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More on Mg. Glycinate
October 05, 2003 08:47AM
Goodmorning To All,

I just got finished reading this link, written by a clinical nutritionist.


He/she recommends Mg., only in its chelated form from Albion Labs and that stamp should be on the container. Here's what she says:

Albion Labs magnesium chelates are the preferred source for daily supplemental use. They include glycinate, lysinate and amino acid chelate. I do not work for Albion nor do I sell products (theirs or anyone's). Through hands-on experience I have come to the conclusion that the Albion chelation assures no free, unbound material in the mix. This greatly lessens the possible absorption problems associated with magnesium supplementation and strongly enhances cellular uptake..


Come to find out, and maybe some of you already knew, Metagenics and the brand I have, Carlson, but also Solgar, and the one Hans mentioned in Canada, Trophic, carry the same magnesiums from Albion, so they're all the same, as long as you see the round symbol on your bottle, stamped on the supplement facts. The symbol is yellow and within the circle, it says Albion Minerals. I don't know about Pure Encapsulations, however.

Anyway, thought I'd share.

Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 05, 2003 04:16PM
Hi Richard,
I just came on this minute to the board to say that I bought, today, Carlson's Chelated Magnesium. It does have the Albion seal in yellow on the bottle. The serving size is 2 tablets a day which gives a dose of 400mg. If I read your post right, that's the one you take?
Anyhow, I do have a question......I have read various people claim that calcium could be a trigger?? Shouldn't women in particular, take calcium as it is suppose to help in the problem of osteoporosis? I have been taking only a small amount which is CitraCal 250mg. What are your thoughts?
Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 05, 2003 07:43PM
Just to further clarify things a bit, regarding the Solgar Chelated Magnesium which I have purchased in the US, it does not have the yellow Albion seal but rather listed on the label is a statement that the tablets are manufactured under license agreements with Albion Laboratories and in another section it states, "fully reacted chelates, Albion process" and then the patent number. Just thought I'd mention this in case there are people looking for that seal on the Solgar chelated magnesium.

And for what it's worth regarding calcium supplements, I have far fewer ectopics since stopping calcium supplementation although I'm not sure how my osteopenia is doing.
Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 05, 2003 09:09PM
Hi Geri,

By the way, I use my George Foreman grill everyday. Thanks for the heads up on that. As for Calcium, Geri, if you're drinking milk or eating cheese, you should try to calculate how much Ca. you're getting. You might be getting more than you think. If you're not doing dairy, you may want to supplement, but only on a 1-1.5:1 ratio, once you get your Mg. stores back up. You might try not taking Ca. for a couple of weeks, and take Mg., and see what your body tells you. There's a lot of variables, as to what each individual eats, but through what I've compared in foods, it would seem that if stores were at their normal levels, the ratio would be between 1-1.5 for Ca. and 1 for Mg. I'm only speculating, but based on Fran's diet, she's consuming, through foods, about a 1.6:1 in favor of Ca. Frankly, I'm not sure how she's accomplishing that level of Ca. though, after reading a lot of food's contents, but Hans analyzed her diet, for comparisons. (See the AFib report for Oct) If you're still having problems with AF or pac's, you might just try eliminating Ca. for a period, as it won't hurt you for a little while.

Thanks Laura for the clarification on Solgar supps.

Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 06, 2003 07:14AM
Thanks Richard for your reply and I am glad you are putting your Foreman grill to good use. I wouldn't be without mine. By the way I buy wild salmon at a store near me Called Trader Joe's and I find that the taste out ways Atlantic or farm fed. I know that you mentioned wild salmon being a better choice and I have also read this.
Anyhow, thanks again for the information on the calcium. I'm going to stop the calcium for now as I do have a small amount of milk every day and also I believe I get calcium by eating fresh vegetables.
I enjoy reading your input as always.
Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 06, 2003 07:20AM
Hi Geri and Richard,

I just recently bought a GF grill and would like you to share some of your recipes with us. How do you grill the fish? what do you put on it? I tried some boneless chicken the other day and it was dry!!! what am I doing wrong?
Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 06, 2003 08:02AM
Hi Allie,
I have been using my GF grill for over a year. I have the small one that has a light on the cover. I go by the light that when it shuts off, it means that what you are grilling is done. I also rub olive oil on the upper cover and the plate that you grill on so that whatever you are grilling doesn't stick to the surface. If I grill fish, I sprinkle some dill on it... Chicken, I spread some crushed garlic on it. Actually, these are the only foods I have grilled. You also could just go by checking the fish or chicken after a couple of minutes of grilling to see if it is to your liking. Another suggestion, if you still have the information that comes with the grill, you might try calling the company and ask for customer service and they would probably give you some tips according to which grill you have purchased. Hopes this helps you and good grilling to you.
Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 06, 2003 08:49AM
Hi Richard

My diet was analysed before I went paleo. So I was still consuming a little dairy. I had accomplished no AF on the avoidance of free glutamate, the paleo came to deal with reactive hypoglycemia. Nowadays according to www.fitday.com my Mg is around 1000mg mark but I am only getting about 80% of the RDA for calcium. Tthis doesn't worry me too much as I feel so good on it. So my Mg intake is now higher than my calcium intake.

Re: More on Mg. Glycinate
October 06, 2003 10:19AM
Thanks Fran, as that makes more sense. I think you are right about the 1:1 ratio. Maybe even more to the Mg. side, as foods tell the story, providing the foods have what they're suppose to.

Allie, I usually undercook my meats, except for chicken, and then I keep a real close eye, so as not to overcook. It only takes about 3-5 min. for my meats. I just use Johnny's seasoning salt, as it contains no MSG and rub my chicken or fish with olive oil. I get plenty of potassium by other things I eat to offset the sodium. That helps seal in the juices. I, too, have the small one, but also have the larger one, and it cooks hotter. I'd try different herbs, as Geri mentioned.

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