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protocol doc form Jackie
November 19, 2017 12:44AM
I've been following a very low carb diet due to type 2 diabetes and have had an episode of atrial fibrillation that has been dormant for awhile. I'm wondering if low carb has caused the atrial fibrillation to recur. While researching, I came across the advice to log into afibbers.org and ask for the protocol doc form Jackie. Are you able to tell me how to access that document?
Re: protocol doc form Jackie
November 19, 2017 01:54AM
Jackie's Strategy: <[www.afibbers.org]

It is possible that a very low carb diet could cause electrolyte imbalances leading to afib. Usually this is in the beginning and is because when insulin drops, it signals the kidneys to excrete sodium. This can be severe enough that potassium is excreted also, to maintain the sodium potassium balance. The standard advice is that a low carb diet is not a low sodium diet. In fact it is recommended to supplement sodium on a low carb diet.

(I've been keto adapted since 2009 and have fasted 5 consecutive days out of every 14 since May 1st. Am weight stable and maintain my afib remission with high dose magnesium. My diet is 75% fat calories. )

Re: protocol doc form Jackie
November 19, 2017 02:01PM
Afibbers... How's your kidney function? Has the doctor mentioned any concerns based on your labs? Are you managing the diabetes with diet alone or do you also take Rx meds?

For other readers.. The Strategy and many other useful and relevant research reports can be found by clicking on the gold box at the top of this page... left hand side box labeled Afib Resources

Re: protocol doc form Jackie
November 19, 2017 07:50PM
My kidney function is fine, as are other labs. I have been managing the diabetes with food alone for the past 5 years, no meds. I am looking for a trigger for the atrial fib, as I had no episodes for a year. For about 2 weeks prior to the a-fib, I had been trying to get my carbs down to 20 grams per day, a ketogenic-type diet, to reduce my A1c's further than 6.2%. I successfully reduced carbs to about 30-35 grams, had been liberally salting my food and was about to add broth to my diet to further supplement sodium. When I had a-fib, it frightened me and led me to back off such a low level of carbs. I take 100 mg of magnesium per day to help with foot/leg cramps in the early morning. I am in my late 70's.
Re: protocol doc form Jackie
November 19, 2017 08:46PM
Afibbers... that's great! You are in the best possible place managing the glucose with Ketosis. Congrats!
You just have to be sure that you get enough potassium and magnesium to keep your heart's electrical system stable ....
as you know sodium and calcium work against that.

Keep us posted on your progress and be well,
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