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August 04, 2021 06:07PM
So I have tried taking a trace but keep getting horrendous traces, the little heart in corner beats erratically and the ecg itself is very jagged, then it stops half way through saying too much interference, my wife then used it next to me and it run perfectly…… is something going on with my heart or is my kardia playing up. I’d put it up here now but can’t.
Re: Kardia
August 04, 2021 06:58PM
is something going on with my heart or is my kardia playing up.

On my original single lead model, which transmits the data from the device to the phone via sound (the 6L is via Bluetooth), I made sure the contacts and my skin are damp. Can use a damp/wet paper towel or your tongue to do this, depending on preference. Then take off other "emitting" devices, like a smartwatch. I notice I need to hold the phone away from my body when I'm wearing a Bluetooth heart rate monitor, or I get a lot of interference. This interference does not happen when I'm not wearing the monitor chest strap.

I’d put it up here now but can’t.

You can upload a screen image jpg, though not PDF to this website and then post the link here.

The link you'll be given to post post will look something like this. I've added in spaces so the link won't execute:

[url = [url]https://freeimage.host/[/url] ][ img ] [url]https://iili.io/oRl73b.jpg[/url] [ /img ][ /url ]
Re: Kardia
August 04, 2021 07:02PM
Re: Kardia
August 04, 2021 07:05PM

I’ve had two that have come back normal but have been terrible to look at, plus why is the little heart beating away in corner very erratic, almos like I’m in af…. Lots of fast beats together with no regularity
Re: Kardia
August 04, 2021 08:08PM
The two you posted look like NSR to my eyes. If you are using your thumbs on the device contacts, are you resting your hands on a table to keep them steady?
Re: Kardia
August 04, 2021 08:32PM
What George said. Looks like NSR with lots of noise, and noise usually comes from movement. Ever notice how if you're getting an EKG done the tech will ask you to stop talking and moving during the recording? Even just the movement from talking can disrupt a recording.

Make sure you're sitting comfortably with your arms resting on something so you don't have to hold them up. I always found it best to lay the sensor on a desk so you don't have to hold it up at all. No talking, no music or background noise from TVs, etc. Also make sure you're well away from large appliances, microwave ovens, TVs, etc.
Re: Kardia
August 05, 2021 01:50AM
Very noisy. The 1st generation Kardia uses the microphone in an ultrasonic sense and will just get destroyed by wind noise or bird chirps. Anything with broadband frequency content. The Kardia 6L, although more expensive, uses a radio link called Bluetooth which is far cleaner. In either case, good electrode-to-skin contact is imperative. What matters in an EKG is the spacing of the QRS complexes (the “big spikes”). That is your ventricles contracting and pushing blood out of your heart and into your body. Other things matter, too, but that is the big number one. Yours look just fine with a good bit of noise added.
Re: Kardia
August 05, 2021 10:33AM
Strange thing is my wife was sat right next to me and did it perfectly, I even sat at table and did it, still interference🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Re: Kardia
August 05, 2021 01:37PM
After my diagnosis a year or so ago I have been sending in weekly 2 lead Kardia recordings. I have found that its easy to press two hard on the sensors, better to stay away from my Nest Wifi modules, put my wrist on the table along with my fingers and still expect to take two or three recordings to get a clean one. As George says, cleaning the sensors with alcohol before use and wetting the fingertips with spit or a little salt water helps. I am an Android user so don't have the Apple watch issues.

Both my Cardiologist and Natale's staff told me the 2 lead version is fine for what they want.

Here's an excerpt from the Kardia user manual, (2016), on how to use it:

"4.1. To take an EKG recording with Kardia Mobile, follow the instructions below.
Before taking each recording:
• Disconnect headphones, charger cables, or any other connected devices.
• Clean the two electrodes with alcohol-based sanitizer.
• Using your smartphone or tablet, launch the Kardia phone app.
1. Select an EKG option – Standard EKG, Resting Heart Rate, or Guest EKG. All options will
record an EKG. ͞Standard EKG͟ is recommended for taking an EKG at any time, e.g. when
you are feeling symptomatic. ͞Resting Heart Rate EKG͟ is recommended to establish your
resting heart rate baseline. We recommend taking that EKG when you first rise in the
morning; the time of day when the body is most rested. ͞Guest EKG͟ is the recommended
option when a family member or friend needs to record an EKG.
2. Rest two or more fingers (it doesn͛t matter which fingers) on Kardia Mobile; your right hand
should contact the electrode closest to the bottom of the smartphone or tablet, and your
left hand should contact the electrode closest to the top of the smartphone or tablet. This
is a Lead I EKG.
3. While recording your EKG, speak your symptoms (e.g. ͞I͛m feeling palpitations. Maybe due
to anxiety͟) into the smartphone. Any voice memo recorded will be transcribed to text and
added to the Notes section for that EKG recording.
AliveCor, Inc. For support, please email support@alivecor.com or visit www.alivecor.com 9
You may also choose from two other placements:
 For a Lead II ECG, the left knee should contact the electrode closer to the top of the
smartphone or tablet and the right hand should contact the electrode closer to the
bottom of the smartphone or tablet.
 For an Anterior Precordial Lead, the device can be placed on the lower left side of the
chest, just below the pectoral muscle. The bottom of the smartphone or tablet should
be pointing towards the center of the body. "
Re: Kardia
August 06, 2021 08:09AM
Looks like mine when too much electrical interference. Our homes are full of it. I usually do mine in the bathroom…no PC’ or TV etc, take off fitness band and watch.
Re: Kardia
August 08, 2021 12:17AM
when mine would never connect I called. not sure if this is the reason but they said to wet (a tiny tiny bit) where you have your fingers/knee or ankle. I just lick my finger and it is usually the bottom part that needs help. works for me but I never had interference.. just connection issues
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