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New Corona Virus Reports by Townsend Letter
December 13, 2020 03:18PM
Just FYI - Worth noting... these CV reports . Townsend Newsletter has offered articles online.

A great start is this report by well-known Nutritional Medicine practitioner, Alan R. Gaby, MD.


COVID-19 and the Hydroxychloroquine Caper
Alan R. Gaby. MD.

Note this about side effects of HCQ…. (including irregular heartbeats)

HCQ can cause a number of side effects, the most serious of which include potentially life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and rare cases of retinal toxicity. The risk of developing serious side effects appears to be related both to the dosage and to the duration of treatment. HCQ has a half-life of more than 40 days, which means that with prolonged daily use, the drug continues to build up in the body for many weeks before reaching a steady-state concentration. The short duration of treatment that is currently being recommended for COVID-19 (typically 5-10 days) results in a relatively low peak serum concentration and would therefore be expected to have a low incidence of side effects. Physicians who have been prescribing HCQ for COVID-19 (patients with contraindications are generally not offered the drug) have reported that serious side effects are essentially nonexistent. [www.drugs.com]

New Coronavirus Reports
Townsend Letter has been working since 1983 to provide our readers with the best and most up-to-date information in the world of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and we are continuing to do so with this novel coronavirus situation. We will dedicate this space to providing you links to new and updated information on Covid-19, reporting on various methods of treatment and prevention, as well as other links to articles you might find relevant, and, of course, the opportunity to subscribe to the regular version of the magazine, which covers the entire world of alternative and complementary medicine, and all those things which continue to go on, in spite of quarantines and shelter orders.
So, here are some things to think about, free of charge. We don’t promise you sound bytes of information, but do value your time as much as ours – if it’s not worth reading, we won’t print it. …Not even on the internet… And, no better time than now to read the articles.

Townsend Letter
Stay Healthy!

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Lots of info to keep you busy and informed.

Be well. Stay safe.

Re: New Corona Virus Reports by Townsend Letter
December 13, 2020 05:08PM
PS to this report:

I also circulated this report to friends including some former afibbers. One, reported his daughter who formerly had severe Afib and a successful Natale ablation had contracted the virus. She was treated with HCQ which reduced her symptoms within hours and fortunately, she experienced no Afib as a result of the HCQ.

So... that's a relief to know and encouraging.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2020 05:10PM by Jackie.
Re: New Corona Virus Reports by Townsend Letter
December 13, 2020 10:01PM
Thanks Jackie for this.

There was a doctor on Fox news that said his father had the virus and he had him take HCQ and got better quickly. However, a lot of politics has gone in about this drug, and instead of trying it they let people die.
Re: New Corona Virus Reports by Townsend Letter
December 16, 2020 04:18AM
Thanks for posting this Jackie. I was not familiar with Townsend Letter. Their article on the HCQ Caper was really interesting! I had no idea about the fraudulent (withdrawn) article in Lancet with the bogus data.
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