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Fighting Covid with a fib
December 29, 2022 01:04AM
Got Covid a few days ago. Because I have asthma my pulmonologist prescribed a Z pack, and Levalbuterol nebulizer.. Two days into the Zpack , my a fib gets triggered. I am really concerned because not sure what triggered it and if I should continue the z pack or have the antibiotic changed or could it just be the Covid itself. My a fib is paroxysmal a fib and I don’t get it very often. Am a mess between the Covid, a fib and asthma . Am sorry for complaining it’s just one thing or another. Has anyone had any experience with z pack giving a fib or any suggestions will help . Thank you.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 29, 2022 02:02AM
I very seriously doubt it's the Z pack. Far more likely to be the COVID.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 29, 2022 02:29AM
Sunshine 13
I had looked this up a while ago for another afibber so I called it up again when I saw your post.


I certainly wish you a speedy recovery.

Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 29, 2022 08:53PM
Fighting Covid with a fib?

About the subject line. What I see in social media is mainly people fighting the idea that covid even exists with a whole bunch of fibs. >grinning smiley<
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 29, 2022 11:19PM
Bunch of fibs indeed. Get the vaccine, it is safe and effective, prevents you from getting it and prevents you from spreading to others winking smiley Of course it is a real and active virus, had it only a few weeks ago.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 29, 2022 11:52PM

You said the vaccine prevents you from getting the virus, yet you said you got Covid a few weeks ago.

Strange statement.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 30, 2022 01:57AM
Jackie, thank you so much .Happy Holidays !
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 30, 2022 05:21AM
I think it makes your covid less severe. My o2 dropped to 70 and my lungs filled up. My pulmonologist said my lungs were like 2020 lungs before the vaccine and had I not gotten the three vax doses, he doubted I wouldn’t had been around to talk to him during my appointment.

This isn’t the right forum to talk about covid but trust me covid made havoc with my arrhythmias.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 30, 2022 10:20AM
Goes to show how differently we are affected by a virus. I was positive for 10 days (only they first 3 days were unpleasant) but had no AF as far as i could see and feel. BTW, i had 2 AZ and my wife had 2AZ and 2 mRNA - i caught covid from her which she contracted weeks after the 4th. Her duration was only 5 days but she took Paxlovid; i took nothing except hot Saunas (70 to 80 deg C and some supplements)
Hope this anecdote does not cause trouble but i think it relevant since it did not put me into AF. Had a few episodes in the last few weeks though - all of them terminated with Felc PIP.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 30, 2022 04:02PM
Bunch of fibs indeed. Get the vaccine, it is safe and effective, prevents you from getting it and prevents you from spreading to others winking smiley Of course it is a real and active virus, had it only a few weeks ago.

There is mounting evidence, and it's a tsunami of it, that the mrna vaccines are causing myocarditis, for one thing. No, not widely, probably one person in 20 will get some kind of adverse reaction, some of which are myocarditis. Viox was removed from use for all those who loved it because it cause problems in 1/1000 users or something of that order of magnitude.

The vaccines, as has been repeatedly explained widely, and I do mean very widely in all exchange venues, both digital and verbal, does NOT prevent the disease, as you stated, above quoted. The only assurance given by both the manufacturers and the administers of the vaccines is that the vaccines help to minimize severe infection of the kind that will require intervention, especially hospital visits and stays.

The vaccines do NOT prevent spread. See the preceding paragraph. You can still shed the virus while your own immune system is ramping up, probably quite a bit more effectively IF you are vaccinated and boosted at least once per year. If you can shed the virus, you can spread it. QED.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 30, 2022 04:48PM
It's all about to change... again.

Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 30, 2022 07:18PM
Whenever the subject of vaccines preventing disease comes up, I feel compelled to point out one little detail (because anti-vaxxers have latched onto this to create FUD about vaccines)....

No vaccine in the history of medicine ever prevented an infection.

After all, how could it? No vaccine creates an impervious bubble around you. All of them do one and only one thing: they prepare your immune system to recognize the pathogen immediately and respond to it in hours, not days or weeks. For all you know, you were once exposed to smallpox as a child and yet here you are alive and well. That's not because your smallpox infection was prevented. It wasn't. It's only because your smallpox infection was crushed by your immune system before you experienced the first symptom. The same is true for measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, and every other vaccine you've ever received.

However, I find this a pedantic distinction. When people say a vaccine prevents disease, what they really mean is it prevents the disease from becoming serious, and sometimes it does so quickly enough that you never even experience the first symptom. So from a practical standpoint, it does prevent the disease.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2022 12:41AM by Carey.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 30, 2022 08:15PM
Indeed Carey. I am quite keen to take vaccines that offer mucosal Immunity (some call it sterilising/totally minimising spreading it) with very high benefit vs risk ; not so much a ‘non sterilising’ one I was coerced to take in 2020/21 in Australia and doubtful risk/benefit for immune healthy cohorts.
Each to their own.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 31, 2022 01:45PM
If vaccines prevent the disease, please explain the mounting numbers of 'break-through' infections? Such infections are found in thousands who have had at least two vaccines since November of 2020.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 31, 2022 02:11PM
What Cary said above:

"No vaccine in the history of medicine ever prevented an infection."

When exposed to a virus, if you have had a vaccine, hopefully the vaccine will fight the virus you were exposed to, and you will not get sick, or maybe a little sick as your body fights off the infection because you were vaccinated.

The reality is - since viruses constantly mutate (like covid or the flu), there is a chance that the vaccine you were given wasn't matched to the strain of the virus you were exposed to, and you get sick. Flu vaccines have been like this for a long time. The scientists and doctors speculate on what type of flu is most likely to show up in the fall and design a vaccine for that strain, hoping that there will be a match, but you can still get the flu even when vaccinated if the scientists and doctors didn't get it right.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
December 31, 2022 04:54PM
If vaccines prevent the disease, please explain the mounting numbers of 'break-through' infections? Such infections are found in thousands who have had at least two vaccines since November of 2020.

As I said, they don't. What they do is prepare your immune system in advance to fight it off. The result is that those who've received the vaccine typically experience only a mild illness. The vaccine vastly reduces ICU admissions.
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
January 21, 2023 01:08PM
Three days after my 3rd Pfizer, I ended up in the emergency room with 20%PACs and 10%PVCs, Tropinin levels higher than 99% of general pop.
63yo that never had arrhythmia prior and had checked several times a year for normal heart beat.
cMRI showed myocarditis.
Problems lasted 3 months, but time, better diet, better vigorous exercise has gotten PACs and PVCs down to the hundreds.

Interesting to note that multiple NFL players reported myocarditis after taking mRNA vax and there are ONLY 1600 NFL players.
NFL players get complete heart screens including tropinin tests and imaging. I would expect all the myocarditis in NFL population are caught while the general population has likely had >90% of mild myocarditis ignored and never tested for.

mRNA has saved many lives but it's not clear what the long term impacts on hearts of certain cohorts.

In any case, exercise and good diet is the important medicine to improve heart function. Getting at least some heart rate zone 2 exercise per week seemed to help me substantially. (Just leisurely walking a few miles a day was not enough).
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
January 21, 2023 10:03PM
As was predicted two years ago by Dr. John Campbell on his eponymous YouTube channel, the hasty administration of the vaccines has meant that a great many people are vaccinated sloppily, even dangerously. The syringe should be aspirated prior to depressing the plunger to ensure the needle isn't inserted into a vein. Inserted into a vein, the vaccine can actually affect myocytes and cause harm, including pericarditis. Instead, it's jab and 'Next!" I don't think the vaccine itself is harmful or we'd see a much higher rate of problems than we do, something like one in ever four administrations of the vaccine. It's more like 1 or 2 cases per 100, which admittedly is about as high as it took to ditch Vioxx,
Re: Fighting Covid with a fib
January 22, 2023 01:14AM
Three days after my 3rd Pfizer, I ended up in the emergency room with 20%PACs and 10%PVCs, Troponin levels higher than 99% of general pop.
63yo that never had arrhythmia prior and had checked several times a year for normal heart beat. cMRI showed myocarditis.

As I previously posted here, in 2021 I had an anomalously high number of afib episodes (for me). They were generally associated with mRNA & 1 non-mRNA CV vax. For whatever reason, I've yet to get CV, even though, for 19 months, I've visited a relative in a nursing home 4-5 times a week, the home has a big sign saying they are in outbreak mode, visits are discouraged and my relative has gotten it twice. I do mask up with an N95 while there, but staff is lax about masking and residents are not required to mask.
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