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K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
November 14, 2023 07:16PM
A recent post on the Afibbers Forum suggests a possible connection between vitamin K2, especially the MK-7 form, and heart palpitations. I myself have wondered about this in my own case. I did a quick google and there seems to be numerous anecdotal reports of MK-7 and palpitations. Here's one example.

Does anyone have any intelligence on this? Any clinical studies? If it is a problem for some people, I wonder what the mechanism might be.

Thoughts appreciated. Thanks, Lance
Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
November 14, 2023 11:25PM
I;ve been taking 4000 i.u. D3/day and Menaquinone 90 microgram BID for more than a year - noticed no problem with increased heart palpitation nor AF. Some foods/supplements however do seem to trigger AF but can't put my finger on what it is (work in progress).
Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
November 16, 2023 11:11PM
Hi Lance - FWIW: I've been using the MK7 product by Jarrow... from iHerb.. when I take Vitamin D3 during the+
months when sunshine exposure isn't possible (here in NE Ohio). I have not found that causes palpitations for me.
Jarrow Formulas, MK-7, 90 mcg, 120 Softgels

Many years ago, I had severe muscle pain and weakness... diagnosed as fibromyalgia and I was treated by
various physicians but had no success in eliminating the symptoms. When I became a patient of a
Functional Medicine MD and because the fibromyalgia history, etc... she tested my vitamin D levels.
... results were in the teens when optimal should be between 50 and 80 ng/ml (according to
Genova Diagnostics .. [genovadiagnostics.com])
I aim for results of about 60 ng/ml since that’s where my muscles feel the best.

It is very important that you be tested to determine your vitamin D levels...( 25 OHD) and if you supplement with D, then be sure you are staying in the recommended range.

A noteworthy clip from a Klaire Labs product data sheet …on their Vitamin D plus K product indicates:

… "Cardiovascular function: Emerging studies show that vitamin D deficiency is a highly-prevalent condition,4 and is independently associated with most cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.8 Experimental studies have established a role for vitamin D metabolites in pathways that are integral to healthy cardiovascular function, including inflammation, thrombosis, and the renin–angiotensin system (RAS).9 Additionally, both vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 support the normal activity of matrix Gla protein (MGP), which maintains healthy calcium balance in vascular tissues.10 Clinical research suggests that the combination of vitamin D3 plus K2 together provides support for
healthy cardiovascular function." 2,3,11

2.Altern Med Rev. 2010;15(3):199-222
3.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2017 12;57(18):3959-3970
4. J Clin Nutr. 2004 ;79(3):362-71
8. Am J Med Sci. 2009;338(1):40-4
9 Chem Biol. 2014;21(3):319-329
10. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005 Aug;25(8):1629-33
11 J Nutr. 2004; 134(11):3100-5

Additionally, The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients has published an abundance of reports on the ‘vitamin D’ topic … worth scrolling through some listed here. [duckduckgo.com]

If you’d like to read the Product Data sheets from DFH and Klaire Labs, send me a PM and I’ll share with you.

Best to you,
Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
November 22, 2023 05:00AM
Thanks, Jackie. It's good to review this information once more.

I myself have not found that MK-7 causes palpitations. But I find it interesting that some people do, and I wondered what the mechanism might be.

Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
December 15, 2023 12:55AM
Interesting question.

For years I have thought two supplements seem to trigger heart irritation in me.

The first, and by far the most conclusive for me, is fish oil. It's dose-dependent too with greater ectopy with higher doses. One time It tried 7g a day and that was a disaster. For me, even 1g a day seems to up the level of heart excitability. So, I eat fish. And I swear that even Salmon sometimes does this to me whereas I don't see it with whitefish.

The other is Vitamin D. Every time I start taking D (whether it was 2000 IU or 10,000 IU), I feel like it increases my ectopy. D doesn't seem to be as sure a bet as fish oil, but I try to avoid it...going to the extreme of using Sperti Vitamin D lamps during the winter instead of taking it orally. I didn't start taking K2 with D until I had discovered this effect. Not sure if that is germane to this or not.

Good luck!

Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
January 07, 2024 12:52AM
Interesting question.

For years I have thought two supplements seem to trigger heart irritation in me.

The first, and by far the most conclusive for me, is fish oil. It's dose-dependent too with greater ectopy with higher doses. One time It tried 7g a day and that was a disaster. For me, even 1g a day seems to up the level of heart excitability. So, I eat fish. And I swear that even Salmon sometimes does this to me whereas I don't see it with whitefish.

The other is Vitamin D. Every time I start taking D (whether it was 2000 IU or 10,000 IU), I feel like it increases my ectopy. D doesn't seem to be as sure a bet as fish oil, but I try to avoid it...going to the extreme of using Sperti Vitamin D lamps during the winter instead of taking it orally. I didn't start taking K2 with D until I had discovered this effect. Not sure if that is germane to this or not.

Good luck!

I noticed the D correlation as well. What are these lamps? I asked my functional cardiologist about a lamp for D and he didn't know of any and he has all the things ..LOL.
Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
January 07, 2024 01:04AM
Interesting question.

The other is Vitamin D. Every time I start taking D (whether it was 2000 IU or 10,000 IU), I feel like it increases my ectopy. D doesn't seem to be as sure a bet as fish oil, but I try to avoid it...going to the extreme of using Sperti Vitamin D lamps during the winter instead of taking it orally. I didn't start taking K2 with D until I had discovered this effect. Not sure if that is germane to this or not.

Good luck!

Also on that lamp I was just looking at this page talking about how effective it is. and there are warnings with a bunch of cardiac meds... I wonder what's up with that.

Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
January 07, 2024 01:09PM
Those drug interactions look like Sperti is exercising caution for any drug that can potentially increase photosensitivity. I've taken drugs like that before and did notice worse burning in the sunlight. Maybe a dermatologist could explain the real dangers and whether to reduce exposure time or avoid the lamp altogether. I never get a burn anymore and mostly point them (I have two lamps) to my lower legs during exercise.

As a test, I took almost no vitamin D supplements from August to Christmas and only tried to get the Sperti lamp exposure every day averaging about 3k a day according to Dr. Michael Hollick's D-Minder app (he's being the Sperti lamp too). My D level fell from 61 in August to 49 at Christmas. Not ideal, but not nearly as bad as the average drop for people over the winter. Going to test again in March, which is usually the D-level nadir.

Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
January 07, 2024 01:13PM
Dr. Michael Hollick, I believe, created them and he also created the Dminder phone app to track vitamin D levels. It's fairly accurate, but my D level is often 10-30 points higher when tested than the app. The app has trouble factoring in muscle in the body weight.

Here's the Sperti site. [www.sperti.com]

You can buy them on Amazon as well. Here's a good video by Michael explaining the benefits of sunlight.

Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
January 07, 2024 05:23PM
Thanks JohnG. I am familiar with the D-minder app. Thanks for the links. I have a cardio thing this week- I may ask them or call my dermatologist on the med stuff. I may have med changes this week so I'll do some more digging before buying. I did have photo therapy about 10 years ago for psoriasis. Worked great. It was at a dermatology office and in a standing booth. I would totally go to a place that did that. I started at a minute and it seemed like a waste but wasn't. My functional cardiologist has "all the things" so I emailed him and this is one thing he had not heard of so said, "you start and let me know what you find!" perhaps I will smiling smiley Thanks again
Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
January 07, 2024 05:27PM
You bet! I would imagine the light booth was UVB centric similar to the Sperti Vitamin D lamp. I'd be very curious what your curious cardiologist says.

Re: K2 / MK-7 and Heart Palpitations
January 08, 2024 01:17AM
Thanks for the Link John G! One of the best lectures on sunlight. Other good ones are on MedCram and ones By Dr Wunsch who is a German expert on Heliotherapy.
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