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Dr. John Day's Feb newsletter on AFIB
February 08, 2024 04:16PM
Re: Dr. John Day's Feb newsletter on AFIB
February 09, 2024 06:11PM
Thanks for posting. Just further emphasizes that with a lot of things afib, everything is not always clear cut and even the way we looked at things a few years ago is changing.
Re: Dr. John Day's Feb newsletter on AFIB
February 10, 2024 11:15PM
Reading this newsletter tells me everything I am doing is of no benefit!!!!

I have A Fib and am taking 5000iu vitamin D and take fish oil and super cod liver oil I actually feel less A Fib while on these products.
What is a person to believe now as there is so much information for and against all supplements.
Re: Dr. John Day's Feb newsletter on AFIB
February 10, 2024 11:48PM
What is a person to believe now as there is so much information for and against all supplements.

What you can believe is that the supplements industry sells enough product that they feel no need to spend money to prove their products actually work, or even that they're safe. And they never will until someone forces them to, and that's unlikely to happen because they can't patent natural supplements. No company is going to spend millions doing clinical trials on vitamin D (or whatever) if every one of their competitors will benefit equally from the results. The solution would be for the industry to form a trade association that could fund such product testing, but I'm sure we'll never see that happen unless governments force the issue, which I'm even more certain we won't.

About all you can do is only buy products that carry a USP stamp on the label (in the US). That at least ensures that what's in the bottle is what they claim it is.
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