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AF Medication
July 22, 2022 12:15PM
Ive recently been diagnosed with AF and am having problems with the blood thinners.

I was on Apixaban now on Xeralto but looking like I might have to go back on Apixaban.

Does anyone else have trouble with medication and if so what side effects do you have?
Re: AF Medication
July 22, 2022 02:38PM
Hi, welcome to the forum. People are on all sorts of different meds and have all sorts of different side effects, and sometimes none at all. What are your problems with Eliquis and Xarelto?
Re: AF Medication
July 22, 2022 03:09PM
With Apixaban I was very lightheaded

But I get loads of side effects with Xeralto (ears popping all day x headaches x tiredness x ready for bed at 6pm x eyes suffering too much brightness x the list goes on x I take it in the morning with breakfast x
Re: AF Medication
July 25, 2022 05:11AM
Why don't you take your Xeralto late in the evening with a snack, I take it about an hour before I go to bed and don't have any problems. The doctor said you don't need to eat a lot of food.
Re: AF Medication
July 25, 2022 01:21PM
Thats a thought

Ill try it

Ive got trouble with my eyes now x sensitive to bright light

Dont know whats causing that
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