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Endowed chair for Dr. Natale
August 02, 2015 10:27PM
In a previous posting (see Thanks to Dr. Natale I am free of AFIB and Blood Thinners posting), I described how Dr. Natale fit me in his busy schedule to perform the second ablation to treat my AFIB, after the first unsuccessful ablation (by a different EP). He managed to bring me back to NSR due to his expertise in isolating the LAA, which seems to be a major nuisance for the majority of the difficult AFIB cases, like mine.

During my interface with Dr. Natale I was pleasantly surprised and truly moved: not only by his expertise in treating the AFIB patients, but also by the kind, hardworking, and thoughtful physician that he is. When I saw him he never seemed to have the time to un-pack his traveling suitcase, but he was always ready to tackle the next difficult case. He truly cares and it is so wonderful to have the talent and the humanity in one and the same doctor. I came to fully trust him in all AFIB matters.

I wanted to do something to personally show my gratitude for the great things he did for me and I decided to make a small donation to further his work. After some inquiry, I found out that there was a foundation in place to create an endowed chair for Dr. Natale. I will post the information here so that anyone else who may wish to donate can:

The foundation contact person is Meg Cruz-Esser
Her email address is: EsserM@sutterhealth.org
and her cell phone is: 415-508-6746.

Best regards and best wishes to everybody

Peter F


I understand that the goal of the foundation is to raise between $3 million and $4 million (of which about $500,000 has been raised so far) to fully fund the endowed chair in perpetuity. As many of you know, one of Dr. Natale's biggest passions and goals himself is to train and educate as many new EPs as possible in the best ways of performing these challenging ablations, along with his ongoing research that has been pressing forward the state of the art in AFIB ablation methodology and technology.

However, Dr. Natale has not been compensated for these critically important activities, outside of his direct patient care and ablations done at the three main institutions he both practices and teaches at. He has thus donated all of his time devoted to those important tasks over the years, which limits the amount of time he can allocate to expanding these important endeavors.

Insuring the full funding of such an endowed chair will not only give Dr. Natale a great honor he truly deserves, but one that will carry on into the future and help ensure his spirit of excellence gets embodied within new generations of EPs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2015 01:10AM by Peter F.
Re: Endowed chair for Dr. Natale
August 03, 2015 02:00AM
I think maybe that the email address should be @Sutterhealth.org. Maybe misspelling above.

I fully support this undertaking and plan to donate when some funds become available.

Re: Endowed chair for Dr. Natale
August 04, 2015 01:12AM
Corrected foundation's email address, which was misspelled, Sorry for the mistake
Re: Endowed chair for Dr. Natale
August 06, 2015 02:31AM
Dr Natale is SIMPLY the BEST!

God Bless this man,

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