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Anemia and A-Fib
February 27, 2018 06:38PM
Just had my pre op work done for ablation and the doctor found out that I am a hardcore anemic.
Normal rate is 15 and mine is 7. I am practically a vegetarian. I simply hate meat and live like a rabbit, just munching on greens and fruit.smiling smiley
With 2 weeks until ablation, I will literally have to "eat a cow" as well as stuff myself with iron supplements.
I read on line that there can be a connection between afib and anemia.
Is there any truth to that?
Re: Anemia and A-Fib
March 01, 2018 06:57PM
Are you sure that's not the cause of your afib? Anemia is a huge trigger...you can't be anemic.....and you must have B12 for your brain as well.

Doc should have told you that :-(.
Re: Anemia and A-Fib
March 01, 2018 08:51PM
I guess it is possible, but I have been advised to still go forward with the ablation process.
Re: Anemia and A-Fib
March 01, 2018 09:29PM
I don't want to tell anyone what to do...but I can't tell you how much I wish I'd taken care of my anemia when my afib started...

I have b vitamin anemia and no one really noted this...they concentrated on the hemoglobin only which was low too.

I truly wonder now if I'd needed an ablation...I was having a lot of problems then with pre-menopausal issues causing my hemoglobin to go down even more and Coumadin made it much, much worse. I was seen by the University of Michigan when the afib was first found and the check out nurse brought up the anemia and told me it could be the root cause. I wish I'd listened to her.

The docs I saw later never honed in on it so I didn't know what I didn't know. To this day, it's difficult for me to find docs that worry or will even discuss the triggers of afib...I've seen the best - including Natale - Cleveland Clinic, Metro Health (Ziv) and University of Michigan... Dr. Ziv has discussed this the most with me of all the doctors so far. He told me that the anemia causes me to produce too much adrenalin which then causes me to go out of rhythm.

Problem is ablations don't and won't take care of everything especially if there is a strong root cause....I've had 3.............

Best of luck to you....
Re: Anemia and A-Fib
March 02, 2018 12:40AM
Yes, it's sad that no doctors care to find the trigger or cause of afib. They just tell you afib will only get more frequent and severe and give you options of taking drug or go ablation. I spoke to my EP regarding my findings of sleeping on my right side would make my heart beat faster and irregularly. He just dismissed it by saying that's because I paid more attention to it when I was laying on the right side.
Re: Anemia and A-Fib
March 02, 2018 05:25AM
Yes, it's sad that no doctors care to find the trigger or cause of afib.

That's not true. They would love to find the cause and they're not far from it.

But they're not there yet. Realize that medicine is an imperfect science. Doctors don't know how to fix many things, but that doesn't mean they're uncaring or corrupt or incompetent. It only means they don't know all the answers and no one does.
Re: Anemia and A-Fib
March 02, 2018 09:17PM

wow. Now, I am really starting to wonder...
But to tell you the truth, I am too far gone in fib.
With medicine, I am still having attacks every day. Altho I do convert on my own. Which is a big plus.
I wish I knew about this a year ago so I can at least try to see if the iron would make a difference, but my ablation with Dr. Natale is in 2 weeks.
I am 45, so I adduce with iron or without iron, mu fib will probably get worse, so I should probably tryst masterful hands of Dr. Natale and move forward with the ablation.winking smiley
Re: Anemia and A-Fib
March 02, 2019 12:26PM
Yes, it's sad that no doctors care to find the trigger or cause of afib. They just tell you afib will only get more frequent and severe and give you options of taking drug or go ablation. I spoke to my EP regarding my findings of sleeping on my right side would make my heart beat faster and irregularly. He just dismissed it by saying that's because I paid more attention to it when I was laying on the right side.

Just yesterday, I had an appointment with my PCP/GP. I told him that I tested this at least 10 times - with a Polar strap, my heart rate laying on my left side is mid 50's. On my right side, it is mid 80's. I can duplicate this over and over, I've started on different sides, and tested it over the course of weeks. I have photos, in case anyone wants to challenge it.

After looking at me intently, his response: "Huh."
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