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What was that!?!?
September 01, 2018 01:45PM
On Wednesday, I met with my EP at 12 weeks post my second ablation - technically out of the blanking period. My Zio monitor is on its way and hopeful all is good to get off Xarelto. The recovery from my second ablation has been so much better. No Afib or aflutter, just PACs which started about 6 weeks after my ablation. I would have a few seconds of racing heartbeat but would resolve right away. BUT - last night, I was slammed with racing heartbeat that did not resolve after a few seconds. I ran to get my little credit card sized monitor that was issued by my EP and recorded it. By the time the recording had ended, so did the episode. After that, I was experiencing skipped beats but am in NSR this morning, but the damn anxiety is making me crazy. Anyone else experience this outside of the blanking period and still have a successful ablation? I am hopeful in that it resolved itself after no more than a couple minutes. Also, it did not feel like Afib but something entirely different. Could this be an atrial tachycardia? I just don’t want to lose hope and waste my life with worry.
Re: What was that!?!?
September 01, 2018 01:49PM
Yes, I had several “out-of-the-blue” tachy runs myself at points past the blanking period. Lasted maybe 30 seconds, don’t really remember now. Yes, they scare the you-know-what out of you. Sorry you’re having them. They’ll probably go away with time.
Re: What was that!?!?
September 01, 2018 01:51PM
Thank you Wolfpack. As the saying goes, misery loves company! It’s good to know that others have had it and everything is fine!
Re: What was that!?!?
September 05, 2018 01:22AM
My afib nurse came back and said that episode was probably flutter but is waiting on doctor to confirm. Since I was technically still in the 3 month blanking period - measuring by months vs weeks, will take the wait and see approach to see if it happens again. I started wearing my Zio monitor today for a week so will see what that produces. PACs at night and anxiety are still getting the best of me. Not to mention my 2 minute tachycardia episode 4 nights ago. I never had as much arrhythmia prior to my ablations as I have following my ablations. My logical brain tells me that I had to do this as Afib was only going to get worse. However, my emotional side, is questioning my decision. I hope that as time goes by, it gets better and I am not so hyperfocused on my heart. Just needed to vent. I am still hopeful this ablation is successful. I know that most people who have had successful ablations are out there living their life and not on this forum.
Re: What was that!?!?
September 05, 2018 05:09AM
My afib nurse came back and said that episode was probably flutter but is waiting on doctor to confirm. Since I was technically still in the 3 month blanking period - measuring by months vs weeks, will take the wait and see approach to see if it happens again. I started wearing my Zio monitor today for a week so will see what that produces. PACs at night and anxiety are still getting the best of me. Not to mention my 2 minute tachycardia episode 4 nights ago. I never had as much arrhythmia prior to my ablations as I have following my ablations. My logical brain tells me that I had to do this as Afib was only going to get worse. However, my emotional side, is questioning my decision. I hope that as time goes by, it gets better and I am not so hyperfocused on my heart. Just needed to vent. I am still hopeful this ablation is successful. I know that most people who have had successful ablations are out there living their life and not on this forum.

I sure hope things improve for you!
I'm scheduled for ablation on Monday... so hearing about people with worse symptoms post ablation is disheartening.
Like you I want to .go back to being normal and not thinking about my heart all the time!
Re: What was that!?!?
September 05, 2018 01:01PM
Miss Sunshine - Eleven years after my first Natale ablation, I developed both Afib and A-flutter... so had the second ablation in TX with Dr. Natale (August 2014) during which he isolated the LAA. Then about 7 mos. after that, I had recurrent flutter and he instructed me to come back immediately for ablation #3... considered to be a "touch up" to finalize the process. Thankfully, all has been calm since.

Before and after all of my procedures, I have focused on providing the nutrients needed to help stabilize heart rhythm.....and I continue to do that daily and always will - as there are many influences that deplete the cells of the core electrolytes.. Stress and worry is a huge factor so .. while it's easy to say... "try to be calm and refocus when you become nervous over the ectopy," it's not uncommon for some, to have a difficult time ignoring the blips. For you, I'd comment that it is still early to be overly concerned.

In my continuing support work with many ablatees, I find that they cope better if they are taking a pro-active stance and the supplements are one factor that seems to help. Another, is not becoming OCD about monitoring continually and then worrying about some missed beats here and there. But, that said, since everyone is highly individualize in needs, response, stress, lifestyle habits, no one-size approach fits all. I'd suggest if you are not taking the supportive electrolyte supplements that do help many, that might be a consideration for you to try as a first step.

I certainly wish you well with your continued recovery and healing process.

Best to you,
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