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Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
October 31, 2003 03:44PM
I'm sold on Magnesium Glycinate/Chelate over other forms , but how many actual tablets are you folks taking a day?

The Kal Magnesium Glycinate says that two tablets = 400mg of Magnesium glycinate or 200mg per tablet.

I assume only 25% or less of this is actual elemental magnesium. If we should be supplementing with at least 600 mg of ELEMENTAL magnesium a day. How many KAL or Solgar or Carlson's tablets does one actually take toacheive this level, and do you have to build up gradually to 600mg? If I caculate it right that could be around 12 tablets a day of the KAL Mag Glycinate to get 600mg of Elemental Magnesium IF each of the KAL tablets which contain 200mg of mag glycinate only have 50mg of elemental magnesium?

I would greatly aprpreciate hearing from those who have found magnesium to be of real benefit in lessening PAC's PVC's and AFIB, exactly how much they are takening without running into bowel intolerance or loose stool.


Shannon Vagal 51
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
October 31, 2003 04:38PM

I am one of those on this BB who has been promoting magnesium glycinate supplementation.

With the exception of a recent period of about five days, when I had a rough time with vagal/nocturnal afib ( I believe due to stress overriding the calming effect of magnesium) , I am back on track, afib and pac, pvc free.

I have stopped taking magnsesium combined with calcium. I think the calcium in the combined form triggered afib. I now take only KAL straight magnesium glycinate.

I assume that the amount of magnesium indicated is what is actually there. 200 mg. per tablet. I don't think that second guessing is in order.

I am doing very well right now on 300 mg. (1 1/2 tablets) in the am and 1 tablet at dinner. Total: 500 mg. Take it with food. For a long while I was taking 700 - 800 mg., but then reduced it after I figured I had replenished my magnesium levels. I am stabile once again. But, as we all know afib can rear its nasty head at a moment's notice.

Yes, gradually increase the amount, stay on it for awhile and then try reducing it.

Please report back and let us know how it works for you.

Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
October 31, 2003 10:56PM

The 200mg is elemental, as I understand it.

Michael in San Fran
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 01, 2003 05:20PM
The label of the KAL brand magnesium glycinate is a little bit difficult to read, but, as mentioned above, it is reasonably clear that each tablet contains 200 mg of elemental mg.

I had been taking two tablets daily or 400 mg. I noticed more PACs than when I was taking a higher dose. I am now taking 800 mg per day in two doses and notice very few PACs, even though I drink an occasional glass of wine and drink a cup of coffee almost every day. The alcohol and coffee, which tend to depelete mg, are no problem for me if I maintain my mg supplement at 800 mg per day.
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 01, 2003 07:37PM
I take the Pure Encapsulations brand of mag glycinate but take it out of the capsules and take it with water after meals. Each capsule is 120 mg, and I have been taking three after breakfast, totalling 360 mg. Sometimes at night if I am having a lot of gas and bloating and therefore PACs, I take it at night and it seems to help.
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 01, 2003 10:59PM
Magnesium oxide 1000 mg (1 g) = 550 mg elemental magnesium
Magnesium citrate 1000 mg = 100 mg elemental mg
Magnesium aspartate 1000 mg = 80.44mg elemental mg
Magnesium glycinate 1000 mg = 110.70mg elemental mg
Magnesium taurinate 1000 mg = 150 mg elemental mg
Magnesium arginate 1000 mg = 60 mg elemental mg
David Price
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 05:53AM
According to Walt Stoll (and he's been right on so many other things I've no reason to doubt him here), it's virtually impossible to take too much magnesium, you'll just spend a lot of time on the loo, if you take more than you should. As I discovered after slugging back UN-diluted Waller Water...

Like Carol, I built up gradually to 6-800 Mg for a while, and then I figured I was replenished, so I went back down to 400 where I stay unless my constipation returns (it used to be the bane of my life). Now I just vary it according to bowel movements.

Not scientific, I know, but hey, it works for me!

(Apologies to anyone about to have Sunday lunch!)
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 06:05AM
Hi, Richard and Michael from San Francisco

In light of Theo's post above, I am now totally confused about the amount of magnesium I (we) am actually getting .

Can you explain this?


Mike F. V42
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 08:13AM

The 'Kirkman Laboratories (Lake Oswego, Oregon) Biomax Series Hypoallergenic' mag glycinate capsules I have EACH contain 546mg mag glycinate providing 100mg elemental magnesium.

(As an aside, restarting them (5/day divided with meals and snacks) for the last 3 days certainly didn't avert my latest AF episode which occurred last night (post above). My latest experience reinforces the fact that my heart feels 'twitteryier' with the mag supplements than without.)

Mike F.
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 09:32AM

The Kirkman brand doesn't combine magnesium with calcium , does it?
Mike F. V42
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 11:57AM

No it does not. Ingredients listed are per capsule mag glycinate (trademark registered to Albion), plant cellulose, and leucine. That's it period.

Michael F.
Michael in San Fran
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 12:24PM

Your original message on this thread is correct. 2 and 1/2 tablets of KAL brand magnesium glycinate ("Magnesium Glycinate 400") give you 500 mg of elemental magnesium. The label states that the serving size is 2 tablets. Each 2 tablet serving provides 400 mg of magnesium equal to 100% of the Daily Value which is also 400 mg.
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 12:34PM
Hi Mike, you are the first I have read who say Mag. gives you heart problems, thats exactly the same for me , and I find this very interesting, there must be something we totally miss in our search for cure, we need a register and blood, hair and intestinal flora tests from a laboratory we all use. I am sure it is possible to get a Lab. part of this board and make a real research out of it

Mike F. V42
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 02, 2003 01:23PM

I SUSPECT that the mag gives me probs, but I cannot be sure. It's just that whenever i try it for a few days or a few weeks, I seem to get more ectopics with it than without it. QUite frustrating given the success most others here are having with magnesium. Even more annoying for me given that I tested as having a mild magnesium deficiency further to a 24hr magnesium retention test (to see how much of an injection of mag is excreted in urine after 24hrs - the more is retained the worse the deficiancy). Still, I also remember eading somewhere that most people will test as having a mild mag deficiency using the aforementioned test.............. Maybe I need to try the old Waller Water again (with a twist of lemon). SUre did Erling a lotta good...... wonder if he still drinks it............

Mike F.
Re: Clarification on Magnesium glycinate amounts
November 05, 2003 07:04PM
Thanks all. ALthough I think I'll call KAL and see if they can confirm that their's is 100% elemental. Their statement that it contains 100% of the Daily value of magensium might just mean 100% of the RDA and not differentiate between elemental and gross amounts.

When I see the reports of every other brand having between 15% and 20% elemental versus the total amount of listed magnesium glycinate, it makes me suspicious that the KAL brand is doing the same thing.

Shannon vagal 51 M
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