantine. I doubt once it’s delivered if the parents will allow it into their home. How can you wash paper? Kids always touch their faces.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 23, 2020 06:10PM
We don't need sanitisers for virus protection after all...

Why does soap work so well on the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus and indeed most viruses?
Because it is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer.

"The soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and “dies”, or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren’t really alive. Viruses can be active outside the body for hours, even days."

"Disinfectants or liquids, wipes, gels and creams containing alcohol (and soap) have similar effects but are not really quite as good as normal soap. Apart from the alcohol and soap, the “antibacterial agents” in these products don’t affect the virus structure much at all. Consequently, many antibacterial products are basically just an expensive version of soap in terms of how they act on viruses. Soap is the best but alcohol wipes are good when soap is not practical or handy (e.g. office receptions)."

Re: Corona Covid19
March 23, 2020 06:20PM
I wonder if they deliver the booze?

All you can do is call them and ask. Whether or not it's allowed would depend on state law. There is one liquor store here locally that will deliver.

But if you're self-quarantining at home then George is right. Just use soap and water. It's more effective than alcohol against viruses, bacteria, fungus, and spores. The only time I use a hand sanitizer is when I'm out and about and don't have soap and water readily available.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2020 06:26PM by Carey.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 23, 2020 07:42PM
Thanks George N and Carey. I’m starting to self quarantine the package foods I had delivered for surface contamination. Way too much work to wash everything. I don’t need it within 3 days. Fresh veggies that the markets hand stocked —or coughed on —anywhere from the fields to the market to my door (that I will eat raw) I have a bottle of food soap and a veggie brush. I wash zucchini that way, spinach etc I soaked in a big container of water and a few drops of food soap and some vinegar. You may think it’s overkill but I’m stuck at home and have time.

Lemonade is I’m very productive being stuck home. I woke up at the crack of dawn and washed windows and cabinets, took everything out of drawers and did a dust wipe down. Spring cleaning. I “found” bleach, 3 bottles of vinegar and three Clorox I didn’t know I had. Plus I filled my trash cans full of junk I don’t need.

There is no reason to be bored at home if you are at a high risk to leave. Read a book, start a hobby, organize your computer and phone by deleting files you don’t want or go in your backyard and do some gardening to get Vit D. Amazon will deliver veggie seeds for under $2.

Or...start your taxes.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 23, 2020 11:40PM
60% alcohol is adequate to kill coronavirus. Purell uses a mix of isopropyl and ethanol alcohols because isopropyl is better at killing bacteria while ethanol is better at killing viruses, but regardless it is effective at killing coronavirus.

If you want to make your own hand sanitizer, just drop by your local liquor store and buy some 190 proof Everclear (grain alcohol). It's 95% ethanol. You have to use 99% isopropyl to match it. But you'll probably find it difficult to find Everclear because it's been bought out for this reason. I had to stop by daily at my local liquor store for a week before they finally got another shipment in. Glycerin is also hard to find, but it can be ordered online from chemworld.com. I've acquired both and now have 4 liters of hand sanitizer with an 80% alcohol content.

Plain old soap and water works best of all against all pathogens, but you can't carry a bucket of soap and water around, so I just use hand sanitizer when I'm out and about. If I'm somewhere there's soap and water available, that's the best choice.

Everclear got cut since the days we were in college. It’s 151 proof, same as Bacardi now. I bought a pint a few weeks ago for the same reason. Was disappointed to see the reduction.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 24, 2020 01:07AM
Everclear got cut since the days we were in college. It’s 151 proof, same as Bacardi now. I bought a pint a few weeks ago for the same reason. Was disappointed to see the reduction.

That must be a state restriction. I just bought two 1.75 liter bottles of 190 proof Everclear. I would go for 99% isopropyl if I couldn't get 190 proof Everclear.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 25, 2020 12:50AM
That must be a state restriction. I just bought two 1.75 liter bottles of 190 proof Everclear. I would go for 99% isopropyl if I couldn't get 190 proof Everclear.

Wow, that’s a lot of flammable booze!

We afibbers aren’t supposed to be that well versed in distilled spirits! smileys with beer

I’m sure 75.5% ethanol will do a number on SARS-CoV2. I’m not too terribly worried. I still have a pint or so of rubbing alcohol, too, that mixes just fine with aloe (also contains some isopropyl). I can make quite a bit of sanitizer. If it’s a bit lower on the concentration scale, just allow some more contact time or do two applications. It will work. Sucks the water right out of anything with a semi-permeable membrane. Guaranteed.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 25, 2020 03:20AM
60% alcohol is adequate to kill coronavirus. Purell uses a mix of isopropyl and ethanol alcohols because isopropyl is better at killing bacteria while ethanol is better at killing viruses, but regardless it is effective at killing coronavirus.

If you want to make your own Glycerin is also hard to find, but it can be ordered online from chemworld.com. I've acquired both and now have 4 liters of hand sanitizer with an 80% alcohol content.


Not cheap but you get a big container to share with family and friends. It’s a larger quantity than chemworld.com. You probably don’t need much. I use it when making glazes for my homemade clay (I’m a potter). You may want to check out pottery stores online. I like Lagunaclay.com it’s in their raw material catalog.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 25, 2020 04:13AM
In Italy the young are heavy vapors which explains the young need for intubation:

When someone’s lungs are exposed to flu or other infections the adverse effects of smoking or vaping are much more serious than among people who do not smoke or vape.


Be Well All,

Re: Corona Covid19
March 28, 2020 06:55PM
Here's the link to a video clip sent to me by one of our members... who said:
This aligns and takes much of the fear of how not to get Corona Virus. Highly recommended. Worth the listen

Please do take time to watch this. It’s an hour. Gives important tips and answers questions about who is more vulnerable, typical symptoms, when to go to the hospital, etc. Dr. Price adds useful tips right to the very end.
His “follow the rules” points are valuable and protective.
Please circulate and be well,



Hi Guys,

My good friend in NYC sent me this video; this is his boss.

It's an interview with Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in NYC. He is a pulmonary MD (working ICU) who deals with placing patients on/off of mechanical ventilators and for the last 2 weeks their pulmonary department has exclusively been treating the 20% of NYC's Covid-19 patients. Basically, he is a great/valid resource for valuable information.

In this recorded Zoom, he shares information with family and friends to help empower and protect themselves during this Covid-10 pandemic. He discusses the uniqueness of working the front lines in NYC with this novel disease, how much they have learned, how to avoid contracting it, etc.

He gives clear manageable rules, and how to apply them. He states in the first 5 minutes that right now, for the first time in months, he is no longer afraid because of how much "we" have learned. It's calming, factual (he constantly references studies/reports), and long - but, I'm glad I watched it. It seems to especially appeal to those who work in the medical field. Of everything that I've watched/read in the last few weeks, this seemed the most helpful.


Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information in a Mar. 22 Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families…
Re: Corona Covid19
March 29, 2020 12:26AM
Thank you for the link, Jackie!
Appreciate all the information and his experience! Don't agree with in @ about 44min reducing fever without qualifiers.
Re: Corona Covid19
March 29, 2020 03:08PM
Interesting post from Dr Natale on Twitter today concerning Covid-19.

"And for everybody to know. One of my ex fellow’s brother ( 47 year old) in China was in the hospital intubated the first week of December. Clearly they kept it quite for a while".
Re: Corona Covid19
March 30, 2020 12:02AM
CNN showed doctors in Italy using full face snorkel masks for plan b. They like it. While the news was still on, amazon started selling out of each size in large colors. Good concept. It’s washable, protects your face and eyes and easily adaptable with a filter on the end of the tube. The USA sports brand has an improved 50% increase in breathing with anti fogging. I have a N95 mask and can hardly breath wearing it. I’ve used it at pharmacies where sick people congregate.

On that thought I was curious and searched amazon painter jumpsuits. I had one somewhere when I sprayed painted my ceiling. It has a hood and protects you from head to toe. Out of curiosity I checked prices. It was like eBay seconds before an auction ended- $3-5 body suits jumped to $50. Amazing. Can you imagine walking into a market dressed like that with disposable booties and gloves? I’m not mocking because that person, although overkill, is well protected as long as they wash the jumpsuit the minute they return home.

A doctor friend wears a glass/plastic spacesuit helmet. At first I thought he wasn’t protecting himself going shopping daily without a mask until he text me a photo of his helmet. I was LOTF. It’s a head turner.
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