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Aloe Vera
November 07, 2003 04:30PM
Hello everyone,

Here is something to think about. One of my daughters has suffered from chronic constipation for several months. My wife picked up some aloe vera juice, and she has been giving our daughter 2-3 ounces a day. My daughters constipation has resolved nicely.
I was interested in the results my daughter had, so I read a little more about aloe vera. It reduces edema and promotes epithelial growth, differentiation, and revascularization, making it a great healer of mucuous membranes. It has bacteriostatic action and suppresses prostaglandin-induced inflammation. It enhances protein digestion and assimilation and decreases bowel transit time. It increases intestinal pH and reduces Candida growth and bacterial overgrowth. It has a tonic effect on the bowel, without being a laxative.
The bit about suppression of prostaglandin-induced inflammation was of particular interest to me; I have long suffered from chronic heartburn and GI problems, and I am convinced that this is a trigger for my VMAF. I decided to do a little clinical trial of my own by taking 2-3 ounces of aloe vera juice twice a day.
So far, the results have been very positive. I have noticed a significant reduction in heartburn and GI gas, bloating, etc. My GI system just feels "calmer", for lack of a better term or description. It is too soon in my trial to say with any certainty that this will have an effect on my VMAF, but I am optimistic.
Has anyone else had a similar experience with aloe vera juice? I would be very interested in your feedback, both positive or negative.

Re: Aloe Vera
November 07, 2003 05:52PM
Randy - haven't tried it but thanks for suggestion. I've been diagnosed with acid reflux and am tired of taking Nexium. As soon as I get off Coumadin I'll try it and let you know. My son and I also have trouble with constipation.

Re: Aloe Vera
November 08, 2003 03:10AM
Thanks for the info. I have a girlfriend who has IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and she is having a terrible time right now. Her doctors have phone ordered so many laxatives that when the dam breaks, I'de hate to be around. She has been so miserable for about 4 days like that. I keep telling her it could be a bowel obstruction and to let me take her to the ER, but she won't go. I'm going to send her your message. It can't hurt. Let us know what it does for your afib.j

Re: Aloe Vera
November 08, 2003 05:09AM
I have used Aloe Vera gel (thicker than juice) for my reflux over the last few years. I've never had heartburn but have a tickle in my throat and hoarseness since the reflux affects my larynx. Aloe Vera has always worked well in reducing these symptoms. I take sips of it throughout the day, but tend to do that only when I have the symptoms. I also eliminated any foods which aggravate the condition. I was not aware of aloe's effect on the small intestine or pH, but am glad to hear about that. I just thought it had a soothing effect on the irritated tissues in my throat. I have been able to eliminate reflux for several months at a time, but find any major stress will bring it on again, and then out comes the aloe vera.

David S
Re: Aloe Vera
November 08, 2003 01:47PM
Hi All,
We grow AV, Question, can one consume AV fresh, I have squeezed the juice from them to spread onto sunburn etc but never to taken internally.
If you chop them up and squeeze them through a stocking (washed!) you can get the juice. Fran might know?

Stay well, David S vlaf, 66 yy. (and the wallabies are still in with a chance)
John S.
Re: Aloe Vera
November 08, 2003 02:41PM

I have removed the gel from the leaves and boiled it wtih water to make a tea. I have never had a problem with it.
Re: Aloe Vera
November 09, 2003 12:28PM

I also have AV plants which I use for everything from sunburn to bites. I have often thought to take it internally but the taste is quite bitter. Seemingly it is fine to take fresh but have never done it except to taste. Mind you there are many types of AV so perhaps some are less bitter than others.

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