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Taurine and Aging

Posted by ln108 
Taurine and Aging
June 10, 2023 03:22PM

Below are a few links related to research published recently (6/8/23) in Science on the association between taurine levels and the aging process. This nutrient being frequently discussed in this forum, I thought they might be of interest.

Common energy drink ingredient taurine ‘may slow ageing process’

Taurine linked with healthy aging

Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging

I for one was not aware of the association of aging with a decline in taurine levels. These results, of course, are largely not in humans, but nevertheless interesting . . .

All best,


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2023 03:25PM by ln108.
Re: Taurine and Aging
June 10, 2023 08:00PM
Hi Lance - Thanks for this. I've used Taurine for a supportive nutrient for a long time.

If you do a search in the Afibber's forum on Taurine, there's a number of helpful reports and posts that
elaborate on the benefits. Check the one titled 'update' from a year ago.


Re: Taurine and Aging
June 11, 2023 12:04AM
Hi Jackie,

Thanks for that reference. A rich and useful discussion. I recalled that you have contributed any number of important posts on taurine, but hadn't seen that "update".

Re: Taurine and Aging
June 12, 2023 01:12AM
Do Taurine levels decrease with age because we eat less or more likely we absorb less? If we absorb less, then why and what/how do we increase absorption?
Meantime i'll go out and buy somesmileys with beer
Re: Taurine and Aging
June 12, 2023 02:59PM

Good question. I'm not sure they say. Could be both less intake and poor absorption, could also involve less production, since our bodies are able, in theory, to produce some, if not enough. Uneducated guess: Probably all the above.

Re: Taurine and Aging
June 12, 2023 10:59PM
Joe - check this report from Life Extension... and the various functions improved by supplemental Taurine.
It's not just brain cells...so skim thru.

Re: Taurine and Aging
June 13, 2023 01:16AM
Taurine (thanks to Jackie) has been a part of my afib remission program for over 18 years (2 g/day).
Re: Taurine and Aging
June 13, 2023 09:18PM
Thanks Jackie, i didthumbs up. Worst case scenario, i can't see any downsides to taking it.
Re: Taurine and Aging
June 19, 2023 04:22PM
Hi Joe -
Here's a few clips from the intro segment of the Taurine product data sheet by Designs for Health.
If you'd like to read the entire report, send me a PM.

" Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid with activity across a broad range of tissues including the cardiovascular
system, immune system, central nervous system, liver, reproductive system and skeletal muscle.1 Although not
incorporated into structural proteins, taurine is critical for numerous physiological processes. It is the most abundant
free amino acid in the heart, retina, skeletal muscle, brain, and leukocytes, and is present in high concentrations in
excitable tissues such as neurons, cardiac and skeletal muscles.2,3

Endogenously, taurine is derived from cysteine so it is not technically an
essential amino acid, but it is unknown whether endogenous synthesis
is adequate to meet the full need for taurine so it is considered semiessential. 2,4

Certain circumstances may increase the body’s demand for taurine, such as
intense exercise and long-term stress, and taurine levels decline in several tissues
during the aging process.4 Additionally, taurine is virtually absent from plant foods,
so vegetarians and strict vegans may benefit from supplementing with taurine.
Rich sources of taurine include beef, pork, dark meat poultry, seafood and shellfish,
with small amounts occurring in dairy products."

• Supports healthy blood pressure
within the normal range
• Helps the body release excess water
• Promotes energy generation
in heart muscle cells and supports
a healthy heart rhythm
• Supports normal skeletal muscle function
• Supports normal glucose
metabolism and insulin sensitivity
• Required for bile synthesis—
facilitates proper digestion of fats
• Boosts antioxidant defenses
• Supports healthy nerve function

Taurine References (for this clip)
1. De Luca A, Pierno S, Camerino DC. Taurine: the appeal of a safe amino acid for skeletal muscle disorders. J Transl Med. 2015;13:243. doi:10.1186/s12967-015-0610-1.
2. Schuller-Levis GB, Park E. Taurine: new implications for an old amino acid. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 03;226(2):195–202.
3. Takahashi Y, Hatta H. Effects of taurine administration on exercise-induced fatigue and recovery. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 6 (1): 33-39 (2017). doi: 10.7600/jpfsm.6.33.
4. Schaffer SW, Jong CJ, Ramila KC, Azuma J. Physiological roles of taurine in heart and muscle. J Biomed Sci. 2010;17 Suppl 1(Suppl 1)confused smiley2. doi:10.1186/1423-0127-17-S1-S2.
Re: Taurine and Aging
June 20, 2023 01:05AM
Thank you Jackie!
It's probably a matter of finding out what one's requirements are and what if any oversupply (of all proteins) would cause. From what i gather it would just turn to body fat but is this the whole story?
Many recommend around 1.6g of protein/1kg body weight. Wonder if that is to cover decreasing assimilation with age or not?

Anyway, i'm beginning to take some from now on since my age is advancing (73 now) even if it's just for belt and braces - can't see a downside.
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