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Vagus Nerve
March 24, 2018 06:32PM
Anyone stimulate their Vagus Nerve. If so, how?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2018 06:33PM by Catherine.
Re: Vagus Nerve
March 24, 2018 08:00PM
Not sure about that Catherine, but vagus-wise take a look at Porges Polyvagal Theory on YouTube:

Re: Vagus Nerve
March 24, 2018 10:43PM
Re: Vagus Nerve
March 25, 2018 03:25AM
As I've posted <[www.afibbers.org] bathing in cold water, which I do regularly, even though I have a vagal trigger. A cold shower is OK if you aren't well adapted, but don't start off doing what I do. Hypothermia can be dangerous or fatal to the unadapted. Dunking your face in ice water will also safely do this.

Carotid massage, too. Again be careful not to shut off circulation.
Re: Vagus Nerve
March 25, 2018 05:08PM
Yoga instructors often comment about the benefits of yoga stimulating the Vagus nerve…

Toward the end of this report… there are tips for stimulating the Vagus.

And this one from Psychology Today

More: [www.healthrising.org]
Re: Vagus Nerve
March 25, 2018 05:56PM
Carotid massage, too. Again be careful not to shut off circulation.

If you don't know with certainty that your carotids are free of plaques, this is a bad idea. You can cause a plaque to break off, which will cause a stroke. Can also cause you to faint.
Re: Vagus Nerve
March 25, 2018 07:00PM
Thank you for the links and information. Question: George mentioned his A-fib is vagul. One; how do you know that? Two; wouldn’t most palps and A-fib episodes respond well to vagul stimulation?

By the way, I had an A-fib episode at 1:30 a.m., converted by 4:40 a.m. Fred, our beloved cat, woke me from a deep sleep DEMANDING to be petted. I wasn’t too happy.

For the past four days I have experienced palpitations toward the evening hours and am not sure if this could be a preamble to A-fib. I only had decaf tea this a.m., in case the caffeine was the culprit. Today, I am tired.

I have been doing a high-intensity aerobic walk with weights. Could this be the culprit. Back to the treadmill at moderate pace, to be on the safe side.

Your input(s) will be much appreciated
Re: Vagus Nerve
March 25, 2018 10:18PM
Vagal AF is characterized by episodes occurring at rest, often at night and after a meal. Vagal AFers almost never experience AF during exercise or the period thereafter. Often times, exercise may terminate an episode.

I know this well, because this was me.
Re: Vagus Nerve
March 25, 2018 11:03PM
My palps and A-fib occur at all times, although recently, they are in the evenings.
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