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Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 02:46AM
Stil working on insomnia here. Have met with a specialist that has expertise in amino acids. My 3 am cortisol is high and so one of the things they recommend is Seriphos / phosphytidylserene. I read one post on a mental health site that anything that touches the adrenals can set off afib. I have had a few ECVs in the past few months.. so im so reticent to try. I did do a search and didn't see anything on these two supplements. But thought I'd ask. Dr. Kahn (functional cardiologist) did give me a 0.3 mg melatonin that actually worked for a few nights. Anyway if anyone is familiar let me know

Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 03:16AM
Stil working on insomnia here. Have met with a specialist that has expertise in amino acids. My 3 am cortisol is high and so one of the things they recommend is Seriphos / phosphytidylserene. I read one post on a mental health site that anything that touches the adrenals can set off afib. I have had a few ECVs in the past few months.. so im so reticent to try. I did do a search and didn't see anything on these two supplements. But thought I'd ask. Dr. Kahn (functional cardiologist) did give me a 0.3 mg melatonin that actually worked for a few nights. Anyway if anyone is familiar let me know

For what it is worth, I've taken phosphatidylserine without any afib issues. I also take 300-500 mg of melatonin daily (at this level, has no impact positive or negative on my sleep). I've taken this quantity for over a year.
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 07:11AM
thanks. I was just looking at Holy Basil as well-- but that seems to have documented blood thinning. I think I will break apart a capsule of the phosphatidylserine tomorrow and just try a titch. I took my tiny 0.3 mg and it isn't working like it did before. ie: I'm awake right now LOL! Can I ask why you take so. much melatonin? no worries if you don't want to share. I am just curious. (I have tried I think up to 10 with no result and the 0.3 worked for a week. My son took 6 and was so aggressive we had to stop it. Everything is trial and error and hopefully a win at some point.).
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 02:06PM
Can I ask why you take so. much melatonin? no worries if you don't want to share. I am just curious.

It is for general health. Only 5% of the the body's melatonin is made in the pineal gland. It is an evolutionary ancient molecule and is made by most living things, including plants. As we age, melatonin production drops materially. It is a beneficial molecule. I'm part of a group where this experimentation is common. As I posted here, [www.afibbers.org] I suggested melatonin to a fellow with long COVID of 5 months duration. It has worked well for 2 1/2 months. It is anti inflammatory and may have some afib benefit. If you spend time in PUBMED, you can find a lot of interesting studies. I always take 288 mg before bed and, if I don't forget, I take 3x72 mg during the day. The dosing is to have the evening dose be 3x what the bedtime dose is. The higher level and total darkness are the sleep signal. If I line up my day correctly, getting to sleep is not an issue for me and melatonin has no effect.

Another example. I had a tooth with an infected root canal pulled in Oct and an implant placed. With the dentist's approval, I put melatonin powder in my saliva and held the saliva on the implant. I never had any pain from the procedure and used no painkillers, including OTC. My wife had a broken tooth pulled in advance of an implant about a month before me. She had bad pain for several weeks.
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 05:54PM
Thanks George. I know Dr. Kann (my functional card) has talked about melatonin to help with covid. that's amazing about the tooth thing. I don't get my teeth cleaned as often as most because I have to take antibiotics (one of the few diagnoses that still have to). I noticed my gums are getting not happy and I am going to go in to do a supra-gingival cleaning soon- but I might have to dig further on melatonin for that..and in general. Always something to learn. Thanks
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 07:52PM
Thanks, George, for sharing your info and experience with melatonin. In a previous post, you had discussed that and I decided to try it to see if it improved my sleep patterns where I typically fell asleep with the help of PharmaGaba to help relax, but didn't always remain asleep throughout the night. I like PharmaGaba or L-theanine for 'taking the edge off' when a high stress situation is anticipated...but for me, those didn't help to produce uninterupted sleep.

So, since I had melatonin on hand, I decided to start with a low dose. Tried 5 mg and was surprised that it didn't help and in fact, I was even more restless. I doubled it and didn't get much sleep at all. Did some research and decided to try just one mg. and then eventually, cut that in half.

Amazing results with just the half dose. Now I sleep at least 6 hrs very soundly - often longer. Get up for a bathroom break and go back to sleep for another 3 - 4 hours. I found it totally amazing that such a small amount would have such an impact... Not complaining. And the good news is, I wake up rested, alert, not feeling drugged or lethargic.

As we often note, we are all different in our responses.

Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 10:17PM
What form do you melatonin users take your melatonin in? I am looking at BioAlternatives as the cleanest source - no additives at all. Just alcohol and purified water. And the eyedropper allows me to dispense very low dose (which i would want, since higher doses agitate me). But will the alcohol denature the melatonin? Or is that ok?

Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 11:34PM
What form do you melatonin users take your melatonin in? I am looking at BioAlternatives as the cleanest source - no additives at all. Just alcohol and purified water. And the eyedropper allows me to dispense very low dose (which i would want, since higher doses agitate me). But will the alcohol denature the melatonin? Or is that ok?

Per our exchange on the other thread linked above on General Health - it is powder which is only melatonin. I have no idea about the alcohol.
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 19, 2021 11:40PM
Thanks George. Yes, I remember now - you buy melatonin powder in quantity.
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 20, 2021 05:21PM
I typically fell asleep with the help of PharmaGaba to help relax, but didn't always remain asleep throughout the night. I like PharmaGaba or L-theanine for 'taking the edge off' when a high stress situation is anticipated...but for me, those didn't help to produce uninterupted sleep.

Amazing results with just the half dose. Now I sleep at least 6 hrs very soundly - often longer. Get up for a bathroom break and go back to sleep for another 3 - 4 hours. I found it totally amazing that such a small amount would have such an impact... Not complaining. And the good news is, I wake up rested, alert, not feeling drugged or lethargic.

As we often note, we are all different in our responses.


I have been trying the Pharma Gabe too as you suggested Jackie.. then I went afib and had ECV. I also had upped vitamin D. (my level is only 30.. I just got my numbers back last week.) But two times in a row I upped D and went to afib and then ECV. Was it the Pharma gaba? idk.. I am tempted to try again. I have the L-theanine here too but that gives me a whopper of a headache. the 0.3 melatonin seems to give me about 4 hours of sleep. two nights ago I did 0.3 at bed. woke.. took another. Had a massive anxiety attack and then took a titch of Xanax (like less than half a 0.25.) and I wept all day yesterday.. not a good combo for me. I think maybe I'll take two of the 0.3 at bed tonight. See what happens. Maybe a tiny tiny bit of the Phosphatidylserine.

Hey thought I would share my cholesterol after being on mostly plant based for a year. The nutritionist had suggested I add meat for sleep and I said I would try but wasn't going to do that till I got my blood tested. I went from 268 to 208. They numbers are still jacked up (good and bad etc..) but I am starting some supplements now for that. I know there are keto folks on here and if that works more power to you!! Just sharing. (I ditched eggs.. which I think can be a really healthy food for some. I used to eat daily and eat like once a month..). Meat a couple times a week..
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 20, 2021 10:21PM
If your gums aren't happy, after brushing a full two minutes every single corner of your mouth and flossing very thoroughly, try using a water pik with some mouthwash added. At a certain age when gums recede and food gets trapped without us knowing, brushing and flossing has to be done after each meal. Then water pik once a day for sure. Your gums will love you for it, and therefore your heart, because you'll have less inflammation in your body.

Next visit, surprise your dental hygienist by asking for detailed instructions on how to floss thoroughly. It is SO worth it to do it right.

I have high cortisol at 4:00 AM too, tried Phosphatidylserine for years and it made no difference. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, 1 mg liposomal melatonin by Quicksilver Scientific, and a good amount of fresh air and sunshine during the day with as much phyiscal activity as I can handle that day will do it. After a long AF episode, I sleep like a rock the next night.

I hope you fiind the solution that works for you. Sleep is crucial.
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 21, 2021 02:11AM
Thanks Lani.. yea in Mi it has been hard to get out. Well anywhere in the US has been crazy weather lately. I will look into those other supplements. When I did bioidentical hormones I got weird beats. I can't recall if I went into afib. that was years ago. (I'm 53 now.. or 54.. I forget LOL!)

I love your tooth care ideas! I will start with the brushing and go from there. thanks so much.
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 21, 2021 05:04PM

It’s known that a major contributor to bleeding gums is Vitamin C deficiency. It’s one thing to be negligent in adequate brushing and flossing to reduce the daily plaque accumulations which can cause bleeding gums and destroy bone tissue, but if one is deficient in C, then the daily maintenance procedures are only part of the solution.

You can try boosting your vitamin C levels by using the concentrated delivery system via a liposomal form of Vitamin C along with a heavy focus on the hygiene aspect and if, after about 6 weeks or so, there is no improvement, it would be best to consult with a periodontist – a dentist who specializes in ‘gum disease.’

Before AF entered my life, I practiced dental hygiene for about 20 years…. several of which were working for a periodontist. Back then, the Liposomal C was not yet available and it often took quite a bit of time to dose with enough ascorbic acid to be effective but also at the risk of bowel stimulation issues at the higher dosing….so the Liposomal C is a great adjunct for boosting levels w/o those concerns. But if the periodontal disease was long-standing, the bone destruction and inflamed, bleeding and sensitive tissue was a challenge to correct. Specialized deep-cleaning techniques are often needed to correct long-standing periodontal disease issues and the problem becomes, if the periodontal pocket depths are so deep that flossing and other standard maintenance procedures don’t work, then periodontal surgery may be required.

Be aware that just as we know not all Electrophysiologists have the same experience, skill and success rates, the same is true with Periodontists, so when looking for a referral, ask people who have had positive patient experience as well as several dentists about who they prefer to use for patient referrals.

There’s a post with a description of the Lipo C… at this link [www.afibbers.org] - scroll down to my post on LipoC and note, especially, the dosing equivalencies. Also.. much more online if you check out the books and website by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD. [www.peakenergy.com] as a start.

Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 22, 2021 12:13AM
Jackie, does the Lipo C remain in circulation longer than regular Vit C? Or is excess also peed out in first few hours like regular C, thereby requiring more than one dose a day to keep a level up?
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 23, 2021 03:26AM
Thanks Jackie

I do have lipsomal vitamin C. Both the weird stuff in the packages and some in capsules. I am pretty negligent on taking it so will slowly ramp up. (I seem to take 1000 supplements right now. and I think that is actually one of the things causing sleep issues- I notice it is worse when I take my supplements in the evening b/c I forget during the day.). A friend of mine has taught me a lot on vitamin C recently. She reads from a guy I think Andrew Saul. I just have to DO this darn stuff! I also have a friend with gum issues so I will get a referral from her. (I go to a 'holistic dentist' and will start with him. No mercury.. no root canal.. no fluoride). I really probably need to just start with getting in there for a cleaning. they said they could do a supra gingival cleaning and the dentist and my cardioglost said I would be fine without the antibiotic for that. I seem to have allergies with a lot of them sad smiley except Zith which I can't take b/c of the dofetilide.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2021 03:26AM by bettylou4488.
Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 23, 2021 02:57PM
PoetKim - When I first started ordering Lipospheric C from LivOn Labs, they sent me literature which included a small
' usage guide' booklet. Following are clips to note - remember that the point of the liposomal C is to delivery it to the inside of cells without interference where it is used quickly. I've used Lipo C for many years... initially as treatment at high doses... and then later, 1 - 2 pkts as daily maintenance for good health. Have not experienced 'excretion' issues at any of the dosing levels.

"Lipo-Spheric(TM) Vitamin C...
Our high-performance liposomes quickly navigate the digestive complexities of the body and deliver their nutritional contents where they need to go. This means more vitamin C gets into the bloodstream and into the cells that need it..- quickly, intact and ready to work.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that may cause the body to detoxify too quickly. If you experience gastric upset, muscle aches or flu-like symptoms, drink plenty of water to help the body flush the toxin overload.

Vitamin C in any form can lessen the blood-thinning effects of Coumadin or Warfarin. We urge anyone on either of these medications to supplement vitamin C and any other antioxidants under the guidance of their physician. "

Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 23, 2021 03:13PM

Be aware that there are many imposter versions of liposomal delivery systems that may or may not work well or efficiently. Look for the Lypo-Spheric TM designation to confirm you have the reliable version. Andrew Saul typically offers good advice. I agree motivation is important and once you commit and then see the almost 'miraculous' results, you most likely will be motivated to always stay on top of your dosing schedule. The Lipo C along with appropriate dental procedures should get you back into healing mode quickly. You can ask if a post procedure rinse with Peridex would be appropriate in your case. Good luck.

On the 'thousands of supplements'... you can easily take too much, thinking it's a good thing but it's important to avoid a
'shot gun' approach and target just specific nutrients for specific support. Not only is it pricey but as you say, some can cause undesirable reactions. Do you consult with a holistic or functional medicine healthcare professional?

Re: Afib and Seriphos / Phosphatidylserine
February 23, 2021 09:51PM
Thank you Jackie! I have ordered some and will start slow and low. Did not order the brand with the packets that you are using. I ordered this one - Liposomal Vitamin C from Sunflowers (with no China ingredients and no soy): [ca.iherb.com] I am curious to start this.
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