Forgive me for not working more on the translation from this originally auto generated text and google translated from a video.
It is about a doctor explaining/speculating? about underlying causes of AF (as opposed to treating the symptoms). Hope it makes sense and generates comments/critique.
Save time searching and researching and browse our holistic medical database with the
integrated kisana fikisana Dear viewers viewers have this new channel format We founded
it especially for you so that you can the backgrounds of a variety of understand chronic
illnesses can the infection detective Rolf Jansen Rosseck is an environmental and
environmental doctor Tropical medicine doctor and has kindly explained for you and to do
these series with us 50 years of experience with infections you can have a demanding
shipment expect therefore it is pointed out here that this broadcast is an important page
But for those affected it becomes apparent especially to the medical one Specialist staff
for suggestions Laboratory diagnostics is aimed and now Let's hand the floor over to Rolf
Jansen Rosseck have fun, welcome to my format infection detective Rolf JansenRosseck
diseases under the microscope today it's about a very common symptom of cardiac
arrhythmia my name is Rolf Jansen Rosseck I have a good 50 years of experience now in
the field of medicine I have two training courses that particularly interested me, although a
training in drop medicine where there is a lot about infectious diseases but also training in
environmental medicine, which is practically tropical medicine without infection because
it's about the environment here too, about toxins about the climate about the indoor
climate about the biotope in which people move and we have a detective format chosen
because as doctors we are actually walking encyclopedias, we accumulate knowledge, we
learn by heart for years and in the end we actually know everything about medicine, at
least we think so, but we often forget and this is not taken into account in training It's
about thinking, and above all it's about thinking as we actually know it from Sherlock
Holmes, the detective
Master detective who just deals with the evidence differently, who just recognizes special
evidence, observes it and then puts it into context and these connections are also the case
today with cardiac arrhythmias and many have experienced this arrhythmia themselves - it
could be different
There are even some symptoms that are of a kind of syncope they have that then
sometimes I just heard from a colleague who collapsed on the street, but that's serious,
but often it's just something similar to a feeling of discomfort in the chest. Sometimes it
can even lead to nausea, I know of Patients who have back pain, exactly in the spot on the left side and that could sometimes
be the first indication and we are only talking about problems that have been around for a
long time observed They have already been to the cardiologist who have done ECGs, who
may have also done HV heart rate variability but where at long last the cause cannot be
found and what we want in this format we want to take a different look as I always say and
we want to look for clues that can possibly lead us further, that let us dig deeper and that
let us find the causes In my practice, which I have been running for decades, it has now
been intensified again since 2019 in Berlin. Of course, only patients who have been sick for
a long time, chronically ill, who have tried everything, who have gotten through with
nutritional supplements or specific therapies
Hospital stays by different hands therapeutic hands have gone from the alternative
practitioner to the doctor and in this case also to the cardiologist, for example who is of
course particularly concerned with the cardiac arrhythmia cares and who of course also
has a lot of experience and who then assesses the ECG or the heart rate variability the
heart rate variability for those who have it don't know this is the evaluation of thousands of
heartbeats and you can do it with a so-called fresh analysis With a certain mathematical
procedure you can just carry out the evaluation and look at the percentages of the short
distances and the long distance and puts them in perspective, so to speak, and you
can then say a lot about the state of health, for example in the intensive care unit the
comatose Patients because you can no longer ask them how do you feel then you can find
out more not only from the ECG but also from the so-called HRV, as the symptoms
are diverse and this is what we're talking about, there may be solutions, but if the patient
doesn't have a real heart disease, a silent one, so to speak, there's basically no way to get
closer to the causes because, as I said, I'm a tropical medicine specialist, and a lot of
patients come to me through my Experience in infectiology but not only on tropical
infections but of course also relates to other infections
and here the focus is on the frequent because more common than the acute infections are
the chronic ones and the problem with the chronic infections is that they are not even
considered a chronic infection because the symptoms, which indicate the infections, are
so quiet and so inconspicuous The question she asks when I look at my patients from the
perspective of cardiac arrhythmia is there some, yes there are even a lot of them and I
have to say that the patients who come to me don't have an infection. In the past they said
I still have the blosis (borrilosis?) I've never seen a patient in 50 years who only has borulose, but what
we see and that's the interesting thing is that we see a lot of intracellular infections that
are chronic and when we examine the patients and that's basically what we do with this
forensics The detective also needs a little more testing of certain parameters, which often
goes far beyond what the normal doctor can or is allowed to do in routine, that is, we
continue the subject, we look at a lot of parameters that go further into it Go deeper and if
you go deeper when it comes to infections then you very quickly get to the chronic
intracellular infections and these are always the infections that if you think about
environmental medicine through exposure to animals, for example, that can be in the
household through my cat Dog or if I have a little more maybe I still have chickens or have
pigeons at home or if I'm just directly active in this area either because of my hobby or my
job as a farmer or as a forester or of course as a hunter or as one of the simply the If I love
nature, then of course I not only come into contact with the animals because I hold them
or look after them or meet them in some other way. I can also be petting them when I'm
out and about with the grandchildren, but of course I can also talk to them through the
vectors like we call them through the vectors we all know the ticks, much less is known
that fleas can, above all, transmit diseases
sitting on the cat Fleas But they can sit on the dog and then at some point they naturally
want to get on people and the bare skin is preferred by the fleas and that's how I can get
these infections and since the patients know me from the Internet if you go by Rolf
JansenRosseck Just enter it into Google and you can find me relatively quickly if they
know that I deal with infections and if they know that because of their long medical history
they haven't really been asked yet then they come to my practice and what do I see
Because there I see, for example, that patients, we just had two children who were infected
in daycare with a very specific type of bacteria that we are not that familiar with, namely
the brzella from the American microb
Buce Brucella in English or brzellose or brutzella is what we call the germ, a germ that
is not very much in focus but is relatively common, especially in dogs, also bruzella
Kanisbrucellosis of the dog that is too onotic to humans, that's what we call it when a
pathogen can be transmitted from animals to humans and what we just had were two
children from the daycare center probably contact not at home but in the daycare with
the dog, why because there are sometimes children in the daycare who are not doing
so well
who may have psychological problems because of problems that the parents have at
home in the family, this is passed on to the children, the children become conspicuous and
what the daycare offered in this case was just a visit from a therapy dog, as far as there is
no problem at all Of course I also hug this dog, he was very tame, he wasn't aggressive
either, but the problem is, of course, when I hug the dog, which the children often do, as
you know, they come into very close contact, sometimes even with saliva The dog can lick
the child relatively quickly, it can be on the hand and sometimes even on the face. You
have seen all this before and such a pathogen can of course be transmitted via saliva. The
brzeller pathogen is found in all body fluids In this case, brzell caris, which came from the
dog, was probably passed on to these children. What makes this even more difficult is that
this dog was a therapy dog, that was the positive, the negative was that this dog owner just
bared this dog, that is, fed them with raw meat You can't always tell the origin or its origin
when you buy the meat as raw meat as feed meat, you often don't know where exactly it
comes from, that depends a bit on the seller and in this case it was probably the case that
possibly There were pathogens in there, the dog was infectious and had these two children
with brzellanis. We were able to prove it in the laboratory
Special laboratory just infected and infected the children, what does that have to do
with cardiac arrhythmia not in everyone and in this case in the children not because we
recognized it relatively early on, but in the case of chronic infections they are caused by
brzill or by other pathogens such as ticks, fleas or other biting insects, sometimes even
mosquitoes can be transmitted because the heart can be involved and we noticed that,
that was the indication that I want to point out here that we had patients and not that rare, I
would say 10 to 30% depending on the season, that is sometimes a
a little different and depending on where the patients come from, from southern Europe to
northern Europe or from central Europe, it sometimes plays a big role when the spread of
these infections is weighted a little differently in Europe and in this respect there are
patients who come from certain endemic areas where there are Infections that are actually
more common than what we have seen and that is the important thing and that is the link
and that is the evidence and that is what our forensics the detective's forensics can show
this differentiated laboratory examination we just see when the patients These different
infections sometimes have several, as I said, then it can happen
There is involvement of the heart, it doesn't always have to be heartbreak, it doesn't have to
be dramatic either
lead to a heart attack but it can simply be a silent infection of the various layers of the
heart, this can be the pericardium, pericarditis, this can be the heart muscle, myocarditis,
which is actually the most common and it can7
The inner wall of the heart can also be affected, which can then lead to endocarditis.
These three layers of the heart, so to speak, can be affected. I myself had this in the
I had an infection that was also transmitted by ticks. I had pericarditis that went
undetected for years. It was only noticeable when I was lying on my left side. I have pain,
which is why I have to spend a long time on my right side until at some point at the
University Hospital in Hanover with a very skilled, very experienced cardiologist we were
able to see through a heart examination that there was an effusion in the pericardium, an
inflammatory effusion that had existed for years, so we are talking about chronic problems
here, even if it wasn't the pericardium is but the heart muscle then exactly then it can
happen that the heart muscle is silently chronically inflamed it is called myocarditis a
chronic myocarditis the disadvantage if it is chronic I cannot simply take blood and do a
blood culture as is very often done in The university clinics also use the cardiologist to
determine whether the blood culture is positive. Unfortunately, and this is almost always
the case, it is a so-called blood culture-negative inflammation of the heart muscle, i.e. a
blood culture-negative myocarditis. The only way to do this is through special forensics,
namely through the detection of Antibodies that then show that it is a chronic phase of
such an infection, this does not have to be reported to us, the acute phase would have to
be reported and we then see all too often in these patients that they are
in a combination sometimes oneLyme disease then also a sizzleless sometimes also
these important ones the kxellosis kxella burnetti is the name of this pathogen which
comes along very easily as pneumonia and then causes a chronic infection and, among
other things, a chronic inflammation of the heart muscle, which can also be proven
serologically using antibody detection There aren't many in special subscriptions and the
nice thing is that when I pick up this trail, when I have this evidence in my hand, I can
assume that there is a connection to them
Cardiac arrhythmia and what I noticed in the context of my decades of experience is that if
these infections and thus myocarditis are consistently treated adequately over a long
period of time, then the cardiac arrhythmia goes away and that's what I wanted to say if
you have a cardiac arrhythmia you should be careful Now for the cardiologist who perhaps
doesn't know how it is now in my network, I give lessons on the Internet, an online course
and there were already a number of cardiologists there and the one I know very well who is
in West Germany was very, very happy said, my goodness, I'm now looking at my patients'
heart problems with a completely different look, the other look as I always say, and I gave
him this other look and he's very, very, very happy and he's already seen a lot of patients the
last few months
also found that correspond exactly to these criteria that were found in forensics during the
intensive search for these indications for these antibodies of this chronic infection and so
you can proceed accordingly and that then goes far beyond the scope the heart rate
It's a very important parameter that also shows what your heart health is like, it just goes
into more depth and you can say the cause of the change in both of these measurement
methods can also be such an infection, that is, whoever has it is the person affected You
should always ask yourself, take a look at the file6
Have I kept this evidence of what Rolfen Ross said? Have I ever had kxella examined? Have
I ever had brood cells examined? Have the bulose been examined correctly? Maybe
chlamydia, mycoplasmas or of course today in the post-covid era, of course, those too
Viruses have been examined WN we also have a lot of viruses that affect the heart muscle
in the same way and can infect chronically, that is EBV CMV but of course it also plays a
very big role in covid and post-covid and everything has to be included in the differential
be included in forensics included in laboratory diagnostics good if you haven't done it yet
it's not that bad, the only important thing is that you think about it and that is the purpose
of this format to draw your attention to please check that your forensics is complete
Because my motto is always never give up and don't put up with your patient's complaints
and don't do any coping. It's always the psychological approach and saying, well, I'm just
older, well, I have to get used to it, it's just chronic still if you go into depth, if you improve
forensics, if you request new tests, there is always the possibility of finding the cause,
please remember to bring this to the attention of your doctor, either your family doctor,
sometimes the alternative practitioner, but often in this contextcardiac arrhythmia The
cardiologist, it's important to me that you think about this, never gives up and always asks
yourself what could be the further cause
There is a new topic on my show every week and you are my intelligent audience. I also
depend on you for your feedback. Just write to me and if you have any further requests, if
you can think of something else that I haven't made the topic of yet, send it to me and
subscribe to my newsletter
Thanks for your attention, see you next week on the new topic when it comes again
is called Rolf JansenRosseck disease detective takes a closer look at illnesses, see you
soon, many thanks to himinfection detective and doctor Rolf JansenRosseck If you are
looking for more information on this topic then visit the homepage Here, those affected can, on the one hand, find a lot of valuable
additional information and, on the other hand, medical professionals can delve deeper into
It is important to us that we were able to impart such valuable knowledge from an
experienced doctor to you and hope that this knowledge is not lost to peoplehow it is
carried on, thank you very much
German (auto-generated)