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Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 09, 2019 07:28PM
Hello all – Since I’ve been MIA, I thought I’d share my latest saga regarding stress levels and maintaining NSR, since high stress seemed to be a factor in helping to promote onset of my Afib at certain times. My three ablations were all by Dr. Natale. The first, lasted 11 years and when I began extended bouts of a-flutter, he isolated the LAA and followed that with a touchup ablation 7 mos. later - April, 2014.

Thankfully, all has been calm in those five years since. However, because of my history with stress and afib, I was wondering if the new stressors that recently entered my life might interfere. Thus far, I’m pleased to report that Dr. Natale’s expertise continues to serve me extremely well….and I’m obviously more than grateful.

On April 29, my son who lives in Texas had a freak accident where he broke his femur and had emergency hip-replacement surgery followed by 10 days in rehab prior to being released to his residence where he’d have to use stairs. I gave him tons of phone-support and fortunately after about six weeks of adjustment, he’s doing well… but I had many nights of fitful sleep worrying about the what-if’s… and yet; thankfully, my heart remained calm. Life here in NE Ohio was becoming “normal” again after very rainy and slow Spring arrival. I had much to catch up on – my gardens were a mess.

Then at 9:30 am, on June 30, my husband passed out in the bathroom, hit his head on the tile floor and told me he thought he was having a heart attack. The emergency squad arrived in about 4 minutes and he was on his way to the ER for scans etc. which revealed he had blood clots in his legs that caused clots in both lungs (PE’s), and was placed on oxygen and IV heparin. I followed and then waited over an hour until I found out what was going on - was he dead or alive? Still… my Natale ablation kept my heart calm…. (probably assisted somewhat by the extra magnesium I took along with L-theanine.) winking smiley He was released on July 3 and placed on a double-dose of Eliquis… 10 mg BID… for 7 days to assist with clot management; then normal dosing and periodic, future evaluations.

So, for those who have high-stress lives and also Afib, I’m pleased to share my relief that all this emotional upset did not overpower my successful Natale ablation that I continue to support by addressing heart health and adrenal function with supportive nutrients recommended by my FM MD.

And a final thought… if you’re going to pass out – make sure your head hits something cushy rather than tile flooring. The aftermath of that impact is horrific… but said to normalize with time. This note of precaution has become his comment when someone sees him for the first time afterwards, as it’s truly shocking.

Peace to all hearts,
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 09, 2019 08:51PM

So glad to hear your Natale ablation is holding well.

Sorry to hear about your son's issues as well as your husband's and your mega stress.

Sending lots of positive vibes your way!!

Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 09, 2019 10:09PM
Wow Jackie, I’m so sorry you have been through the ringer since we last talked!! Our last chat was right when your son was recovering and I was hoping all would settle down in your household, but alas Richard too now with a very scary event!

Thanks for letting us all know you have weathered all this stressful drama with a sable heart ... a real blessing indeed.

Best wishes to your husband, son and certainly for you as well dear Jackie!

Shannon & Magdalena

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2019 10:36PM by Shannon.
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 09, 2019 11:28PM
I’m sorry to hear of these events happening to your family Jackie, but it sounds like things are much better now, and that’s great news. I hope their respective recoveries are full and rapid. And for your heart, what a test! Dr. Natale’s work and your taking such good care of it are a combination for continued remission, and such great news. I have had 2 of those stress triggering life events pop into my life in the last 6 weeks, and other than a few ectopics, I too have been wonderfully calm and in rhythm. And I too credit Dr. Natale and the care I have taken of myself. And Sunday I’m off to Austin, because it isn’t quite hot and humid enough here, and to get my one year Watchman follow-up. I just returned from a few days in Cleveland. I might be the only person in the history of ever that is considering retiring to the area. Cleveland is a wonderful metro.
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 10, 2019 12:49PM
Jackie: So good of you to keep your spirit up and running well while the stress was heaviest. You've not only kept your body together during your triple whammy but your head together as well.
Managing these happenings so well during this time should be a pretty good indicator of your permanent healing.
Let us know what Dr. Natale says after your visit.
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 10, 2019 03:44PM
Wow Jackie, that was a major test. I would think you could have found an easier way to find out, HA Ha . But how awesome it is that you held up through it. Blessings to you and your family .
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 11, 2019 02:11AM

I have missed your postings, I had wondered what was up. Sorry about all that has happened but you are doing well, which is wonderful.

Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 11, 2019 02:34AM
And a final thought… if you’re going to pass out – make sure your head hits something cushy rather than tile flooring.


I just took a header in the bathroom one week ago, but for an entirely different reason. We’ve told our kids they’re old enough to wash themselves, which they do, but not without splashing a great deal of water outside the bathtub in our hallway bathroom. Well, last week I was up late and needed to use the facilities so I went in without turning on the lights and slipped on the wet tile. Side of head + bathtub wall = bloody gash! I had to wrap a towel around my head. Still hurts.

Glad to see you’re back and sorry about the hardships this year has presented already.
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 11, 2019 02:50AM
Hi Jackie

I wondered where you were. Missed seeing your posts. Sorry to hear things have been a bit haywire but good to hear your heart behaved itself through all the stressful events.

Wish I could say the same for mine spinning smiley sticking its tongue out It's become a real trigger over the last year. Any type of excitement etc and I've just got to cross my fingers I don't go into a full blown episode.

Hope everything settles down for you. Look forward to seeing your posts in the future.

All the very best to you and your family

Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 11, 2019 03:40AM
Dear Jackie,

So sorry to hear about these stressful events. As with others, I was starting to miss your posts and wonder what was up. I'm very happy to hear you pulled through these very difficult circumstances with no health reversals.

My very best wishes and thoughts for your son, your husband, and you yourself.

Warm regards and, yes, Peace!

Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 11, 2019 09:57PM
Thank you all so very much for your kind support. I’m sending PM responses to your comments.

Two days ago, we had consults on future plans and for now, it’s just waiting as the healing continues.
There are many future evaluations booked with various specialists. He’s to take it easy for another
week and then slowly begin to increase his activity level.

I’m feeling more relaxed and that’s very welcome.
One day at a time and thankfully, each day is better than the previous.

Again… Peaceful hearts to all!
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 12, 2019 12:16AM
You remind me of the old TIMEX commercials. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.smileys with beer Stay strong.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2019 12:28AM by Todd.
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 12, 2019 04:36AM
Dear Jackie,
So glad you are hanging in there. I was wondering if you are on Eloquis? My first ablation lasted over ten years. I had my second ablation three years ago and had to have the LAA ablated. I was told to stay on Eloquis. My local cardiologist believes that my risk factor is higher for bleeding than stroking and that I should be on an aspirin. I am quite baffled. I sent a TEE a year after my second ablation. Dr. Natale said he still saw a shadow on the TEE.
I feel very blessed to have had two successful ablations, but sometimes I feel after the procedure is complete, I am on my own.
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 13, 2019 05:26PM
Hello Pam and thank you for your kind thoughts.

Yes, I am on Eliquis... a half dose or 2.5 mg twice a day. I had the LAA isolation in 2014 and an additional touch up 7 months later. The final TEE (done locally and sent to Austin) indicated I had good clearance velocity but Dr. Natale felt that it was best to remain on the half dose - for life. (Undoubtedly, because of the age/risk factor since I was 79 then.)

I rely on periodic testing of related blood viscosity markers done by my local Family Practice MD who is certified in Functional Medicine. We watch the levels to be sure they don't become marginal in either direction and that gives me
some peace of mind. I do have the complication of a slightly low platelet count so even the half-dose Eliquis causes easy bruising from minor bumps or mishaps and I bleed very easily, with long duration, from minor cuts or scratches.

Send me a PM if you'd like more info on the FM and the specific testing.

Best to you,
Re: Testament for Natale ablation holding up during high stress levels
July 16, 2019 02:05PM
Good to hear from you Jackie, but I'm sorry you have had such a rough few months. Glad things are getting better and I hope that you and your family continue to do well. Take care!!
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