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Input requested on magnesium
June 06, 2015 09:59PM
I'd be interested in learning more about magnesium. Specifically:

1. Brand (and why)
2. Since I shop regularly at Costco, input on the Nature Made brand.
3. Form (powder, etc...) (and why)
4. Amounts. (any studies available on optimum levels?)
5. Regularity.

Thank you in advance for any feedback.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 06, 2015 11:06PM
I'll offer my suggestions after others respond. Meanwhile, if you haven't read the Magnesium Absorption and Assimilation report... this helps understand the value of the amino acid chelated version of magnesium (bisglycinate) versus other forms. Read here: [www.afibbers.org]

Glad to see your interest in this Chuck.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 07, 2015 03:37AM
I've taken a lot of mag for a long time (nearly 11 years). Tried many different forms and brands, including the Albion glycinate forms. Can't say it makes huge difference for me. Recently ordered some very expensive stuff marketed by Carolyn Dean MD, "picometer magnesium" (ReMag) in liquid form. She also has afib and developed it 'cause she said even if absorbed through your bowels, it wasn't being absorbed in the cells - Jackie's point. However, I can't say Dean's stuff worked any better than anything else. I also make magnesium "oil" (supersaturated solution of magnesium chloride & water that feels like oil) for topical use. Rub it all over my body and let dry before bed. This is the only (except maybe Erling's story) thing I've read about actually repleting intracellular mag on an Exatest. Adding this to my oral intake doesn't make a difference for me. Good news is it all works to keep me in remission. Even when I got stuck away from my accommodations while skiing this winter because of a storm & road closure. Didn't have any mag with me. At the local big box store all they had was the dreaded mag oxide. I bought and took it. It worked, too. Mine is a good news/bad news story. Bad news is it takes a lot of mag to keep me in rhythm - 3-5g/day. Good news, any form of mag will work and none seems to work any better than the other.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 07, 2015 12:03PM
I had great success with Bluebonnet's cheleated magnesium/Albion method. I took 6 capsules/day, one with each meal. But they don't make that anymore and the new buffered stuff isn't working. Have also tried Seeking Health Magnesium Glycinate Powder, which was one Jackie found after the Bluebonnet change. But it hasn't done anything for me either.

So still searching.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 07, 2015 07:12PM
I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advise. These statements have not been evaluated by the US FDA.
This might be over doing it.

5 1/2 years ago I had a sepis infection (MSSA) bacteria from a kidney stone plugging up my left kidney, cutting into it, and pumping urine into the blood. Nearly died. I did not wake up for 8 days after surgery. They killed the MSSA, but it did kidney damage and ate holes in my aortic valve. I transferred to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, and they gave me a mechanical valve and an ablation. I had off and on AFIB (digoxin didn't help much). I discovered drsircus.com and took 4-6 mag chloride pills/day (62 elemental mg per pill). That stopped my AFIB completely. Kidneys are mostly recovered now also.

I had been taking 1700mg of mag per day, citrate and oxide, but my RBC (red blood cell) magnesium tested right at the bottom at 4.3 mg/dL. This is similar to exatest since it measures cellular mag reserves. Much cheaper, $49 from requestatest.com. Dr Carolyn Dean says ideal mag is 6.0-6.5 mg/dL. Last Sept I started taking about 10g/day (mostly oral, some transdermal) Ancient minerals magnesium chloride flakes. In 7 months got my RBC mag up to 5.3.

Following Dr Sircus, he taught that "magnesium bicarbonate" is the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail. Dr Sircus reported that a Vet, Dr Beckett had discovered mag bicarbonate and it had doubled the lifespan in some cattle. Magnesium bicarbonate cannot exist as a powder, only as VERY dilute solutions of around 1500mg/L of magnesium (maybe 0.3% - 0.5% if stabilized? magnesium). Dr Sircus mentions some people doing 5-20g of mag via transdermal mag chloride. He also teaches that ingesting some sodium bicarbonate will form magnesium and bicarbonate ions and be beneficial. For me, anything over 1/2 rounded TSP of baking soda runs up blood pressure. Others have been able to take tablespoons of baking soda and see an energy boost though.

I have come up with an indirect way of achieving high dose magnesium bicarbonate supplementation without messing around with gallons of fizz water. If one takes magnesium acetate, the body will metabolize it into magnesium bicarbonate, lots of it. Since I already had good cellular reserves of magnesium, switching to magnesium acetate resulted in an immediate "fountain of youth". Others, who were not already magnesium loaded, gradually saw the effects after 4-6 weeks. I take a heaping TSP (10g) of mag acetate in a glass of water in the morning, that delivers 1.1g of magnesium and 5.5g of acetate (which converts to bicarbonate).In the evening I take about the same amount, about 10g, dissolved in a small amount of water to make a thick liquid transdermally by rubbing it on my stomach. Any high dose magnesium causes loose stools at some point. Transdermal bypasses the gut and does not contribute to that.

[tinyurl.com] and [ask.lef.org]

is my summary sheet, with numerous links. Also, eating a slim jim (contains tyramine) would always trigger AFIB in me. Not anymore. I can eat all I want, no AFIB.

One can DIY magnesium acetate from Milk of Magnesia (MoM) and vinegar. Approx 2 TBSP MoM and 8 TBSP white vinegar. Stir. If not clear, add slightly more vinegar until it does. This makes about 10g (heaping TSP) of mag acetate dissolved in 150-165 ml of water. Consume the whole thing for a 10g dose, or evaporate it down to crystals and rewet to make a transdermal syrup. Use an MoM that does not contain bleach, such as Kroger or Dollar General brands. You want it to contain only magnesium hydroxide and water.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2015 04:41PM by ghg.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 02:31AM
Thanks ghg!

Something new to try. I'm excited.

I've made bicarb water from Erling's "Waller Water" approach for years, but it is fairly dilute as you point out. Hence it was always a small part of my mag intake. Erling was aware of Russell Beckett's work in Australia & modeled his water after it. <[www.afibbers.org] <[www.afibbers.org] <[www.afibbers.org] <[www.afibbers.org]

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 08:33AM
I take Dr's Best Chelated to bowell tolerance which for me is only 400mg./day.
All of the water I drink at home is from the "Waller Water" formula, which comes out to about a Gallon/day for me.

As far as I know the optimal level is always what ever you can "bowel tolerate".


Can you describe this "fountain of youth" phenomenom you mentioned?
What do you mean they double the life-span of Cattle with Mg? Most all cows are slaughtered in there prime for meat.
Unless there was some experiment, I didn't think that farmers were going around and seeing how long they can get a Cow to live?
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 12:57PM

Follow the links to Becket's work in my post above and in ghg's post.

"Water that Adds Years to Cattle Life and Cures Ailments"

A Sydney soft drinks producer has been inundated with demand for his latest product, a mineral-rich water which doubles the life of cattle and is claimed to cure ailments like arthritis and osteoporosis. Developed by former vet Russell Beckett, who has a doctorate in biochemical pathology, "Unique Water" has just gone on sale after testing by 100 Australians. One is Paul Sheehan, a respected Sydney journalist, who said in the Sydney Morning Herald at the weekend how it has cured him of a series of long-term autoimmune diseases. A letter from Sheehan's doctor said: "He has anklyosing spondylitis, and is now undergoing investigation for lupus erythematosis. He suffers constant back and neck pains, florid facial rash, extreme fatigue and shoulder pains."

The illness is incurable and requires constant treatment. But Sheehan said after taking Beckett's water for two years, he was no longer consuming drugs of any kind, suffered no back or neck pain nor any of the other symptoms of the diseases. "For someone with a cocktail of chronic conditions, I feel suspiciously normal and relatively pain-free," he said. A number of prominent people are said to have undergone similar cures since starting to drink what they call "magic water", which is richer in some minerals and found naturally in some places. None has a financial interest in the product.

Beckett, who has spent 20 years researching it, has been granted patents in Australia and in the United States where the Patent and Trademark Office describes it as "A method of preventing or treating inflammatory diseases or degenerative diseases in a mammal." His claimed breakthrough is based on the proposition that acids formed from carbon dioxide produced by the body contribute to fatigue and degeneration and are the building blocks for all inflammatory diseases. They are key factors in rheumatoid and osteo-athritis, osteoporosis and some cancers and skin diseases. Beckett’s key breakthrough is claimed to be the anti-acid magnesium bicarbonate in the water which travels down the individual cells where it acts as a protective buffer against excess carbon dioxide and acid. He tried to prove his theories by testing the ingredients on sheep for many years before realizing that such water must occur naturally somewhere. He found it, by coincidence, in the Monaro region of the Snowy Mountains near Canberra where farmers had known for years about the longevity of cattle and sheep. The government-run Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation had been researching for 35 years why some animals lived twice as long, and most lived at least 30% longer.

Despite the success of the trials in Sydney, Beckett acknowledges his theory will take many years and many thousands more people to prove. But through a Sydney soft drinks manufacturer Bert’s Soft Drinks, Beckett has organized commercial sales of the water. "We have been absolutely inundated with calls for it since it went on sale on Saturday," said Bert's managing director Arthur Shelly. "It has gone from nowhere to our top selling product overnight." AFP"


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2015 01:46PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 02:17PM
Anti-Afib - you should go back into our archives and read about the history of developing the Waller Water... (by Erling Waller) who, after reading Russell Beckett's science and the benefits found with consuming magnesium bicarbonate water, developed the recipe for making the home made version... using plain Milk of Magnesia and Seltzer Water. You then add the resulting concentrate to your own drinking water. Some of us just drink a measured amount of the concentrate, itself.

One can't beat the benefit of maintaining an alkaline pH plus this form (bicarbonate) of magnesium is most beneficial as well...based on Beckett's science.

If I get a minute, I'll dig into the Archives and post the links so everyone can read the history. Great stuff!

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 02:49PM

Unknown at the time, I had built up sufficient magnesium reserves from months of 10g/day of magnesium chloride. Upon switching to magnesium acetate. 10g in the morning, 10g in the evening (10g = heaping teaspoon), I woke up next morning with fountain of youth effect. Near limitless energy and clarity and focus. Others, without magnesium preloading, took 4-6 weeks to see fountain of youth effect gradually appear.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 03:49PM
ghg - Very interesting about the magnesium acetate's effect. I like the sound of the 'fountain of youth' effect! winking smiley

Did the magnesium chloride give you stomach problems. It's so often reported to be very harsh on the stomach.

Where do you buy the magnesium acetate ...and is it pharmaceutical grade or at least food grade quality?

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 04:08PM

1) I've posted Erling's links above.
2) Read ghg's links - he talks about how/where to buy mag acetate & how to make it from mag hydroxide/milk of magnesia & white vinegar. 2 tablespoons MoM (from MoM with no additives) in 8 tablespoons vinegar. Stir. Slowly add a bit more vinegar till it goes clear. According to Erling's chemisty from his Waller Water recipe - 8 tablespoons of MoM = 3 g mag, so 2 tablespoons would be 750 mg mag.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2015 04:19PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 04:53PM
If you drink 1.25 liter per day of Erling's Waller Water concentrate per day, that works around to be roughly the same amount of magnesium and bicarbonate from taking 2 heaping teaspoons (20g) of magnesium acetate. That dose will probably cause diarrhea. I doubt that Waller Water would work in transdermal mode, since a very concentrated (e.g. syrup) is needed to get good absorption. Both magnesium acetate and magnesium chloride (magnesium oil) can be concentrated enough so that transdermal administration works. All one could do with Waller Water is drink (oral) up to their diarrhea limit, which would still be better than most other sources of magnesium.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 05:12PM
Thanks ghg - do you really mean drink 1.25 liter of concentrate? I doubt that many people could tolerate (bowel) that much. But I do appreciate what you are saying overall. And as has been emphasized in the many WW posts on benefits, the magnesium bicarbonate form is highly beneficial on a continual basis.

I also agree the transdermal Mg "oil" is highly effective.

GeorgeN's approach of using multiple forms and delivery is a great way to accumulate and replete magnesium. Even Epsom Salts foot baths (magnesium sulfate) offer an easy way... plus it's very relaxing to take time out for a foot soak.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 05:26PM
Sources of magnesium acetate.


The above is "analytical grade" (> 99% purity). They will sell to the public. Around $60 per kg jar.

If you are an "institution", then Amresco may sell it to you for about $50/kg


It is far cheaper to DIY it from bleachless milk of magnesia or magnesium hydroxide powder and vinegar than the two above.
About the same cost as DIY, but much more convenient , below:

If you want 110lbs of it (two 25kg bags - food/pharma grade), contact Rich Murphy email ([email protected]). While I can't give out my quote, it is likely to be < $5/lb. Ton qty is somewhere around $1 to $1.50/lb magnesium acetate tetrahydrate from various mfgr.

Certificate of Analysis:

SDS sheet:

If one takes a standard 48oz jar, one can pack in about 3lb 4oz of the Amsyn product into that size jar, and that would last someone a couple of months at two heaping TSP per day. I don't know of anybody buying 25kg bags and reselling it in jars.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 05:40PM

I used to take 1 heaping mag chloride flakes (10g), split into two more doses usually orally. Sometimes transdermally in the evening. It never bothered my stomach, but sure got the runs if both doses were oral.

The 1.25 Liter of WW concentrate was meant as an example equiv to taking 20g of magnesium acetate. Both would blow out bowels in most people. One person here takes 20g mag acetate, (10g AM and 10g PM), no real bowel issues. The point being, that mag acetate is able to have most of the dose taken transdermally to bypass the gut, and still achieve the same benefit (e.g. fountain of youth) that 1.25L of WW would do if it could be tolerated. WW is way too dilute to have it work transdermally I think. Dr Sircus stresses one needs a very high concentration gradient for transdermal to work. Getting 1-2g/day of magnesium as acetate (metabolizes to bicarbonate) is far more beneficial than 1-2g/day magnesium as chloride due to the huge benefits of the bicarbonate anion.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 05:49PM
ghg - Thanks for clarifying the example. I agree and understand that the WW used transdermally would not be effective...and I understand from Beckett's work that it's the bicarbonate ion that is the key. Thanks for mentioning Dr. Sircus - he offers great suggestions.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 05:53PM


The MoM I was using stated 1250 mg mag hydroxide per TBSP (measuring cup).
since mag hydroxide is 41.6% mag by weight, two TBSP of MoM should contain 1.04g of magnesium
Maybe I made a math error, or there are different strengths of MoM.

Also, the WW recipe may have a "slop factor", since some of the MoM may settle to the bottom,
unreacted, after the CO2 is all used up. The Fizz water used may be various strengths too.?
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 06:41PM
ghg - the unsettled portions at the bottom of the WW concentrate... can mean you didn't shake it after a couple hours once you complete the initial steps. I always check and shake mine after a few hours and almost never have any residue at the bottom of the finished product ... but have learned after making so many batches over 13 years... that the charge on the seltzer varies so once in a while the crystals do form regardless.

When Erling finalized his recipe, he took it to a lab for analysis... and if I can find that link of the finished product for that batch, I'll post it.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 06:45PM

My error. I hadn't reread Erling's recipe recently and I made a memory mistake. Here is his quote, "Plain Milk of Magnesia (MoM) should be used in the recipe. The “active” ingredient should only be magnesium hydroxide [Mg (OH)2], 400 mg per teaspoon (5 ml), and the “inactive” ingredient should only be purified water. 41.7% by weight of magnesium hydroxide is magnesium (Mg), so 5 ml of MoM has 167 mg of Mg, and 1 tablespoon has 500 mg of Mg (1 tablespoon = 15 ml)." <[www.afibbers.org]

So Erling & you agree.

I tried 2 tablespoons last night & 2 this morning along with probably 2 grams from dimagnesium malate powder and 400 mg from mag glycinate. This is in line with what I've been taking recently.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 08, 2015 06:56PM
This was posted by Erling, I believe in 2003 when the WW concentrate instructions were published here initially... it compares the WW results with commercially available magnesium bicarbonate waters:

WW is intended to be a simple and economical replication of the characteristics of magnesium/bicarbonate "Unique Water", developed and patented by Dr. Russell Beckett, B.V.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., an Australian biochemist-pathologist and research scientist. The term "magnesium bicarbonate" is used universally to describe the mixture of magnesium cations and bicarbonate anions found in spring waters and mineral waters.
Read the story behind "Unique Water" at [www.smh.com.au]

--- WW compared with two commercially available magnesium/bicarbonate drinking waters:

- "Unique Water" is a manufactured drinking water available in Australia. It has 125 mg of Mg and 650 mg of bicarbonate per liter, according to the bottle's label. The pH is 8.3.
See [www.nonpharmaceutical.com]

- "Noah's California Spring Water" is a bottled, naturally occurring spring water. It has 120 mg of Mg and 410 mg of bicarbonate per liter, pH 8.3. It can be ordered at [www.noahs7up.com] It is derived from Adobe Springs in California. See [www.mgwater.com]

--- Magnesium dissolved in water (ionized), as in WW, is considerably more "bio-available" than is magnesium in solid tablets or capsules. About 50% of the Mg in magnesium/bicarbonate water is absorbed. To get the approximate equivalent amount of Mg in a bound (non-ionized) tablet or capsule form add 30% to the values for Mg in this WW. For example, 1 liter of this WW has 125 mg of Mg, so the approximate equivalent amount of Mg in a tablet is (125 + 30%) = 162 mg.

--- Recommended reading: Information and recommendations pertaining to "Unique Water" pertain in general to WW as well. The consumer of WW produced from these instructions is encouraged to read the literature of "Non Pharmaceutical Health Care and Unique Water" beginning at [www.nonpharmaceutical.com], with emphasis on "The First Successful Step In The Quest To Delay The Ageing Process" at [www.nonpharmaceutical.com] Also recommended is "The Magnesium Web Site -- Magnesium, Drinking water, & Health" at [www.mgwater.com]
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 09, 2015 06:03PM

How do you know that the MOM doesn't have Bleach?
The Brand at Dollar General says Inactive ingredient is only water.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 09, 2015 06:27PM
Bleach is sodium hypochlorite. Phillips brand has that. You found a good one at Dollar General. Only magnesium hydroxide and water is all you want. Kroger also has one. Both stores might have several variants, and those usually have other ingredients in them. Read the labels.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 10, 2015 06:25PM
Yesterday, I made up a 1 Liter bottle of WW. I used about 3.5 TBSP MoM instead of the usual 3. Prechilled first, added MoM, shook, back into fridge. Checked 5 hours later, shook again. 5 hours after that, reaction complete, sides of bottle caved in, meaning all CO2 used up, and no residue left over.

This morning I drank 3/4 of it (the concentrate), and the remaining 1/4 over lunch. This was 1500mg of magnesium, or about 1.5 heaping TSP of magnesium acetate powder. Energy picked up faster (no 3 hour delay for the acetate to metabolize), and the effect on bowels was not too bad, about the same or slightly less than the same amount of magnesium acetate powder.. It tasted pretty good also. Had about the same energy boost as from the magnesium acetate powder.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 11, 2015 02:51AM
I've been taking 1 g morning and evening of the acetate from your MoM/vinegar recipe the last few days, along with 1 g morning and evening of mag as dimagnesium malate. The acetate seems to work as well as the other forms I've taken, including chloride, bicarb (Waller Water concentrate - but I've never drank the whole liter at once) and glycinate. I've taken 3-5g/day for a number of years. So far seem I've not noticed the energy increase - though my energy is not an issue anyway. I've been keto adapted for ~5 years and usually run my sytem mildly ketotic (0.5-1.5 mmol/L). Not sure if that makes a difference since the ketones are metabolized differently. If I want, I can easily fast for long periods - days - with any energy drop.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 11, 2015 10:22AM
Dr Sircus did a 1 hour radio show last night on magnesium. He does it almost all transdermal unless he is constipated. Now in archives here:


Last night I made a transdermal magnesium acetate "patch", that seemed to work well.

1) Wipe down chest with 91% isopropyl alcohol to remove body oils.

2) position four quilted cotton squares (about 1.5 x 1.5 inches) in a group on your chest.

3) wet them down with about 1-2 TSP of magnesium acetate "syrup"

4) cover with a TegaDerm 6 x 8 inch dressing.

It stayed on all night, does not leak and is a lot less messy than just rubbing it on.

It is also convenient to use a clear mustard squeeze bottle to make up
transdermal mag acetate syrup.

dump in some mag acetate powder/crystals, maybe an inch or so in the bottom.
Add very small amount of water. Skake well. Let settle. You should still
have crystals on the bottom and thick liquid on top. Makes it easy to dispense
the liquid as needed and it won't dry out in the bottle.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 11, 2015 11:44AM
ghg - Thanks for the latest on Dr. Sircus.

Sorry to get back late on this. Glad your last batch of WW was perfect.
Your bowel tolerance for consuming that much WW concentrate is enviable.

Undoubtedly, the energy surge comes at least in part from the alkalinity effect… resulting in increased cellular energy or voltage as referenced in this post

Alkalinity, Healing, pH and Voltage – The Inside Story

Healing equates to the proper pH which is synonymous with proper voltage.

These are the clinical observations of Jerry Tennant, MD author of Healing is Voltage, whose remarkable personal healing story is worth noting because we can all take a lesson from his journey back to health. Most importantly, we can apply his principles to conditions that set the stage for LAF. This is the ultimate in Energy Healing
Continue: [www.afibbers.org]

The following clips are from this WW summary post by Erling Waller in April 2012

WW analysis:
Magnesium 125 mg/L (calculated)
Bicarbonate 751 mg/L (Evergreen Analytical Labs, Wheatridge, Colorado, Dec 5, '02)
pH 8.63 (Evergreen Analytical Labs, Dec 5, '02)

-- WW is equivalent to the naturally occurring Adobe Springs water in California: [www.mgwater.com]
(Noah’s Caifornia Spring Water is bottled Adobe Springs water) [www.noahs7up.com]
Magnesium 110 mg/l
Bicarbonate 529 mg/l
pH 8.7

Step 4. Making WW essentially identical to Unique Water: Dilute the concentrate 11 to 1 with plain water.
-- Example: 1 oz. concentrate + 11 oz. water = 12 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1/3 liter or 1/3 quart.
-- Example: 3 oz. concentrate + 33 oz. water = 36 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1 liter (34 oz) or 1 quart (32 oz.).
-- Example: 11 oz. concentrate + 121 oz. water = 132 oz. WW, which is close to 4 liters (135 oz) or 1 gallon (128 oz).

The advantages of the aqueous neutral to mildly alkaline metal bicarbonate solution of the invention are that the magnesium cations function as bicarbonate transporters into body cells. Magnesium bicarbonate enters body cells and the bicarbonate anions function to displace from equilibrium the dissociation reaction of intracellular carbonic acid.

Magnesium bicarbonate enters body cells and the bicarbonate anions function as an intracellular proton sink (or proton scavenger). Magnesium bicarbonate enters body cells and the bicarbonate anions function to displace from equilibrium the hydration reaction of carbon dioxide which is catalysed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2015 12:45PM by Jackie.
Anonymous User
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 11, 2015 03:10PM
Magnesium Bicarbonate []
"magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells":

6-11, 2009 [www.mgwater.com]
A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of the Effects of Alkaline Magnesium Bicarbonate Solutions on Acid/Base Balance, Bone Metabolism and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Postmenopausal Women

9-14, 2011 Magnesium bicarbonate solution clinical trial video [www.youtube.com]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2015 05:09PM by Moerk.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 11, 2015 05:57PM
Even with all that magnesium acetate and WW, my urine pH is still 6.2-6.8 range. I even take a tad of baking soda too.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 12, 2015 02:14AM

Dr. Don Colbert of Orlando, Florida has a pitcher which has a filter In it that will alkaline your water to around 9.0, looks pretty neat.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 12, 2015 12:13PM
I made up another 1L bottle of WW last night. Canada Dry low sodium Club Soda. I added 4 TBSP of MoM instead of the usual 3. It all reacted out, with no residue left over. The means that bottle contained 2000mg of magnesium, instead of 1500mg. That Canada Dry must have one heck of a CO2 charge. It collapsed the bottle into a vacuum when done.

On the DIY transdermal magnesium acetate patch.

I took it off after 24 hours. The cotton pads were still slightly damp, and they showed crystals when they dried out. There was no skin irritation nor any powder left on the skin. After a couple of minutes, one could not even tell there had been a patch on there for the prev 24 hours!. TegaDerm is amazing stuff. A lot less messy than doing the body smear method.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 12, 2015 07:19PM

By chance have you measured your blood sugar since using the acetate? I do randomly because, started sampling as part of a low carb diet ~5 years ago, which I've maintained as being keto-adapted and modestly ketogenic (0.5-1.5mmol/L). Since I started the acetate, noticed high fasting and long post prandial serum glucose readings (105-120 mg/dL). Excluded an obvious infection by taking my temperature (97.8 deg F). 28 hours after my last acetate intake, my glucose is now back to normal (88 mg/dL). It isn't the bicarb as added in 8 g of potassium bicarb to my mix this morning and last night (which also included 100 ml Mg Bicarb as Waller Water Concetrate morning & evening). Still at about 4 g of Mg/day which includes 2 g as dimagnesium malate, 1.7 g as MgCl2 and 0.3 g as Mg Bicarb. This is a normal intake for me. The glucose elevations were abnormal so just tried to reverse the last thing I'd done differently - the acetate. It could certainly be something else that I'm unaware of. I have no idea why the acetate would be an actor. Just curious.

{edit} It looks like the conversion from acetate to bicarb happens in the liver. It is at least plausible that this could increase liver activity and serum glucose, just as niacin does.

Perhaps in "normal" doses of 400 mg/day Mg, you'd not notice very much, but 2 g/day you do.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2015 12:46AM by GeorgeN.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 14, 2015 02:37PM

I have heard that the body burns acetate first, then glucose, then fat. My type 2 diabetes is essentially gone, but still monitoring. I have been off insulin for last 3 months. Started metformin (since Life Extension Foundation highly recommends it). My A1C went from 4.9 to 5.3. Now down to 5.2. My fasting and postprandial sugars have been trending down still. Guessing my current A1C might be 5.0 or 5.1. Have many before meal sugars sub 100. The sugars have continued to drop since switching from mag chloride to acetate on 4/20/15.

I have had a couple of carb heavy meals, which I would figured would blew out my before next meal sugar, but they were still about 100.

I throw in a mag malate pill once or twice a day, just to get some malate as well.

Been testing out WW this week.. Used 4 TBSP MoM, and it all dissolved.. that would be 4.8g Mag per liter of the concentrate. Consume the whole bottle breakfast, mid morning, and lunch.. Just slightly loose. Evening dose is about 1-2 TSP (level) mag acetate syrup on four
1.5 inch square quilted cotton pads, covered with a TegaDerm 6 x 8 inch "frame" transparent dressing. The TegaDerm seals the 4 cotton pads in perfectly! No leaks. Leave on 24 hours.. Even holds up in a shower. TegaDerm is rated for 7 days I think. There is still mg acetate on the pads when I remove them 24 hours later.. That patch might work for 2-3 days ???

I also take carnitine in my LEF "MEO" (mitochondrial energy optimizer) supplement. Check out this post by "DrAbs" in the LEF forum, was for sodium acetate, but would also apply to mag acetate. [ask.lef.org]

So far my lipids look good.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2015 02:38PM by ghg.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 14, 2015 02:58PM
Chuck Connors.... did you receive the information you requested in your initial post?

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 14, 2015 04:55PM
Thanks ghg, maybe something other than the acetate.
Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 16, 2015 03:58AM
Yes, Jackie, I did. Much more than I expected.

Thank you.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 16, 2015 02:04PM
A couple of more links leading back to Dr Beckett's research on magnesium bicarbonate, longevity, etc.

Found an old interview with Dr Russell J Beckett on magnesium bicarbonate water 6/6/2002.


Peter Bowers on clues that led to Dr Beckett's magnesium bicarbonate water 4/9/2003


It seems to be related to increasing longevity by neutralizing some carbon dioxide (carbonic acid). Bats and other animals that efficiently get rid of CO2, have longer lifespans. Magnesium bicarbonate seems to help along that process [of neutralizing CO2], so all of it does not have to be exhaled, this lowering it's level in the blood and tissues.

Re: Input requested on magnesium
June 17, 2015 01:46PM
On the Beckett topic...note that:

All three titles emphasize the alkaline bicarbonate fraction of Mg-bicarbonate for lowering IC pH.

April 11, 2000. U.S. Patent 6,048,553 Russell Beckett [patft.uspto.gov]
Aqueous metal bicarbonate solution useful in treating inflammatory, degenerative and viral diseases

Dec. 11, 2001. U.S. Patent 6,328,997 Russell Beckett [patft.uspto.gov]
Aqueous Metal Bicarbonate Solution and Method of Use

March 15, 2012. U.S. Patent application 20120064179 Russell Beckett [www.freepatentsonline.com]
Bicarbonate Solution for Bioavailable Magnesium and Uses Thereof
[I believe the patent was issued but have not searched for it ]

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