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Anybody had any appointment with Dr Saagar Mahida?
June 17, 2020 11:56AM
Does anybody know of, or have any experience with, the doctor above?

I'm looking to have a virtual appointment with a cardiologist, and the prospect of waiting months for even a fast-track appointment on the NHS at this time is not a good one. I'm still awaiting a rearranged appointment for a 7-day tape from January. And the current situation is little diff, even with the easing of lockdown here in the UK.

Had a lot of activity lately, now approaching 3 years post ablation. To the point where it's severely impacting my life, and worsening other health issues. Then the anxiety piles on and makes the ectopics/palpatations/pounding heart worse. I'm trying all kinds to get it under control but seems like the dam is due to burst any time soon.

Anyway, the cardiologist I saw for my ablation was great, Dr Derick Todd - he's one of the best in the UK but he operates privately out of a small town quite some distance away and it'll be hard for me to see him.

Please let me know if you've heard of/know of Dr Saagar Mahida. He's quite expensive, but that doesn't always translate into experience and quality. From what I've researched about him though, he's trained at Harvard, in France and at the LHCH in Liverpool. All of which are renowned. He has written many publications and seems very experienced for his age. Again, not that that means anything.
Thanks in advance, all.
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