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Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 20, 2021 05:03PM
Well, I’m 3 weeks out from AF cryo ablation. Had a couple days of many (thoisands) PACs which have calmed down to now and then. The horrible cough from anesthesia and/or amiodarone taken for 10 days post ablation, has gone finally. But I have no stamina. I’m used to walking/jogging 2-3 miles a day. I now cannot make a steep hill I always could walk before. Halfway, have to turn around. Flat surfaces are not bad. My legs feel tired and that was never the case. My heart rate resting is my normal - 55-59, 45-48 sometimes when asleep. Sitting or doing light activity it can go to 80. But walking up a hill I have to go very slowly or it bolts up to 120 and I feel breathless. I was never breathless in the 120s in the past. Is this normal? Oh and my digestion suddenly just doesn’t work very well. Another story. Hope that goes away soon. Is the breathless ess and weak legs a thing?
Re: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 20, 2021 05:26PM
Are you on meds now??? Any beta blkrs? This really shouldnt be happening 3 wks out. I was back in gym 8 days out. No high HR work but pushing some weight around
The amioderone might still have a lasting effect. I take 400 mg ubiquinol every day in 100 doses. 800 mag divided. Carey hopefully chimes in
Re: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 20, 2021 06:06PM
No new meds. The amiodarone was done 10 days after ablation. I take 25 mg losartan for mild high blood pressure (which just started this year). I’ve seen several people here say they were riding bikes, going to the gym, etc. I can’t even imagine. I see my EP next week. I hope something is not really wrong.
Re: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 20, 2021 07:10PM
Ok Sam dont be like me! And go down the rabbit hole. Theyll get you ckd. Ekg mabe a TEE maybe a CT but theyll figure it out. We re all different in our recovery. After my 3/29 ablation i had terrible peracarditis for 5 days. Then 4 good weeks then flutter then a slow HR the episodes of tach in june the flutter again in july the another ablation by Natale in august. So try and chill if you are really concerned demand!!! To be seen now
Re: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 20, 2021 07:51PM
Less concerned just hearing this feedback. Have had a totally healthy heart, except the AFIB and PACs. Ejection fraction 65% no plaque every test on earth done to rule out other stuff. Was hoping for a fast recovery. But if sometimes it takes time, that I can do. I just expected to be powerwalking and jogging and lifting some weight by now. Really really tired. Not my nature. Thanks again for the feedback. I can lower my timeline expectations a bit. smiling smiley)
Re: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 20, 2021 11:26PM
Also anxiety worry doubt etc etc can manifest into feeling physical things
So consider that. Its perfectly normal to experience it. Our condition can take us all down emotionally
If you are not satisfied raise hell and demand a total workup. Echo ekg CT etc. just know youve got alota company here including yours truly
Shannon told me that once he flew from Amsterdam to Hawaii and went into flutter at 177. Its almost funny its so horrible! But here he is alive and very well
cool smileyRe: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 21, 2021 12:32AM
Yes! by all means, lower your expectations! (for a while anyway, then gradually increase your activities) You can't see what the inside of your heart looks like. Your body is still healing. If you could see in there, I'm guessing your would take it easy for a while longer. Remember the "blanking period" is it 3 or 6 months? Just remember you are healing from wounds. Give your body a chance before you demand too much. I did not try much the first 3 months, then gradually got back into gentle pickle ball, mountain biking, hiking, going to the gym when the weather is too bad. Even now, about 18 mo post ablation, I do everything I used to, but I don't push as hard as I did before the ablation. I believe that is part of what caused me to need one. Dr. John D Day's book, the Afib Cure, which is recommended on this website, says daily exercise is necessary, but NOT TOO MUCH>. cool smiley
Re: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 21, 2021 09:29AM
The Half-Life of Amio is anywhere from 25-100 days, depending on the person. A very long time this can stay in your system.
Re: Breathless and little stamina 3 weeks out cryo AF ablation
September 21, 2021 01:06PM
Oh! I did not realize that drug could hang around so long. Glad I stopped it. Since I had some sort of allergic reaction to the surgical scrub which is evidently iodine, and now I’ve read that Amiodarone releases a lot of iodine into the body, hmmmm. No wonder I was wheezing and still feel like I got hit by a truck. I’ve had multiple CT scans through the years with iodine contrast and never had more than a little nausea. So this was a surprise. I have what looks like a bad sunburn where they painted the scrub around the bandages, and now the skin is all peeling off. It was never painful but very itchy.
This forum is a good find. Thanks for all the feedback and information and encouragement. It’s different to get these things from people who have had afib rather than family and friends who have not. (But two friends and family members have had ablations and one did perfectly, the other just had her 4th — MAZE this time. Sounds gruesome. Fingers crossed that mine works. )
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