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Apple HRV demo of chaotic R-R interval (typical of Afib)
March 30, 2024 03:45AM
Dear Wife recently had Tikosyn induction, and did not self-convert. 36 hours later a 200 joule electrocardioversion brought her right into NSR. Unfortunately that lasted only 56 hours. There is no question here, but I thought I share the rather dramatic shift in the Heart Rate Variation. Each data point represents the variation in R-R intervals over a sixty second observation period, taken about every 4 hours.
Re: Apple HRV demo of chaotic R-R interval (typical of Afib)
March 30, 2024 04:03PM
I can only sympathize with her and hope she's not doing so badly, all things considered. It's a great illustration, though, of how variable a rate can be from hour to hour.
Re: Apple HRV demo of chaotic R-R interval (typical of Afib)
March 30, 2024 09:00PM
One thing to be aware of with Tikosyn is that it becomes more effective the longer you're on it, so I wouldn't give up too early.
Re: Apple HRV demo of chaotic R-R interval (typical of Afib)
April 04, 2024 05:26PM
Incidentially, found that Apple watch also has a utility to "Track one's AFb history and log triggers".

@ cary, thanks for the well wishes. The Dear Wife is trying to get another cardioversion while we wait for Cleveland to schedule a catheter ablation (two to three months).
We met with Dr. Wazni, who trained under Dr. Natale when he was at Cleveland.
Re: Apple HRV demo of chaotic R-R interval (typical of Afib)
April 04, 2024 06:57PM
Incidentally, found that Apple watch also has a utility to "Track one's AFb history and log triggers".

Yes. Once the watch "learns" that you have afib it tracks your episodes if you wore the watch. Your IPhone will ping you once a week and tell you the percentage you had afib and provide you w a graph. Mine pings me every Monday morning.
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