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Eliquis interactions
November 11, 2022 01:52PM
I recently read that Eliquis can interact with some BP meds like diltiazem and other calcium channel blockers. Makes Eliquis more potent. Since these are commonly prescribed for BP are beta blockers preferred or other BP meds?
Re: Eliquis interactions
November 11, 2022 02:46PM
I space my Eliquis and diltiazem. Plus I’ll never take together my statin with my anti arrhythmic drugs.
Re: Eliquis interactions
November 11, 2022 03:28PM
It's only a modest interaction. Unless you have an elevated bleed risk for some reason I wouldn't worry about it. Many people take Eliquis along with calcium channel blockers. I did for a couple of years.
Re: Eliquis interactions
November 11, 2022 04:19PM
I have taken metoprolol for five years now, and apixaban for the same reasons and the same length of time. In order to simplify my days, I have taken both together at noon and at bedtime. I'm still here.
Re: Eliquis interactions
November 11, 2022 05:34PM
I am on eliquis and diltiazem. Like gloaming, to simplify my life, I take them together at 9:00 am and 9:00 pm. Unfortunately, I was unaware of an interaction. Luckily, I have had no issues.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2022 05:37PM by Pixie.
Re: Eliquis interactions
November 13, 2022 01:20PM
No issues either taking Eliquis and atenolol at the same time. Been doing so for three years or so.

Re: Eliquis interactions
November 13, 2022 01:33PM
I did not see this caution for any of the beta blockers.
Re: Eliquis interactions
November 17, 2022 11:40PM
Never had an issue with this. I been on Eliquis and beta blockers since 2016
Re: Eliquis interactions
November 18, 2022 01:23AM
There seems to be some confusion here about beta blockers (BBs) and calcium channel blockers (CCBs). Not the same things.

CCBs are drugs like diltiazem, but it can also mean drugs prescribed for hypertension such as amlodipine. Any drug name ending with "pine" is a CCB (I have no idea why diltiazem is the one drug that breaks that rule). CCBs are the drugs that Eliquis has a modest interaction with.

BBs are drugs like metoprolol and propranolol. Any drug name ending with "lol" is a BB. BBs don't have any interactions with Eliquis or any other anticoagulant, not even warfarin.
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