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Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 05:27AM
Re: Waller Water. Does anyone know how much bicarbonate one can safely ingest without risking alkalosis? Apparently there is 222 mg of bicarb in one ounce of WW (along with 44.4 mg magnesium).

Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 12:55PM
Trent, that's a good question - but first, please check your numbers - pretty sure the following are correct. It would be better to think liter rather than ounce of WW.

WW analysis:
Magnesium 125 mg/L (calculated)
Bicarbonate 751 mg/L (Evergreen Analytical Labs, Wheatridge, Colorado, Dec 5, '02)
pH 8.63 (Evergreen Analytical Labs, Dec 5, '02)

1 liter = 33.8 oz

Therefor, 1 oz of WW has:
125 / 33.8 = 3.7 mg magnesium
751 / 33.8 = 22.2 mg bicarbonate

For background you might watch this 5 minute video and read the clinical trial PDF:

September 14, 2011 Clinical trial news video [www.youtube.com]

June 11, 2009 [www.waterclinicaltrials.info]
A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of the Effects of Alkaline Magnesium Bicarbonate Solutions on Acid/Base Balance, Bone Metabolism and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Postmenopausal Women
R.O. Day, W.Liauw, L.M.R Tozer, P McElduff, R.J. Beckett, K.M.Williams.
St Vincent’s Clinical Trials Centre, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology and University of NSW, Sydney.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2012 01:01PM by Erling.
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 04:54PM
Has anyone out there tried 'Alkalife' products??? Results? I have just started using these drops, and cannot report anything yet, and would welcome any feedback.
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 05:03PM
Erling - Trent got his figures from me...
I took the original formula from the recipe website...

This 1 liter of concentrated magnesium bicarbonate water will have approximately 1500 mg of magnesium and approximately 7500 mg of bicarbonate.

Asked for help on the math to determine what one ounce of concentrate would be...

Received this- Seems correct? Liters and Fluid Ounces = 1 liter = 33.8140226 US fluid ounces

1500 mg / 33.81 = 44.4 mg per ounce Mg

7500 / 33.81 = 222 mg per ounge bicarbonate.

An analysis of one batch might vary depending on the exact accuracy of making that particular batch and might vary slightly depending on the reactivity. As we know some batches react more fully than others depending on the amount of carbonation in the bottle of seltzer.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 05:20PM
Ultimately, the results of drinking the alkaline bicarbonate water are going to depend on the degree of acidity in the body receiving the water.
A person who is acidic with health complaints or disease states, is going to require more bicarbonate to bring up the pH than one who is already running very close to the optimal pH.

Testing is going to be the only way to know what type of progress one is making or if one is becoming too alkaline. pH testing strips are a 'gauge' or indicator but are far from precise accuracy. pH meters can do that but cost around $100 and undoubtedly worth if if one has specific health issues.

Following on pH from Healing is Voltage by Jerry Tennant, MD.

Daytime is a time of running the “machinery” and creating acids. Nighttime is a time of replacing worn out cells and eliminating the acids you created through the day that you didn’t get rid of through the day.

Measurement of the salivary pH gives you an indirect indication of cellular voltage. You can think of it as how much voltage is stored in your cellular batteries. It should never be lower than 6.5. Note that the saliva pH of 6.5 suggests a cellular pH of 7.35 so there is a conversion factor of about 0.8

Measurement of the urinary pH gives you an indication of the voltage of the extracellular and lymphatic spaces. It should also be about 6.5 after you get rid of your first morning urine. (The first morning urine represents the acid you got rid of during the night). However, if your daytime urine pH is less than 6.5, you are dumping more acid because your extracellular space has become too acidic.

To be accurate, your salivary pH must be tested either the first thing when you wake up before you drink any water or two hours after a meal. Test it with pH strips. A more accurate way the meter which costs about $100.

If your urine or your salivary pH falls below 6.5, you need more calcium.

My comment: (apparently he feels calcium is the best alkalizer… whereas, we are going for the magnesium bicarbonate as Erling has outlined recently in his post on the in the history of the Unique Water) Jackie

Taking some calcium even if your pH is above 6.5 is advantages if you are dealing with a serious illness because microorganism can’t grow in an alkaline pH. Cancer cells have trouble growing in an alkaline pH as well.

The normal human cell has a lot of molecular oxygen and a slightly alkaline pH. The cancer cell has an acid pH and lack of oxygen. Cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment. At a pH slightly above 7.4 (salivary pH of 6.7), cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 ( salivary pH7.8), cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live.

Cancer occurs at +30 mV or cell pH of 6.48) At a pH of slightly above 7.4 (salivary pH 6.5), cancer cells become dormant and at a pH of 8.5 (salivary pH 7.8) cancer cells die while healthy cells live). The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen-rich, the fluid.

Again, the higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen-rich the fluid is. Cancer and all diseases hate oxygen pH/balance.

Healing is Voltage
Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), MD(P)
C 2011
Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 06:09PM
Hi Jackie - your math is of course correct, but it's for the concentrate, not for WW

Hi Trent - you specifically wrote WW - the 11:to 1 dilution of the concentrate.

Words, words, numbers, numbers ...


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2012 03:04AM by Erling.
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 06:20PM
Thanks Jackie and Erling. What incredible resources you both are. So, this $100 pH meter. What is it and where is it available?

Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 10:32PM

It would be helpful if you could provide the concentration (mg/L) of K hydroxide and Na hydroxide in the water made using AlkaLife drops. I looked for that essential info on their website but gave up. Thank you.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 10:39PM
Hi Erling
Been trying to find Milk of Magnesia or Magnesium Hydroxide without success to make WW but have now found out it is banned in Australia (probably New Zealand as well) for health reasons. What gives?

528 Mg Hydroxide

Is there any other way to make alkaline water without using Mg hydoxide?

No luck finding Unique water locally either (I live in low population area) so will try in Sydney next time I visit.
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 25, 2012 10:41PM
Hi Erling and Jackie,

I find this discussion of WW and pH fascinating and once again am trying to understand more about pH.

When I last asked about WW and posted that my morning urine pH was usually 7.0 though it can be 7.5 at times, Erling replied that it isn't really an accurate test of intracellular pH, which is what we are evidently interested in, and that pH varies throughout the day. So should I test my saliva instead because it seems to be a better indication of intracellular pH?

This statement from the above discussion sounds like I can use my urine pH test strips to test my saliva. Is this true? "To be accurate, your salivary pH must be tested either the first thing when you wake up before you drink any water or two hours after a meal. Test it with pH strips."

Like Trent, I'm also interested in finding out more about the meter.

I haven't tried the WW because I'm concerned about going too high on my pH. I also take Buffer PH pills when I know I've eaten more acidic food than normal.

The info. on alkaline pH and cancer agrees with what I've read in Dr. Blaylock's book on cancer. Unfortunately, most oncologists never tell their patients about this. I have a friend who was just diagnosed with sarcoma and his doctor hasn't told him anything about pH or diet. I will pass along this information to him. It would be worthwhile for him to buy a meter and keep track of his alkalinity.

Thanks for this amazing post.

Windstar (Nancy)
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 02:14AM
Hi to all.

A few points and questions, shooting from the hip.

I have been looking into the positives of alkalizing the body - when I get the time - since my original post a few weeks back and have found very little with regards to benifitting afibbers but then again most roads I have followed lead to 'baking soda cures cancer' and that diseases CANNOT? live in an alkalized body. It would seem baking soda - sodium bicarbonate - raises the bodies pH towards alkaline very quickly.

I think magnesium and potassium suppliments alkalize the body, is that the main reason these minerals help the body in the battle with AF.

Is Afib a disease and if so would an alkalizing body keep it in check??

Given all the above info by Erling and Jackie it would appear to me there may well be a connection between Afib and a body that is continually in a state of acidity, AF is an electrical fault and maybe an alkalizing body is high voltage and an acidic body is low voltage, surely we need the right voltage!!! maybe somewhere in between. From what I have read it would appear that it is critical to keep the body in an alkalized state i.e. 'normal' state whereas we are probably all in an acidic state apart from maybe vegetarians and 'William' - a regular poster here once upon a time. That said there will no doubt be vegetarian afibbers.

Most afibbers will have experienced afib episodes whereas you are continually having to go to the loo during the 'attack', are we dumping excess acidic urine at the time, has anyone checked???

Many people say they could set the clock by their afib episodes, could this be because their bodies have built up to an uncceptable acidic state and the body says enough is enough, goes into afib then starts dumping the toxins. Anybody out there checked their urine at this stage. What chances that anyone who as checked gets an alkaline reading???????

As noted above I have followed a path 'baking soda cures cancer' whereas baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, why not magnesium bicarbonate? I have not seen 'magnesium bicarbonate cures cancer' to date but then again maybe I have not tripped over it yet being dragged into the sodium bicarbonate story.

We all must follow our own due diligence when reading up on the internet and I give a link below to one web page which shows a 'Dr' Coldwell saying there are doctors in Europe that cure cancer using baking soda, one I know being being a Dr Simoncini who is adamant that cancer is simply a fungus and is killed dead rapidly when introduced to sodium bicarbonate - baking soda. Though this BB is for afibbers - primarily Lone Afibbers - we must check every path that opens up to us even unbelievable 'cancer cures' and as such I include the following link where you can find a short video of a 'Dr' Coldwell stating that cancer can be cured in 2 to 14 weeks and also further down the page a short video of Vernon 'Vito' Johnston making up his baking soda concoction that cured him of 'stage 4' cancer of the prostrate in 8 days, both very interesting. The answer as far as these guys are concerned is very simple and none of them are selling baking soda. Again due diligence must be taken.

I personanly have been on the baking soda protocol - maintenace dose? - for about two weeks and will now give it a rest for a week. I have had no re-actions whatsoever apart for a sense of 'feel good' which could also be a placebo effect, but I doubt it.
As I'm healthy enough I am still not sure about the sodium as I have religeously avoided sodium, apart from some sea salt on my chips (French Fries) as a matter of course for years. I must note I am AF free for over 2 years now - via ablation.

NOTE: the baking soda cure would, I presume, be dangerous for anyone with kidney issues or any other isses that would need checking out.

One other point. The first thing that most of my mates would say is 'it could be dangeous to over alkalize' as they throw down the 10th pint of lager of the night or pinch another large slice of pizza off the plate keeping them in an endless state of acidity year on year, no worries there mate ;-).

Finally I would add that since I have been 'researching' alkalizing the body my 52 year old younger brother as been diagnosed with late stage cancer of the bowel and will have none of the alkalizing the body Mumbo Jumbo.

Dr Coldwell is the smartly dressed guy in the third video down the webpage and Vito can be seen farther down the webpage in the kitchen making up his concoction.

Barry G.
Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 03:00AM
Really, Dean? Magnesium hydroxide is banned in Australia for 'health reasons'? MoM and powder? Are Beckett et al of Unique Water perhaps threatened by boot-leg copy-cat home-made cheap WW? In '03 a delightful Australian named David S was using powdered Mg hydroxide for his WW, so I hope that's still available somewhere.

The health benefit of alkalizing the body can't be overstated. From Day 1 Jackie has recommended the book Alkalize or Die by Dr. Theodore Baroody [www.rawfoodinfo.com]

Wishing you the best!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2012 03:05AM by Erling.
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 01:09PM
Erling - thanks - of course... the devil is in the details... I just didn't stop to think.

I had told Trent that you, I and others just drank the WW concentrate and we were wanting to know how much bicarbonate would be in an ounce or half an ounce.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 01:53PM
Hi Erling,

Could you post the "recipe" for WW again or point me in the direction of the post that has the info?

Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 02:54PM
Hi Lisa,

The "recipe" is about halfway down the first page of From UW to WW with love (Unique Water's 10 th anniversary) [www.afibbers.org] If you start at the top of the page you'll have the whole history of how WW got here from there. The whole story delights me. The Sidney newspaper articles when Unique Water was first launched at Bert's Soft Drinks in '02 are great! Especially important is the in-depth article article Peter Bowers on the clues that led to the water [www.smh.com.au] I hope you'll read it.

Have fun! Erling.

Making magnesium-bicarbonate drinking water called WW using magnesium hydroxide (as in Milk of Magnesia) and carbon dioxide in carbonated water
The chemical conversion in water is: Mg(OH)2 + (CO2)2 --> Mg++ + (HCO3-)2

Step 1. Chill to refrigerator temperature a 1 (or 2) liter bottle of carbonated water consisting of water and carbon dioxide (CO2) sometimes called Seltzer.

Step 2. Shake well a bottle of plain Milk of Magnesia (MoM), then measure out accurately 3 tbsp* (6 tbsp for 2 liters). The plastic measuring cup that comes with the MoM is accurate and ideal for the purpose. Use only plain MoM without flavorings, sweeteners, mineral oil, or other additives. The "active ingredient" should be only magnesium hydroxide, 400 mg per teaspoon (5 ml), and the "inactive ingredient" should be only water (check the label). (3 tablespoons (45 ml) of MoM has 1,500 mg of Mg from 3,600 mg Mg hydroxide*)

*Alternatively use 3,600 mg Mg hydroxide powder - a bit less than 1 tsp (1 tsp = ~4,000 mg).

Step 3. Making the concentrate of magnesium bicarbonate water: Remove the cap of the chilled bottle of carbonated water slowly to minimize loss of CO2. Pour out a few inches into a glass and save it. Pour in the pre-measured MoM and replace as much as possible of the saved carbonated water. Replace the cap tightly. and shake the bottle vigorously making the liquid cloudy. After 1/2 hour or so the liquid will have cleared, and un-dissolved Mg hydroxide will have settled to the bottom. Again shake the bottle vigorously making the liquid cloudy again. After several hours (up to 24?) all of the Mg hydroxide in the MoM will have reacted with the CO2 to become dissolved ionized magnesium (Mg++) and bicarbonate (HCO3-). If a small amount of un-dissolved Mg hydroxide remains as a sediment ignore it. One liter of this concentrated magnesium bicarbonate water will have ~1,500 mg of magnesium and ~9,000 mg of bicarbonate. Diluting this concentrate 11 to 1 makes it essentially identical to Unique Water..

Step 4. Making WW essentially identical to Unique Water: Dilute the concentrate 11 to 1 with plain water.
-- Example: 1 oz. concentrate + 11 oz. water = 12 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1/3 liter or 1/3 quart.
-- Example: 3 oz. concentrate + 33 oz. water = 36 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1 liter (34 oz) or 1 quart (32 oz.).

Ideal consumption: 1 1/2 to 2 liters (quarts) per day providing per liter ~125 mg magnesium and ~750 mg bicarbonate.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2012 12:27AM by Erling.
Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 05:04PM

Would you know if the pH of the concentrate is different from / sake as the pH of diluted WW? Perhaps it's the same, after all the quantity of bicarbonate ions is the same. That puzzles me, and seems important. My chemistry is too fundamental to know the effect of concentration on pH, if any, so I'm hoping someone with better smarts will answer -- perhaps someone like Hans with a specialty in the field.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 05:53PM
Erling - good question... I have a stack of books on pH including a medical text that I'll check.

Momentarily, I'll be posting separately the notes on alkalinity and voltage from the interview with Dr. Tennant (Healing is Voltage)...
This all goes together, but as usual, my offering is long and detailed so I'm starting a new thread.

Then I'll check on the concentrate vs the diluted pH. I surmise that the concentrate will be a very high pH and the dilution will be something around 8 or 9. I'll dip in a pH strip, even though that isn't very accurate, but more of a range.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 06:43PM
I think in the past you gave a link of a good place to buy magnesium hydroxide powder. Can you give us that link again? It might have been at iHerb??

Thanks for the WW recipe. How should the WW be stored? Can it be in a plastic 1 gal water container or should it be in glass?

Also, does anyone have the website for the pH meter? I'd like to let my friend who has cancer know what to order.

Thanks much,
Windstar (Nancy)
Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 06:50PM
The following is a research study reported in Dr. Russell Beckett's 2001.patent. It is compressed but complete. For full text scroll down 1/3+ at [www.afibbers.org]


An Experiment to Improve the Buffering Capacities of the Extracellular and Intracellular Bicarbonate Buffers and to Decrease Senescence and to Increase Longevity in a Representative Mammal.

Mammalian body cells produce continuously concentrations of carbon dioxide. Upon hydration, carbon dioxide increases proton concentrations in the cytoplasm of body cells. The pH values of the cytoplasm of body cells are lowered.

The protons produced in the cytoplasm of body cells by the hydration of carbon dioxide, and other intracellular reactions, are buffered normally by intracellular bicarbonate buffers. The bicarbonate anions in intracellular buffers derive manly from the extracellular bicarbonate of blood plasma. The bicarbonate anions in blood plasma originate from erythrocytes as products of erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase enzyme reactions.

The vitality of mammalian body cells is linked critically to the buffering capacities of the extracellular fluids and the cytoplasm of the cells. Processes of cellular degeneration occur when buffering capacities falter in the presence of excess proton concentrations. Cellular degenerations are manifested in the mammalian body by degenerative diseases and senescence. Examples of degenerative diseases in mammals that are linked causally to extracellular and intracellular proton concentrations include osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, the diseases associated with chronic inflammation, the diseases associated with lysosomal enzyme activities, the diseases associated with oxidations of cell nucleic acids, cell protein amino acids and cell membrane lipids, and the diseases associated with aberrations of mitochondrial respiration.

One hundred and ten Merino ewe lambs were divided randomly at weaning into a control group and a treatment group. The groups were of equal size and were maintained under similar conditions except for the pH values and aqueous metal bicarbonate concentrations of drinking water supplies. Sheep were selected as the representative mammal because their life span and body weight are more representative of typical mammals than laboratory rodents, their life span is not excessively long, their body size permits multiple blood and tissue sample collections, they are easy to handle and their husbandry is suited to experimental conditions. [see [www.sheep101.info] ]

The control group was maintained, for the full life span of the sheep, in small experimental paddocks with slightly acidic (less than pH 6.5) drinking water supplies that contained bicarbonate concentrations less than 30 mg per litre.

The treatment group was maintained, for the full life span of the sheep, in small experimental paddocks with slightly alkaline (pH 7.8 to 9.0) drinking water supplies that contained bicarbonate concentrations between 300 mg per litre and 800 mg per litre.

Means of parameters in drinking water:

Control Group:
pH 6.1
Mg++ 13mg/litre
Ca++ 25mg/litre
HCO3- 25 mg/litre

Treatment Group:
pH 8.4
Mg++ 110mg/litre
Ca++ 30mg/litre
HCO3- 660mg/litre


In the late stages of pregnancy, there is a tendency for pregnant mammals to become hypoglycaemic and hyperketonaemic. Hyperketonaemia subjects the pregnant mammal to an acid load (increase in proton concentrations). This acid load may result in clinical acidosis. In ewes affected clinically with acidosis, bicarbonate concentrations range between 14 to 20 mmol per litre plasma.

Over several years, plasma bicarbonate concentrations were determined for the control group and the treatment group one week prior to lambing. Determination of plasma bicarbonate concentrations prior to lambing is a direct measure of extracellular and intracellular bicarbonate buffering capacity. In ewes with effective extracellular and intracellular bicarbonate buffers, bicarbonate concentrations are maintained in a range between 24 to 27 mmol per litre plasma. Plasma bicarbonate concentrations are given below:

Mean plasma bicarbonate concentrations one week prior to lambing (mmol per litre) Age (years)

Control Group:
(4) 24.9
(6) 22.8
(8) 22.2
(10) 21.9

Treatment Group:
(4) 26.1
(6) 25.9
(8) 26.4
(10) 25.8

The treatment group had larger plasma bicarbonate concentrations than the control group. The consumption of aqueous metal bicarbonate solution improves the buffering capacities of extracellular and intracellular bicarbonate buffers in mammals.

In mammalian demography, there are two measurements utilised commonly in the experimental study of degenerative diseases and senescence.
-- The first measurement is called fifty percent survival. Fifty percent survival describes the chronological age at which half an original population has died.The fifty percent survival measurement is considered to reflect susceptibility to accidents and infectious and degenerative diseases in mammals.
-- The second measurement is called maximum life span. Maximum life span describes the age of the longest lived survivors of a population. The maximum life span measurement is considered to reflect the innate processes of senescence in mammals.

The fifty percent survival measurement and the maximum life span measurement for the control group and the treatment group

Fifty percent survival:
Control group 8 years.
Treatment group 11 years.

Maximum life span:
Control group 13 years.
Treatment group 17 years.

The treatment group had a larger fifty percent survival measurement and a larger maximum life span measurement than the control group.The consumption of aqueous metal bicarbonate solution, extends the maximum life span of mammals by at least twenty percent and increases the number of mature mammals alive at any time.

Senescence in mammals is characterised by progressive oxidations of the structural and functional molecules that constitute body cells and tissues. These oxidations occur particularly in nucleic acids, protein amino acids and cell membrane lipids.

Determination of plasma urea concentrations in elderly mammals is a direct measure of amino acid oxidation, protein degradation and overall nitrogen (anabolic / catabolic) balance. Determination of plasma urea concentrations in elderly mammals is a direct measure of cellular degenerations and senescence.

Over several years, plasma urea concentrations were determined for the control group and the treatment group.

Mean plasma urea concentrations in elderly sheep (mmol per litre) Age (years)

Control Group:
(8) 11.
(10) 13.
(12) 13.

Treatment Group:
(8) 5.
(10) 3.
(12) 7.

The treatment group had smaller plasma urea concentrations than the control group. The consumption of aqueous metal bicarbonate solution decreases amino acid oxidations, decreases protein degradation and improves overall nitrogen (anabolic / catabolic) balance in mammals. The consumption of aqueous metal bicarbonate solution delays cellular degeneration and senescence in mammals.

Autopsies were performed on sheep, when conditions permitted, within 24 hours of death. Macroscopic signs of significant degenerative diseases and other diseases were recorded. Significant pathology is given below:

Prevalence of pathology at autopsy (%).
Significant Pathology (*most significant)

Control Group (42 autopsies)
*Heart 29%
*Cancer 12%
*Joints 43%
*Bone 24%
*Skin-wool 48%
Teeth 71%
Lungs 24%
Liver 43%
Kidney 24%.
Genitourinary 17%
Lymph nodes 40%
Intestinal tract 10%

Treatment Group (38 autopsies)
*Heart 11%
*Cancer 3%
*Joints 5%
*Bone 3%
*Skin-wool 21%
Teeth 40%
Lungs 21%
Liver 21%
Kidney 16%
Genito-urinary 16%
Lymph nodes 37%
Intestinal tract 8%

The treatment group had a lower overall prevalence of pathology than the control group. In general, pathology in the treatment group was delayed (sheep were older at autopsy) and progression was less advanced.

The consumption of aqueous metal bicarbonate solution decreases most significantly* the prevalence of cardiac pathology, cancer, joint pathology (arthritis), bone pathology (osteoporosis) and skin pathology, and decreases the overall prevalence of the pathology of most organs.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2012 08:54PM by Erling.
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 08:16PM

I am a mathematics ignoramus of the first order. These are two instructions for diluting the WW concentrate. One taken from your instructions above, the other from the afibbers.org website (I think). Are they equivalent?


To make 4 liters of magnesium bicarbonate drinking water with approximately 125 mg of magnesium and approximately 625 mg of bicarbonate per liter and a pH of approximately 8+ measure and transfer 1/3 liter of the concentrate (333 ml) into a 4-liter container. Fill the container with 3 2/3 liters of plain or purified water, as desired.

Making WW essentially identical to Unique Water: Dilute the concentrate 11 to 1 with plain water.
-- Example: 1 oz. concentrate + 11 oz. water = 12 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1/3 liter or 1/3 quart.
-- Example: 3 oz. concentrate + 33 oz. water = 36 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1 liter (34 oz) or 1 quart (32 oz.).
Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 10:38PM
Hi Trent,

They are the same. The top version was written 10 years ago when WW was new and I was young and foolish. The later version (bottom one) was reworded to (hopefully) be more 'user friendly'. I never liked the part about using a 4 liter (1 gallon) container for diluting the concentrate 11 to 1 to make it into a gallon of WW -- that's a completely unnecessary complication that might even turn customers away. I certainly never did it that way. In fact, rereading those early instructions just now I struggle to understand them - and I wrote them!! In 10 years I've made hundreds of batches and could probably do it with eyes closed

I always dilute the concentrate 11 to 1 by putting 2 1/2 oz of the concentrate (5 tbsp using the plastic MoM cups) in a 1 quart (liter) bottle and filling it with plain water -- that way its easy to know when I've consumed a quart, about 2/3 of my daily 1 1/2 quart ration. At 83 7/8 I like all the easy I can get ;-)

Be well !

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 26, 2012 11:25PM
Thanks, Erling. Truly appreciated.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 27, 2012 03:09PM
I have tested my saliva pH regularly for about a year - first thing in the morning. It usually is about 6.4, which is the ideal level based on laboratory testing of healthy vs not-so-healthy individuals (this comes from the lab company itself - as a result of tens of thousands of patient readings).

Interestingly, when I have had an afib attack, the level is usually higher, 6.6. My afib attacks nearly always follow the day of hard exercise, and on those days the pH is often higher, sometimes as high as 6.8.

My conclusion? My pH variability is based on issues other than diet, my diet is constant day to day, so is what I drink. In my case, afib is concurrent with higher pH readings. Persons who are ill often have low pH, however the acidity is usually an effect of the illness, not an underlying cause, according to current medial thinking. My own experience with pH would support the notion that pH is the tail of the dog.

I also fail to understand a progression of dietary intake that would change the pH level of blood, as everything I have read indicates that CO2 is the blood variable that effects that change.

Using sheep as a surrogate for human testing is unusual, as we do not share many physiological characteristics, Animals such as rats are a better choice as we share common ancestry and more physiological attributes. (However, I must share my opinion, that all animal testing is immoral.)
Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 28, 2012 12:47AM
Hi Nancy,

> I think in the past you gave a link of a good place to buy magnesium hydroxide powder. Can you give us that link again? It might have been at iHerb??

Looks like iHerb doesn't carry it. Here are several suppliers. It might be best to contact a 'compounding pharmacy'.

-- Carolina (lab grade). [www.carolina.com]
-- EC21 (links to 176 suppliers, pharma and food grade). [www.ec21.com]
-- SPI (pharma grade). In the RH column there's a link to "sample request form". [www.spipharma.com]
-- Pure Bulk (it doesn't state the purity grade). [purebulk.com]

> Thanks for the WW recipe. How should the WW be stored? Can it be in a plastic 1 gal water container or should it be in glass?

Here's a way to make WW with no extra containers (assuming you used a 2 liter bottle of seltzer for the concentrate):
-- the concentrate may be left in the plastic seltzer bottle until used up. Best kept in the refrigerator, I suppose. The bottle is made of PET (PETE) plastic which does not have BPA according to Facts on PET [www.factsonpet.com]
-- make 2 liters of WW by putting 5 1/2 oz (11 tbsp) of concentrate in a saved empty 2 liter seltzer bottle (68 oz) and filling it with plain water. The instructions say the ratio of water to concentrate is 11 to 1, so this works out perfectly.
-- if you consume the recommended 1 1/2 liters of WW per day, the 2 liters of concentrate lasts 16 days.

> Also, does anyone have the website for the pH meter? I'd like to let my friend who has cancer know what to order.

Hopefully someone will answer this for you.

Wishing you the best !


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2012 02:11AM by Erling.
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 28, 2012 02:35PM
Dr. Tennant did not suggest a source for a reliable/accurate pH meter. I searched online and found numerous medical supply houses offering them for around $100, but I don't have a guide that would steer me toward one or the other.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 29, 2012 03:08AM
Thanks much, Erling and Jackie. Don't know if my friend will be willing to monitor his pH or to make any dietary changes. He is set in his ways. But I'm going to try to pass on the information to him and then it's up to him.

Blessings to you both,
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
April 29, 2012 11:30PM
Thank you so much for acknowleding this question in the middle of another thread. If I have understood you question correctly - 3 drops per 250ml of 'pure' water. Look forward to your comment.
Anonymous User
Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
May 01, 2012 11:01PM
Thanks, Francesca -

Perhaps the only instruction for use of 'Alkalife' is "3 drops per 250ml of 'pure' water"? Because of our heightened awareness of the importance of providing alkalinity to the cells, I had hoped they'd provide at least the pH resulting from 3 drops per 250 ml of water. That information is apparently not on their website either. You might consider making inexpensive WW and know the pH, magnesium, and bicarbonate.

Re: Waller Water and bicarbonate
May 06, 2012 09:29PM
I have just opened up the Alkalife as a new topic. I intend to write to the company requesting this information as I agree with you, that the precise information would be nice to have....they are terribly convenient
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