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Vitamin D AGAIN
August 16, 2020 09:14PM
Vitamin D AGAIN

Repetition is the mother of learning. And I cannot stress enough the importance of adequate vitamin D, not only for avoiding the Covid but also maladies from the flu to Alzheimer’s to cancer. The recurring lockdowns have challenged solar exposure. Do you think there might be another wave, as we approach the winter?

And I am going to specifically ILLUSTRATE how Vitamin D makes this happen. It's somewhat technical, but a picture is worth 1000 words. This fix is so cheap that BIG PHARMA has spared no expense in suppressing it. JAMA and Lancet, highly respected medical journals, have been co-opted by Big Pharma. Formerly known for their evidence-based approach, they now are dominated by an agenda driven one.

I have commented on examples of this in several previous posts
[www.afibbers.org] (last post)
[www.afibbers.org] (last post)
Articles denigrating hydroxychloroquine and ARBs, e.g., losartan wrt the Covid almost all limit their evaluation to those already hospitalized or in the ICU. That’s like closing the barn door after the horse has fled.

Almost all disease involves inflammation. Insulin, cortisol, or angiotensin II are especially integral. Indeed they are integral to aging itself. Angiotensin II, the Covid culprit, will be emphasized, as it is the primary villain for all the "comorbidities," including obesity, age, and the worst of all comorbidities - the XY chromosome pair.

Roles of NF-κB in Cancer and Inflammatory Diseases and Their Therapeutic Approaches

NF-κB signaling in inflammation

NF-κB in Aging and Disease

NOTICE THAT NF-κB IS INTEGRAL in the above images.
Now notice how angiotensin II activates this inflammatory pathway in the below image

Scheme for angiotensin II induced inflammation and vascular damage

Now look at the below image illustrating how vitamin D is vital Inhibiting the ill effects of NF-κB both directly and indirectly through renin and angiotensin II.


Forget about the Covid. You should be taking vitamin D for so for so many other reasons as well. It’s not even a vitamin. It’s a vital hormone that we lose as we age!

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2020 12:03AM by PC, MD.
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 18, 2020 12:53AM
To further incentivize you

Noticed the contribution of cortisol and insulin in the below image



And this just appeared in my email today
Vitamin D3 and K2 and their potential contribution to reducing the COVID-19 mortality rate (Aug 5 2020)

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2020 03:32AM by PC, MD.
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 18, 2020 08:11AM
Thank you for the posts PC, MD.thumbs up
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 18, 2020 05:03PM
No worries mate. Hope all your Aussie friends are minding their vitamin D during their winter. 🤙🏽😎
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 18, 2020 05:33PM
Hi PC, MD,

Looking at table 1, can you explain what the body weight is in? I think it is kgs, also 10 Days Fill Up?

Table 1. Tabular indicator for raising the 25(OH)D blood serum levels from 20 ng/mL to 40 ng/mL
and maintaining them after consultation with the physician (von Helden, 2011).

Body Weight.......... 10 Days Fill Up.......... Daily D3 (IU)Daily............ K2 (MK7) (µg)
et cetera
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 18, 2020 05:49PM
PC… Thank you! I so appreciate your persistence in emphasizing the critical importance of optimizing Vitamin D - especially these days. Long ago, I learned from personal experience the importance of routinely testing vitamin D levels.

Brief history of my saga. (This was prior to my finding my Board Certified Family Practice Functional Medicine MD who rescued me)

About 30 years ago, I had experienced ongoing muscle pain and fatigue that kept escalating in severity and was eventually diagnosed as “Fibromyalgia.” My family doctor referred me to a Rheumatologist who ordered a muscle biopsy (a strip of thigh muscle tissue surgically removed for analysis) and an EMG—electromyogram. Nothing abnormal was indicated. Eventually, I connected with an MD who (based on my symptoms), tested for Vitamin D. And, as I’ve previously reported, I tested ‘deficient’ at 18 ng/mL. I began supplementing and testing regularly. Once I reached 32 ng/ml, I noticed that the pain had lessened. Around 50, much improved and when I finally made it to over 60… I was feeling ‘human’ again.

All those years living with pain and fatigue that grew worse each year! I am blonde with fair skin and I typically was out in the sun during the summer months. But back then, also used the requisite sun screen so the sunshine source of Vit D was negated. A dose of 10,000 IU D3 as cholecalciferol during our ‘darker days’ during Fall, Winter and Spring… and reduced to 5,000 IU during Summer kept me optimized initially; but over time, I need to keep dosing at 10K year round. I also augment that with the Vitamin K2 MK7… 200 mcg daily and still test at least twice a year.

Beyond the relief from the muscle pain and fatigue, is the benefit of my improved immune system function. Since I began that regimen all those years ago, I’ve only had 2 – 3 mild colds and one case of flu..early on. Nothing since, in 30+ years. I don’t get flu shots. (You can be sure I’m keeping up with my regimen these days. ) My retina specialist (of 10 years) recommends a combo of nutrients that support eye health which includes Zinc (80 mg) and 2 mg of Copper to balance the Zn. I’m sure the zinc has helped support my immune system as well. (And of course, I’m sold on the Liposomal form of Vitamin C for max potency.)

Best to you,
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 18, 2020 07:16PM
Aloha colindo,
I agree with you, gotta be kg. My guess on the fill up question is that this represents an increase of 14 ng/ml in blood level of 25 hydroxy D. Extrapolating this suggests that one might reach 40 ng/ml after 2+ weeks. Thank you for that nice tidbit.

Thank you Jackie for your voice of experience. You’ve always been the nutritional consultant. I’m just the data guy.

There is an absolutely incredible amount of fear out there with respect to the Covid. The two images I always show the fearful are

This appears to have been removed from Mercola’s website, but it’s available elsewhere.
and also
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 18, 2020 10:23PM
PC - Thank you, but you are never just 'the data guy'... you validate with knowledge, experience and science all that you share and that's more than invaluable. These charts you've posted are perfect. Thanks so much.

Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 20, 2020 06:04PM
Aloha PC!

Thanks for hammering this message home! The D3 message is a simple one I keep pushing on my friends.

About 5 weeks ago, I woke up with mild congestion and runny nose. On my state's list of reasons to get tested, so I did a swab test. Only took 12 days to get a result. I was concerned as my adult son has had glioblastoma for 3 years and a compromised immune system. I do some caregiving with him. I previously posted my laundry list of things I'll do to keep from getting a severe COVID case. I only did two things off the list - three days of 50,000 iu's of D3 three times/day (150,000 iu's /day) - on top of my 96 ng/mL serum level - and Vitamin C, in theory every half hour to bowel tolerance. In practice, I took 2 g of sodium ascorbate whenever I thought about it. Certainly not to bowel tolerance nor every half hour. However, it may have added up to 20 g/day. In any case, it was interesting. I'd wake up with the symptoms & start taking the C. Perhaps by noon, the symptoms (which were mild to begin with) would disappear and stay away through bedtime. I'd wake up with symptoms again and rinse & repeat. This continued for 11 days, when the symptoms did not return. This is about the time a typical cold will take to resolve, for me. My hypothesis is the C kept the symptoms very mild, but did not reduce the length of the infection. On the 12th day after sampling, I got a negative COVID result from my swab test. The long time was a function of the lab (sent out of state to Quest) being overwhelmed by the increase in cases throughout the country. In any case, I plan add the C protocol in for any future respiratory infections. If the symptoms were more severe, I'd push the C harder and make sure I took big quantities every half hour.


Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 23, 2020 01:49AM

I’ve been experiencing a sore throat and dry cough for 10 days now. The symptoms appear overnight and rapidly disappear during the morning after I’ve taken my Vit C (only 400mg liposomal). I’m also taking 2000 IU D3 and the K2. I strongly suspect the infection is SARS-CoV2 but I’m not going to waste my time testing for it. I’ve never had a “common cold” type infection last more than 3 days in me so this is clearly a pathogen I haven’t seen before. In addition to the length of the infection, I’ve also experienced odd muscle and joint pains upon waking in the mornings - all of which dissipate very quickly. Early morning dreams have also been quite vivid and that is consistent with anecdotal evidence of COVID-19. I figure the virus is circulating all over my body, trying to find an “open door” so to speak and coming up empty handed at every turn. Perhaps in a few more days my immune system will finally hit the mark with whatever antigen is needed to wrap the little bugger up and send it down the tubes.

I haven’t adjusted my daily routine at all, which includes 90-120 minutes of cardio each day as well as strength training.

I will get the antibody test done probably in another 2 or 3 weeks to satisfy my curiosity. Meanwhile I may up the D3 and C just to get out of the woods. I stocked up on tons of it and it’s cheap.
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 23, 2020 02:08AM
Aloha Wolfpack,

What blood type are you?

Those with O blood group are less susceptible to malaria and Covid-19, but have lower levels of vWF (less prone to thrombosis). Individuals with blood group A have the highest levels of vWF (prothrombotic) and the highest susceptibility to malaria and Covid-19.

von Willebrand factor and endothelial damage: a possible association with COVID-19

I'd start taking some aspirin if you are blood type A, depending on your level of suspicion. If your aerobic capacity is undiminished, chances are remote that you’ve been infected or you are just one the many asymptomatics, despite your dreaded XY condition.
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 23, 2020 02:18AM
I am B+. Still have the Eldon card to prove it!

It could easily be something else. I figure the risk/reward of standing in a testing line with probable COVID-19 positives just isn’t worth it.

Edit: I should also mention that if I nick myself while shaving, it’ll take 20 minutes or more for that to stop. Been that way my whole life. Any “bright red” bleed on me is a gusher. Imagine how awful that was prior to and immediately after my ablation. I argued with my EP and actually got him to agree to stop the apixaban at 30 days post procedure. DISCLAIMER: Kids, don’t try this at home!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2020 02:27AM by wolfpack.
Re: Vitamin D AGAIN
August 27, 2020 03:04AM
Those with O blood group at have lower levels of vWF (less prone to thrombosis)

Interesting as I'm homozygous O. It aways does take a minute to stop a bleed on my frequent scrapes rock climbing. That and the high amount of EPA/DHA I consume.
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