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Day 16 / First AFIB
October 30, 2003 10:34PM
Jim W., Jackie, and Others,
After my CCF Dr. Natale ablation, I had no AFIB for 15 days. I did have a few "pauses" (skipped beats) the day after the ablation and two other days also, but didn't notice many. Today I woke up with many pauses and soon went into AFIB for a couple of minutes. This evening I had a five minute AFIB episode also. I managed to get my monitor on and wristbands and transmitted the AFIB over the phone to the CCF. During the 45 second transmission, I returned to NSR, so the event was well documented. A doctor talked to me and said that skipped beats and some AFIB after ablations is the rule rather than the exception. I was doing so well that I thought I very well might never experience an irregular heartbeat again. It seems the AFIB demon refuses to go quietly.

Re: Day 16 / First AFIB
October 31, 2003 05:24AM
Newman - Thanks for the heads up. I'm sorry that this happened but think it is probably just what we all can expect...so better be prepared and accept it rather than be discouraged or disappointed. It's apparently common althought I thought, as you did, you were going to skate through unscathed.

It's encouraging to me to learn your events were short-lived. Nothing dramatic. However, I'm sure it raised that old "Oh, No!" feeling of dread. I don't think any of us will ever forget that.

I've forgotten - are you taking any meds other than the Coumadin and Lipitor?

Still, Newman, 15 days is pretty darn wonderful. Hopefully, these little breakthroughs will stretch out longer and longer in between occurrences until they eventually don't happen at all.

I truly appreciate your progress report - and Jim's - because it prepares me for what may happen.

Just have faith that this will pass and be a distant memory very soon.

Best regards, Jackie
Re: Day 16 / First AFIB
October 31, 2003 08:24AM


I am currently taking Coumadin, Lipitor and Toprol XL.

Re: Day 16 / First AFIB
October 31, 2003 02:23PM
Go have a couple of beers and forget about it. you will be fine.
just give it time.
peggy merrill
Re: Day 16 / First AFIB
October 31, 2003 02:51PM
Now that is some voodoo i can go for.
Re: Day 16 / First AFIB
November 02, 2003 03:19AM
Newman: You're supposed to have ectopy and afib in the first few months after an ablation. You have to give that heart muscle some time to heal. Some people seem to have more ectopy and afib than is their norm in the first few months. I think it sounds like your doing great!! Please try to relax and give it a couple of months. Many thoughts and prayers go with you.

Be well,
Re: Day 16 / First AFIB
November 02, 2003 11:57AM

Thanks a lot for your concern and information. You have helped my mental state.

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